The Heavens Come

Chapter 562: The old dreary arrow reappears!

Colony Star's base 23, the swarm tried to flood into it.

A group of 101 army players stood at the door, firing continuously to prevent the influx of swarms, and some 101 army players followed the assault captain of the unknown to enter the base and hunt down several survivors who had escaped.

Soon, the commando captain returned with satisfaction to the base entrance.

"There is less than an hour, as long as the rescue ship arrives, the battle can be successfully concluded." The commando captain checked the time with satisfaction and frowned, "Unfortunately when I just entered the battlefield A few guys have disappeared, and now they have been killed by the bugs? It is really a waste to not meet with us in time. "

His so-called waste refers to killing other players to get the gold coins owned by the opponent, but if the player is killed by the killer bug, the dropped gold coins will be erased.

Dropped equipment will also be cleared automatically after a period of time.

"It seems that there are two players outside, oh, both are anonymous, but on this battlefield, unless you enter base 23, I am afraid it will be difficult to survive outside." The commando captain is recruiting for this campaign task He can see the status of other players entering the battle together.

The two anonymous players in his mouth are naturally Ye Ting and Meow Meow.


"Master silver, master silver, I've brought them with the bugs." Meow's voice sounded in Ye Ting's mind at this moment.

"Very well, lead them all to the base." Ye Xing, who was hiding on a mountain beam beside the base, immediately said to Meow, "Then you can just hide to me."

While talking, Ye Ting took out his carving bow from his personal space. Now the carving bow is in the form of a two-headed carving, he shakes hard and clicks, and the stick-shaped double-headed carving immediately bends into a bow.

"Okay meow!" Meow meow responded.


The swarms of insects outside the base gathered endlessly, trying to break into the base, but the 101 army players at the entrance of the base were firmly guarded. They had very good firepower, sufficient ammunition, and tacit understanding, enough to persist until the arrival of the rescue ship.

But suddenly, one of the 101 army players found something: "Captain, the situation is wrong, the number of swarms is increasing ... this, this is too much, they suddenly multiplied several times, this makes no sense, I fought this battle I do n’t know how many times, this is not the case at all, ah ah ah— "

In the end, his body accidentally fell to the ground with a sickle bug laying down from above.

The huge sickle-like mouthpiece snapped to his shoulder.

The body has a defensive uniform, but only briefly blocked for a moment, his body was pierced.

This made him exclaim subconsciously, and at the same time, the gold coins that popped out of the wound like blood.

"Huh?" The commando captain had shown a relaxed and relaxed look. He was surprised when he saw the expression, and then he hurriedly raised the gun in his hand and aimed at the 101 player who was about to die.

All gold coins and equipment of 101 army players belong to the company, which is the nameless person. If he is killed by a worm, the gold coins he previously killed by killing the sickle will be cleared. The commando captain can kill him by hand. The gold coins will be harvested by the commando.

Helping a companion be freed at the time of his death is also common sense in the oasis world, which can avoid the loss of some gold coins and equipment.

The assault captain was about to trigger the shot.

But the next moment, "Wow," the 101 player who was thrown by the sickle started from the head, suddenly burst into gold coins, and his body disappeared.

Dead, no time to make up the gun!

The assault captain secretly annoyed.

The swarms were aggressively advancing. Their bodies were piled together at the entrance of the base, and there were constantly a number of sickle worms breaking through the impact and jumping into the base. This had a huge impact on the neat and orderly 101 army players.

Another 101 player was thrown by the sickle, and one of his thighs was cut, but the picture was not bloody, because a gold coin was constantly sprayed from the broken limb, but his body fell to the ground and he continued to fight. Ability.

The commando waved his sword and slashed a sickle bug close to himself, then quickly raised the gun in the other hand to the 101 player who fell to the ground.

But like the previous one, he hadn't pulled the trigger, and the 101 player suddenly started from the head, and his body became gold coins and disappeared.

"This ..." The commando leader realized it was bad, although he didn't see it clearly, but ... the 101 player was obviously not killed by the bug!

Someone took a step ahead of him and killed the bug.

That is the legendary stealing head!

"Who !?" The commando's eyes immediately glanced in all directions.

The interior of the base is brightly illuminated by lights, and the exterior of the base is a face of primitive mountains and fields. The darkness seems to be shrouded in all directions. The captain of the commando can already be sure that there is a person hiding in those shadows and harvesting One by one.

Another 101 player was hit by the sickle and fell to the ground.

The commando commander didn't hesitate and immediately raised his gun at the past, but he was still too late, and the body of the 101 player disappeared before he shot.

Then the fourth, fifth, sixth ...

The swarm of swarms seems to be constantly flowing. The defensive front in the base is about to collapse. There are also electrical facilities at the gate. It can help players to block the swarm to a certain extent. It can face a huge number of swarms.

There were even sickles crawling in from the tall fence around.

101 players were constantly injured by bugs and lost their combat power.

Then they will be directly and quickly harvested by a mysterious player, and by the way, all the gold coins they have obtained from previous battles will be included.

"Who the **** !?"

The captain of the commando was furious and roared.

Don't grab too much of your head!

No one was left for me!


Beside the mountain beam.

Ye Chui held his carved bow for a long time, and continued to pull the bow quickly with both hands. At the same time, the stealth cloak was also taken out and wrapped around his arm, which made his arm and carved bow invisible.

A group of old Yin arrows flew out of the string silently, hitting the target's skull accurately.

The ability of the stealth cloak allows Ye Xing's arrows to remain completely invisible, and when the arrows hit the target, the arrows themselves will quickly disappear, which makes the commando side completely unable to detect the surprise attack. Where did it come from, and exactly how!

Ye Xing's arrow is powerful in itself, coupled with the blessing of the special ability "Eagle Eye Arrows" and the reason why it has been strengthened by using plot points ~ ~

Now he can confidently say that he can shoot wherever he wants, and he can never make a mistake!

That is, Ye Ting is now high-level and does not often use bow and arrow weapons, but his archery is definitely one of the best in the world of survivors and unknown people.

He can be polite to say that if Ye Qingmei is a sword man, then he is a veritable arrow man!

Ok? There seems to be something wrong ...

When Ye Ting kills a 101 player, the gold coins harvested by these 101 players will be added to Ye Ting's body. At the same time, a reminder sound will sound, and the sound is really crisp.

And before these 101 players were killed, most of them had killed close to the upper limit, that is, nearly a hundred sickle bugs, and killed them, each of which could bring more than two hundred gold coins to Ye Xing.

"This taste is really nostalgic." Ye Chui could not help but think of his experience in the first few games of God.

The old dreary arrow reappears!

Ye Ting was standing on the dim mountain beam, watching the archery grabbing the head to slaughter the fat sheep. There was also a scythe around him, trying to attack it, but Meow Meow had returned to Ye Ting .

Previously, when she brought the swarm near the base 23, she was invisible immediately. The worms themselves were set to "break through" the base 23. The meow target disappeared, and they immediately transferred the target to the base.

After that, Meow Meow returned to Ye Ting. Now this pretty little girl in a silver-haired white dress is waving a trident, and controls the Heihe River to constantly knock out the approaching insects.

Now, she seems to be more and more proficient at using Trident to control the river water.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!
