The Heavens Come

Chapter 529: The black cricket 4 of the destroyer wil

Obviously, Xiaolong has a wonderful fate with the Four Swords of Xunxian. He is destined to be the man who will collect the Xuanxian Swords completely, so Ye Ting is ready not to disturb him and let him solve Ding Yin himself.

Ding Yin watched carefully as Ye Xing walked away, his heart was slightly relieved. Although he was very sighed just now, he could see Ye Chui's right-handed metal beast-like figure in his right arm, but he felt some instinct. When Ye Ting left his sight and looked at Xiaolong again, Xiaolong was also wrapped in lightning, and his right hand waved, and the immortal sword had appeared in his hand.

"Absolutely immortal?" Ding Yin said for a moment, then disdainfully said, "After I became a qualified person, I faintly felt the breath of the immortal four swords. It originally came from you. You have the immortal of the four swords. However, you should know that of the four swords of the Nianxian, the Nianxian is the first, followed by the killing and trapping of the immortals, and the most immortal is the last and the weakest sword. "

"Really?" Xiaolong shook his flowing long hair, sneering in his heart. Should I tell you that I was the master of Xunxian?

The four swords are well-known. He has been in charge of the Xixian Sword, and has dug the power of this Chinese magic soldier to the extreme. Although he is in control of the Juxian Sword, he can still easily control this Juxian with the experience of controlling the Juxian To the fullest.

With the sound of crackling thunder, the blue electric light on Xiaolong's body was diffused, making his body as if made of thunder. This is the thunder **** body. He screamed in his mouth and turned the immortal into a flash of lightning. Ding Yin.


The blue electric light and the cyan sword light immediately collided with Ding Yin's blood in the hands of the fairy.

In the distance, Ye Ting glanced back at the scene of the battle, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Xiaolong should have no problem with him ... Now we should solve Rocky as soon as possible."

Originally, Ye Ting followed Claudia's guidance to solve the seventh Loki, but when Mary was delayed, the seventh Loki was given to Xiaomei to solve. At this time, he and Claudia resolved Ya contacted, knew the position of the eighth Rocky avatar, and immediately began to move in that direction.


On a tall building in Main Street, Queens, Hawkeye was standing on the top of the building, and he hurriedly shot a flying arrow at the killers around him.

The picture of the alien army invading by archery is somewhat weird, but these are not important, as long as the hero is handsome and cool enough!

At this moment, Eagle Eye suddenly saw a Chitari flying in the distance, and Rocky was standing on that aircraft.

Hawkeye immediately pulled up his bow and arrow and aimed at Rocky.

嗖 ——

One arrow shot.

The experience of being brainwashed by Loki made Hawkeye obviously hostile to Loki.

However, the flying arrow hit the Rocky's throat that was flying fast on the aircraft. However, Rocky was an Asgard, after all, he was very alert, he stretched out his hand and caught the flying arrow. In the hands.

Just want to hit him?

Rocky held the arrow, turned his head in the direction of the hawk's eye, and showed a smug smile.

Then the arrow exploded with a bang, and the aircraft with Rocky suddenly fell down into the ground ...

The aircraft fell to the ground and smashed into a shop.

After all, Rocky's physique is still very strong. Wow, he pushed the shelf pressed on his body angrily, and opened his mouth full of anger with a depressing roar. But at this moment, Ye Ting's figure suddenly appeared. The blue teleportation energy appeared in front of him.

Seeing Ye Xing, Lokina swallowed the roar in her mouth, turned her head, and was about to escape.

However, Ye Ting had already taken the right hand Hatch Venom Dabaojian and the Beast Divine Soldier and pierced Rocky's body. He couldn't help but sigh: "Well, how about you? Earth."

Rocky's body disappeared quickly, this is the eighth Rocky.

Ye Ting took out his scepter and glanced at it. Now the scepter is about to fully recover its color.

"Master, I found the positions of the last two avatars." Claudia's voice sounded in Ye Ting's mind at this moment.

"Okay, tell me." Ye Chui said quickly.

He quickly got the orientation of the last two Rockies.

One of them was very close to Xiaomei, so Ye Ting told Xiaomei that she would solve the Rocky after killing the seventh Rocky, and Ye Ting opened the portal to solve the last tenth. Rocky.

Killing ten Rockies can completely kill Rocky, and then just enter the wormhole and completely kill the Chitari Army's warships, and then you will get the soul gem.

With the blue transmission of energy, Ye Xing appeared in front of the tenth Loki.

This Rocky avatar is standing on the square in front of the Stark Industrial Building. Ye Ting appeared behind him. After sensing Ye Ting, he turned hurriedly and vigilantly, holding the scepter in his hand, revealing a pair of An angry look.

"The last one." Ye Ting, holding the beast **** soldier in his right arm, walked towards Loki.

At this moment, just listening to the sound of a bang, a huge thing suddenly turned and blasted to Ye Xing, fiercely powerful.

Ye Ting responded in time, and quickly resisted by the beast **** soldier, and made a crashing sound. The slate ground under his feet suddenly shattered, his body involuntarily moved backwards for several meters, and stepped on the slate in every step. A large pit, you can see how powerful the impact was.

And the thing that banged at Ye Xing was a huge axe with a strange shape.

"This ax ..." Ye dangled, looking up at the sky.

Chitari invaders in the wormhole over New York continued to flow in, and in addition to flying Chitari and the whale ship, at this time, a huge warship also drilled in from the wormhole. Floating in mid-air, a white light was falling from the battleship and landed on one side of the square.

This is a beam of teleportation, and five people's figures loomed out of it.

唰 ——

The tomahawk, which had previously blasted Ye Xing, was somewhat summoned, flew back quickly, and fell into the hands of a huge monster in the beam of light.

"Hei Wu Wu Jiang !?" Ye Ting was shocked.

The tomahawk just now is the tomahawk used by the black dwarf star who appeared in Complex 3, and the huge monster is the black dwarf!

The black dwarf is the stupid big man who appeared in New York with Umu Hou in Fulian 3, and fought against Iron Man and Weird. One arm was cut off by the pharaoh using teleportation magic, and completed the broken arm stalk of the Disney collusion. In the final decisive battle with Dr. Banner, equipped with anti-Hulk armor, was killed by a spiral of ascension.

In Compound 4 he crossed from the past to the future and was trampled to death by the giant Ant-Man.

"Isn't there in Confederation 1 ... the ghosts of the survivors who summoned them to the earth's battlefield?" Ye Chui couldn't help guessing, a flash of excitement burst into his heart, but he was a little confused, "But Marvel The movie universe is different from the comics. The black quintet will be changed to the four generals ... Is the five complete in the game of God? "

When Ye Ting thought about it, the transmission beam disappeared, revealing the appearance of the five figures.

"Huh?" Ye Ting glanced over them, recognizing their identities, the black dwarf, the dead blade general, the dark night neighbor, the ebony waiting ... But the fifth person seemed to come to make up the number, "The last one is not the black magpie five generals, It was in the reunion 1 that the Chitari leader who was in charge of handing over to Rocky was killed by a hammer in the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Undoubtedly, this Kitari leader is a dragon suit.

"He's a survivor. He joined the game with this commander's identity ... He was the summoner of the Four Black Squads." Ye Ting determined in his heart and looked at the warship in the sky again. ? "

"You guys, how do you ..." Rocky looked at the black cricket four generals and the dragons who made up the numbers with surprise.

The ebony in the middle of the four generals raised his hand and waved, and the slate at the foot of Rocky suddenly lifted up. When a steel bar was rolled up, it wrapped around Rocky. He was bound by Rocky's exclamation and his body was also Fly up and quickly flew to the Qitarui leader.

Umu Hou is a mage. UU reads He is still very strong. When he first appeared on the game, he tied the Thor Thor with magic. Later, he even easily and strangely killed the strangeness in New York. Unfortunately, he died a little bit. : Little Spider and Iron Man join forces to open a hole in the spaceship, **** him into the universe and suffocate to death ...

"I did not expect that there are people like you on this earth, but since we have come here, you must die." The dead general, the chief of the four generals, with a cold smile on his face, took the lead and killed the blade with his hand. .

The only female Dark Night Proxies in the Generals of the Dead and the Four Generals are husband and wife. They are responsible for catching Phantom in Compound 3, and when they enter the game, they attack the Phantom's waist and paralyze one of the strongest combat powers of Phantom.

But then he and Dark Night were stopped by the American team and the Black Widow, and the Wolverine fled. At the end of the 3 major reunification battles, their husband and wife were also doubled by Mirage and the Red Witch and killed separately.

Among them, the two black players are also the most watery.

The comic book is so powerful that it can kill the X-Men. In the movie, not only was the sword stolen by the black widow, but the black widow also behaved like he did in the fifth and fifth. It can be said that it was eliminated by the movie. Weak serious.

However, at this time, Ye Ting can feel that the black cricket in front of him will definitely be different from that in the movie. I am afraid that they have been greatly strengthened. Each of these four is at least a level of difficulty BOSS.

The black cricket will soon rush to the front of Ye Xing. The black dwarf has a strong defense ability. He immediately resisted Ye Xing's attack first. The General of the Dead Blade and the neighboring star of the night were walking around. Their weapons were also war blades And the magic gun, waiting for the opportunity to launch a sneak attack.

The ebony waiter stood in the distance, and waved his hand to turn the nearby trees and stones into sharp cones, which shot continuously at the leaves.

The four cooperated with each other to launch an onslaught against Ye Ting!