The Heavens Come

Chapter 559: This is the sense of sadness of a class

With the help of the book of life, the little fox captured Harry's life and replaced Harry as the ambassador of this **** king game.

So what she now has is the image of Halliday's "omnipotent and all-encompassing Arnock" in the oasis, which is a wise old man with a shape similar to that of old magicians such as Gandalf and Dumbledore. She is in a white space. , There is the background world of the King of Gods game, you can use God's perspective to see everything happening in the game.

However, the little fox now only opens up the perspective of God. She belongs to the GM of the game, but cannot change the rules of the game.

In other words, she can't directly give the game's rewards to Ye Ting, or add a dozen of BUFF to Ye Ting at one go, but she can provide almost all information to Ye Ting, which is completely enough.

Ye Ting also learned from the little fox that the game did not involve the survivors.

"What fun is this game to be able to hang up to this level." Watching the little fox and Ye Tzu exploring the characteristics of the ultimate map hanging from the perspective of God, Xiaolong sighed and couldn't help but stand.

"Yeah, it's really no fun." Upon hearing Xiaolong's sigh, Ye Ting immediately showed an agreeable expression and patted Xiaolong's shoulder. "In fact, I miss the most but when a game can only earn a few hundred points ... I'm actually not at all interested in Kaihang, but my destiny is returned, and my **** is attached, and I can crush other survivors without knowing it. I'm desperate what I can do. "

Listening to Ye Ting's sigh, Xiaolong nodded faintly, feeling that Ye Ting was really difficult, but he soon realized that he was wrong: "Wait, have you ever had a game that only earned a few hundred points?" A few thousand points in each game are playing abnormally! "

"Is that so? Well, what a failure! I never experienced a game with hundreds of points!" Ye Cui continued.

Xiaolong: "..."

Pretend to be a perfect match with Kaikai.

However, this game was created by the King of Gods. Xiaolong still worships the King of God very much. Although he does not know what the purpose of this game is, from the perspective of the King of Gods, the King of God will definitely hope that players will be rewarded for fair competition. Right? Out of this worship, he expressed a little resistance to Ye Ting's opening to control the GM's behavior ...

at this time.

[This game involved all the survivors and the unknown, and I can see the movements of all of them ... Xiaolong, your son seems to be in a little trouble now, he has encountered a few warriors of the ghost moon club, those The samurai pretended to act with him, but looked a bit conspiratorial. 】

The little fox's consciousness descended.

"What?" Xiaolong's expression suddenly changed. "Where are they?"

[I'll show you the full picture for you to see for yourself. 】

"Let me take a look." Xiaolong immediately threw the feelings just now ... well, really fragrant.

"This game is divided into two battlefields, the virtual world and the real world. You will stay in the real battlefield, Xiaolong, and will be responsible for getting the other survivors together." Ye Ting made a quick decision, and he waved his hands from the individual. The Iron Throne was summoned in the space, "With the Iron Throne, you can order people from other large organizations."

Then he took out the magic square items he made, put the Iron Throne in it and gave it to Xiaolong, and took out the dragon's wig by the way—in the last game, Xiaolong entered the game with a wig. This thing is now Can already be used as personal space by Ye Xing.

Xiaolong put the wig on his bald head, and Ye Ting's palm brushed his face, pinching it into a cold face.

"It's not too late for me to leave." Xiaolong said, leaving his dilapidated factory in a flash of lightning.

"Then I'll prepare for it next," Ye Cui continued. He wants to enter the virtual world, and the ontology will stay in the real world, so he must protect himself, and he has already thought of a perfect strategy.

This place had just rained a while ago. Ye Ting already saw a small puddle on the pitted ground of the dilapidated factory. The water inside was very muddy. On the puddle, the muddy puddle quickly became extremely clear with his casting, like a mirror. Ye Xing also set a water spell to prevent the water in the puddle from being evaporated.

Then Ye Ting summoned the magic mirror, jumped into the puddle, and his body penetrated directly into the mirror world.

The world in the mirror is similar to a special space world. Although the world in the mirror of the unnamed purgatory is immense, it was created by the horror giant Stephen for years. It is not easy to make such a large mirror world. Now, in a short time, he can only create a place that covers an area of ​​two or three hundred square meters. When he passes through the puddle mirror, his body reappears in the dilapidated factory building.

But the factory building is turned upside down, just like the picture seen through the mirror reflection, and the outside of the factory building is gray, which is a chaotic void and cannot be entered.

"It's safest here, no one will come here." Ye Ting thought to himself, then he opened the dragon ranch and summoned the meowing and Xiaomei inside.

Ye Ting is very cautious, he is not going to bring Xiaomei into the virtual world, let her stay here to protect Ye Ting and Meow's flesh to prevent other accidents.

Then Ye Ting contacted Mia with the evil eye crystal and asked her to gather members of Hellfire as soon as possible to guard against the unknown. Then she sat cross-legged with Meow Meow on the ground, and began to brew in her heart to enter the virtual world idea.

This step is similar to the number one player world, where players use virtual gaming devices to enter the oasis world.

A wonderful weightlessness and drifting veiled over Ye Xing and Meow.

The field of vision flashed a bright white light.

The next moment they appeared in a wonderful place. This is the strange long bridge that appeared in the movie after the protagonist entered the oasis. It is the landing place of the oasis world.

There are other players around, and most of them are created by the King of God. They are based on the characters in the original movie world and exist like NPCs. They have different shapes, and there are everything for Ninja Turtles, Orcs, and Batman. .

There are also survivors or unknowns who have entered the virtual world like Ye Ting.

[This is located in the Plane Promenade of the Oasis World Sky City. Players will log in to the game here and will be resurrected after death. At the same time, it can also connect to other different areas ...]

The little fox immediately explained to Ye Ting.

As a ambassador, it is her task to help other players explain this information. Of course, she explained to Ye Ting in more detail. She told Ye Ting all the relevant information.

This information usually needs to be explored slowly by other players.

Although this virtual oasis world originates from the oasis of the number one player, it is actually plausible. After all, no matter whether it is a movie or a number one player, the oasis world is not too detailed.

In the game of God King, he divided the oasis into twenty-seven areas based on the original work.

The Sky City where the promenade is located is the center of all regions, similar to the novice village in real-world games.

Most of the other regions come from the various film worlds, such as: "Pandora", "Jedi Temple", "Sin City", "Gotham", "Caribbean", "Middle-earth" and so on.

In addition, there are some areas involved in the movie, such as "Dead Planet", "Holiday Planet", "Starry Sky Casino", "Disordered Planet" and other places.

Ye Ting, while feeling the introduction of the little fox, looked at himself and Meow's body.

They now have all the power and objects that the original body has. This place is said to be a virtual world, but all textures are actually no different from the real world.

There is no level setting in the real world game in this virtual world. The only way for players to become strong is to earn coins and pile equipment.

After you die here, you will not really die. You will be resurrected on the Plane Promenade, but death will drop gold coins and equipment.

There are two types of equipment.

One is an item owned by the survivor, the unknown.

The other is the equipment unique to this unreal world. It can be purchased in the mall with gold coins or dropped through quests. This part of the equipment contains many things that appear in the number one player, such as "Iron Giant" "Child of Destruction" " "Sacred Grenade" and other items appearing in movies, may also get some real-world game characters' ability (scroll form), equipment.

For example, the protagonist in the movie yells at the "wave fist" used by "Ha Yougen".

In God's games, most of the battle royale games are based on film and television dramas, but they also include those real-world games.

Gold coins are similar to points. You cannot earn points in the God of Kings game. You can use gold coins to exchange ownership of all items at the end of the game, which is very similar to God's game.

Ye Ting, while strolling on the promenade of the plane, was thinking about these information.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a commotion behind him. When he turned his head, he saw a group of players wearing black uniforms forming a squadron rushing quite arrogantly. These players with uniform black uniforms all printed on their helmets. With the words "101".

"It's the 101 company in the movie. I didn't expect them to exist." Ye Cui sighed, and then thought, "I don't know if the original male and female protagonists of the movie also exist ..."

【what? Ye Ting, I just discovered something extraordinary. 】

The little fox communicated with Ye Ting at this moment.

"whats the matter?"

[A guy in nameless purgatory ... is the crocodile Crodie. He turned out to be the owner of Company 101, Nolan, the owner of the second-heavy company in the movie, and then controlled Company 101. In other words, now The 101 company has been completely controlled by the unknown! 】

Ye Ting looked at the 101 Army-type player with a little surprise, a look of surprise on his face: "It turned out that the Division Master Crodi had this ability!"

[101 company has great strength, and the unknown person would even think of controlling them directly ... things are really a bit troublesome. 】

The little fox echoed.

"No." Ye Ting shook his head and said, "I'm just lamenting that Master Crody has a strong control ability and can think of controlling 101 Company. This idea is very good, but he obviously didn't expect to. Direct control of Halliday ... when it comes to opening, they are still too tender. "


The little fox thought, Ye Xing really has an extraordinary sense of pride in the matter of opening.

Ye Ting stood on the promenade of the plane, watching the 101 army passing, he had already taken out a mask to cover his face to prevent himself from being seen, and then he looked at Meow Meow again: "The image of Meow Meow A little too conspicuous ... "

He had the intention to make Meow Meal invisible.

But when Meow Meow heard Ye Ting's words, he immediately called out "Meow Meow": "Master Silver, I can change my image of Meow."

As soon as this was said, the two cats on her head and the tail behind her abruptly retracted, disappeared, and her body became slightly higher, which made her quite different from the original image. Image of girl with silver hair in white dress.

The cute little face has also undergone some changes, becoming a bit more mature, with slightly changed facial features, which is completely different from what it was before, but still very cute.

"Huh ... kitten." Ye Ting looked at the girl who was very different from Meow Meow, and said in her mouth that Meow Meow had a special body structure. Although she was not a spiritual body, she could still shape at will, and she had disguised herself. Cross the tall figure of Neptune.

It's just her current image ... the kitten with the gods is completely printed out of a mold!

Meow Meow smiled proudly and said, "Master Yin, I'm imitating the cat that has fallen from the sky."

"... Is it?" Ye Ting said for a moment.

Meow Meow apparently couldn't understand the special connection between Ye Ting and the special connection between the meteorological organization, she changed into the shape of a kitten, and Xiaolong accidentally pinched out the appearance of the dragon owl-she had I have seen a kitten, so I transformed myself in the shape of a kitten ... looking at her, I still like my current image.

Then this is interesting.

Is there a cat or a cat first?

The army of players from the 101 company stopped suddenly as they rushed to a portal on the side of the promenade.

One of the big 101 players rushed around and said, "The Colonial Star Base 23, the Zerg battle, lasted two hours, and the rewards are huge. Those who want to participate can apply to join my team, and they will not be outdated!"

"Is he recruiting people on the radio? The Zerg Battle ... similar to a copy mission?" Ye Cui stunned, he was far away from the big player, but his voice seemed to sound in his ear.

Other players were also attracted around.

[This hunk is not a virtual character. He is an unknown person. He just wears the uniform of the 101 company. He recruits players to participate in the battle. I am afraid it is bad intentions. 】

The little fox reminded.

"What was the main purpose of this battle?" Ye Cui asked.

[Player will be teleported to the colony star, humans are trying to colonize here, but this is the territory of the Zerg, so constant conflicts occur. The Zerg Battle at Base 23 requires players to enter Base 23 to resist the Zerg Slayer 2 Hours until rescue comes. 】

"Well, this message should come from the Star Wars series of movies, right?" Ye Ting nodded secretly, very familiar with this series of movies, the most classic of which is the first, in that year, it can be considered a super-large production, but unfortunately the next few It's too garbage.

The colonial and imperial soldier values ​​proclaimed in this series of movies are not very good, and the scenes of war against the Zerg are undoubtedly very flammable.

[This mission is indeed based on StarCraft movies, but it also adds some elements of StarCraft games. 】

The little fox explained.

"Is there any element in StarCraft?" Ye Cui suddenly became curious, seeing that some virtual characters began to apply to join this battle, and some people who obviously belonged to the survivors gathered in the past, Ye Chui thought, "Why not I also followed to see what the battle here was like. "

Thinking of Ye Xing, he immediately acted and walked in front of the tall man.

Soon, he and Meow were allowed to join the opposing team.

Then he felt the reminder of the little fox.

[You have joined the commando team anonymously and are about to head to Colonial Star for the Zerg Killer mission.

Slayer: Scythe Slayer (Unlimited)

Duration: 2 hours.

Task difficulty: C level.

Task rules:

Enter Colonial Star, find base 23, and persist there until the rescue ship arrives!

Kill a sickle slayer to get 3 gold coins.

Complete the mission to get the "One Star Star Medal of Honor".

Players can get up to 300 gold coins.

Well, it seems that this task has an upper limit. You can only kill 100 killers at most and get 300 gold coins. No more gold coins will be rewarded. 】

Publishing mission information is the responsibility of the little fox as a ambassador, and everyone else will receive the same reminder information, but the last sentence belongs to Ye Xun's exclusive sigh.

When joining this task, you can choose to use your own name or anonymous. Ye Ting and Meow Meow naturally choose to be anonymous.

Feeling this information, Ye Cui also confirmed that this task is actually similar to participating in the game of God, and the various types of introduction information are basically the same, except that the points have become gold coins-now he is equivalent to participating in a Star Team Zerg Battle Royale game.

Ye Ting swept other people, and determined that other players recruited had received similar information.

"Your luck is very good. New players usually only have to participate in some low-level missions before they can be eligible to participate in high-level missions. It's an honor for you to meet me." Seeing that there are no new people applying to join the game, the big head said He smiled and said that he had a helmet mask on his face, but Ye Ting could imagine that he must have a grinning expression when he said these words.

"Let's go now!"

The big man continued, then took the lead and walked into the blue portal next to him.

The other 101 army players followed closely behind, and finally other players.

When Ye Ting and Meow Meow stepped into the portal, the field of vision suddenly became dim after a gorgeous white light, and the sound of gunfire followed by ears. There was also a scary "呲 呲 呲"Sound, that sound is the cry of the Zerg.

Ye Ting's eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness in front of him. He found that he had separated from the meow, and was standing beside a mound, and cricket bugs were approaching.

These bugs are exactly the kind of Star Wars bugs that look like a mantis or spider ~ ~ reach a height of two meters, have four slender and sharp legs, and a pair of sickle-like forelimbs and pliers The same mouthpiece, its sickle limb can easily cut the human body, the lethality is still terrible.

[After entering this battle mission, players will be randomly transferred to Colony Star Base 23, the first thing the player must do is to find and rush to base 23. 】

The little fox reminded.

Those terrible sickle killers have found Ye Xing's target, and they have made a "snoring" sound, and rushed to Ye Xing densely.

These Zerg killers have no natural threat to Ye Ting. Ye Ting stood still and allowed them to attack. Their sharp mouthpieces and sickle limbs could not cause damage to Ye Ting, but in order to show respect, Ye Ting took out After the Great Sword came, he hurled a sword at a flea-slain killer.

唰 ——

The venom parasitic on the Great Sword changed into a large, slender black blade, which swept across the worms that slapped the body.

A sword went down and took off directly.

This is a 999-level sense of abuse.

When the worms die, they will immediately turn into gold coins, which continuously flow into Ye Xing's body in the sound of a rattling sound-a similar description in the movie.

Ye Ting's original gold coin was 0. When this sword went down, it immediately became 126 gold coins.

He killed 42 sickle killers with a single sword.

This is how to earn gold coins in the virtual oasis world-if you attack other players and kill the opponent, the opponent will also drop all the gold coins, and will also randomly lose a piece of equipment (item).

To put it simply, although this world can be resurrected, once dead, it may become nothing.