The Heavens Come

Chapter 561: If you want to kill, kill the fat sheep.

When Ye Chui communicated with the little fox god, he also always followed the little fox's guidance to the base 23.

When he turned over a small hill, a cold-style colonial base appeared in the field of vision. This was the so-called base 23. At this time, many sickle bugs were gathering around the base, and they continued to charge towards the base.

The continuous sound of gunfire rang through the night sky.

There is a huge fence around the base, and there is also a laser grid on the fence. When the sickle tries to pass through the fence, it will be cut into debris by the grid immediately. The entrance of the base is relatively weakest place for defense, and a large number of insects also Is constantly flowing there.

A group of 101 army players and other survivor players have gathered here, guarding the entrance, constantly fighting against the scalpling worm.

There are more than twenty players in this group, most of them are 101 army players, and eight of them are survivor players. They gather together, each exerting their own abilities, and constantly attacking the coming sickle killers.

The 101 military players are all wearing uniforms. Their abilities are uniform. The uniforms can enhance their physical fitness and have a good defense. At the same time, the firearms in their hands are also powerful and can emit some laser types. Weapon.

Ye Chui entered the battlefield and heard a burst of shooting sounds, and that sound was from their firearms.

It is just that the power of this laser gun is very good, but to make a sickle completely lose its action, you must continue to shoot many guns.

Fusarium has the characteristics of a worm, and its vitality is similar to that of a cockroach. There is no absolute fatal part. It is often necessary to completely break them into a pool of slime to completely kill them.

On the dim insect killing battlefield, from time to time, yellow gold coins and sounds of flowing gold coins flow into the player's body-these people are far from reaching the upper limit of the gold coins, and they can see that their strength is not high.

The Zerg killers here are only sickle bugs, no other stronger bugs appear. Obviously, when the player enters base 23 and stays in the base to resist the swarm, as long as it is not too paralyzed, you can easily wait for it. The rescue ship arrived.

The number of attacking swarms is not too much.

When Ye Ting was groaning and wanted to go and meet with them, a sudden scream was made. A survivor player suddenly accidentally fell to his side by a sickle bug. He was doomed, and he slammed. The sickle's foreleg threw over The player's body, one of his arms immediately broke away from the body.

However, no blood was splattering, but a few gold coins splattered in the sound of a rattling sound.

Here the player will be converted into gold coins after death. If a person ’s body is cut off, the cut off part will also be converted into a corresponding portion of gold coins. There is a similar description in the movie.

"Ah, ah--" The player whose arm was cut off exclaimed loudly, and also looked to grab his broken arm, "My arm!"

But his arm turned into a pool of gold coins and disappeared.

In fact, there is no 100% pain here, and it can be resurrected after death. However, the fear of being chopped off his arm and the sickle will hit him in the next blow and will bite his head, but it is real, it really makes people fear.

Suddenly, a tall 101 army player reached out and pulled the survivor back, pulling him out of the range of the sickle and dragging it into the base wall.

The player with the broken arm fell to the ground, covering his right arm being sprayed with gold coins, and said in a panic voice: "Thank you, thank you ..."

This survivor player looks like a man in a stick country, and his voice is also a stick language, but Ye Ting can understand the meaning very easily-this is not the reason for the translator, but the virtual oasis world, the language will be unified, Any language can easily understand the corresponding meaning, which is a benefit for survivors to enter here.

"Thank you." The 101 army player who pulled back the player with a broken arm said with a smile. Although he was wearing the 101 uniform, he was actually the guy who was disguised by the unknown and possessed the commander ID.

He had just finished speaking, and suddenly pointed the gun in his hand at the head of the player with the broken arm, and decisively and slammed a shot.

Wow, players with broken arms had no time to scream, their bodies quickly disappeared, and a pile of coins quickly flowed into the captain's body.

At the same time, after the broken-arm player turned into gold coins, a katana remained and appeared on the ground.

The broken-arm player has the blood of a samurai. After being killed, he will drop equipment. He accidentally drops his katana.

"Sure enough, I paid attention to this." Ye Ting sneered at the scene, but he was a little puzzled. "This tall man is an unknown man. How could he have the commando captain, who is obviously an oasis world ID? ? "

Survivors and unknown people can directly enter the virtual oasis world through their minds. After entering the oasis world, the ID is their name. Ye Chui does not think that among survivors or unknown people, some people will give themselves the name of commando.

[He entered the oasis world with the help of VR equipment. Survivors and unknown people can enter the oasis world with their ideas, but the company ’s VR equipment is open and public. Anyone can enter the oasis world with their VR equipment. Survivors And unknown people can also use this VR device to enter the oasis world, and then they will have corresponding uniforms, equipment and IDs]

The little fox explained immediately.

Among the number one player, the heroine was arrested in the 101 company. After she escaped from prison, she randomly found a VR device to enter the oasis world. When she appeared in the oasis world, she appeared in the uniform and weapons uniformly configured by the 101 company.

"It turned out to be this way." Ye Ting nodded. The name of his assault captain was also because he now uses the captain ID who is responsible for leading a 101 team, which belongs to the number ID.

"Hey, what are you doing !?" Seven other survivor players noticed the commando's behavior, and one of the white women quickly came forward and said, "Why did you kill him!"

"Of course, to make gold, hey, otherwise you think I will bring you here with good intentions." The commando sneered, each player has a gold cap for this battle mission, which can recruit other survivors Participants and unknown people participate together, and then find an opportunity to kill them, you can collect the gold coins they have harvested, this part of gold coins is not within the limit of the gold coin limit.

This is normal practice in the oasis world.

Because their nameless Purgatory controlled the boss of Company 101, they knew the rules of the oasis world and these tips the first time. If the time is a little longer, other survivors and unknown people will understand the tricks inside, so they must Harvest a wave as soon as possible.

The commando picked up the fallen samurai sword, and he seemed to be able to read the information in it: "Oh, this knife is a superb item. It should be able to sell two or three hundred gold coins in the auction room. The harvest is very good. . "

After that, the katana disappeared in his hand and was placed in his personal backpack.

This is different from personal space. It is a more gamified design of Oasis World. At the same time, Oasis World has an auction field setting. Players can put unused equipment directly to the auction field. These are the information that Ye Ting got from the mouth of the little fox.

"You, you ..." Several survivor players suddenly showed angry expressions.

But the captain of the assault apparently did not give them other opportunities. He suddenly issued some instructions. Among the 101 army players who were fighting the sickle, some of them suddenly turned the guns in their hands to the survivors, followed by a series of shots.

This overwhelming scene immediately made a few survivors fall to the ground, while the others rushed into the base while looking for shelter while avoiding shooting.

The commando reached out and took off his helmet, revealing a handsome white face. He sneered and put away the helmet and the standard firearm in his hand ~ ~ Two hands were shaken, and two sharp sleeves appeared on the arms. Sword-this is the weapon he is really good at.

唰 ——

The assault captain's body flickered as if it had turned into a phantom, which appeared to the survivors in an instant. He possessed a certain kind of phantom and assassination type of special ability, and his strength could obviously crush several other survivor players.

The survivor players then screamed one after another.

"This man is really cruel. He is keeping these survivors as sheep in captivity. When they have harvested a lot of gold coins, they will kill them." Ye Chui showed a look of righteousness, "It seems that I I have to walk for the sky, where is Meow Meow now? "

[She has rushed out of the Worm's Nest and is heading here. 】

The little fox replied, and at the same time helped Ye Xing to adjust the situation of Meow Meow.

Meow Meow was running fast in the twisted Zerg tunnel. Behind her was a crowd of bugs chasing after her. Meow Meow ran a long way and waved a trident to control the water of the Nether River for a wave of attacks.

Immediately, Ye Ting contacted Meow Meow: "You don't want to kill insects any more. Let them follow you. The more you can, the better, and lead me to the base."

"Meow?" Meow meowed for a moment, "Know meow."

【what are you going to do? 】

The little fox asked.

"Obviously these 101 army players have not reached the gold coin limit. Let meow meow the worm swarm and let them reach the gold coin limit as soon as possible. If I kill them again, the harvest will be even higher ..." Ye Chui Leisurely said the plan.


The 101 army players led by the assault captain treat the survivor players as sheep, but in fact they are all sheep lobstered in captivity ... and if you want to kill, you will kill the fat sheep.