The Heavens Come

Chapter 568: Acting captain of the Iron Throne, under

After Ao Xing jumped out of the container, several members of the Dragon Soul group, including Chang Ting, Gu Wei, Lengshui Xian, and others quickly surrounded him.

"Hurry up, let everyone move away, and tell your sister not to come back here." Ao Xing said to them quickly.

Chang Ting and others were all stunned, and then quickly notified others.

"Dragon Lord, what happened? I have notified everyone in Equator with a connector. They are now driving here, why should they move?" Ajaye from Equator, hurried to Ao Xing Said.

The dragon master in his mouth naturally refers to Ao Xing, which has only recently appeared.

After the death of the Old Dragon King (Xiaolong), the Dragon Soul group was taken over by Long Zi Ao Xing. He inherited the dragon's divine power and progressed rapidly. Now he has actually surpassed the sister Ao Jiao who is only half of the dragon's blood. Although he has survived The time of this person is very short, but the strength can not be underestimated.

The Dragon Soul group also intends to build momentum internally, so it deliberately created the "Dragon Master", a majestic title with Chinese characteristics.

The name is now recognized by most survivors.

"There is danger here, and the unknown will come here soon," Ao Xing explained quickly.

"How did the unknown person find us here?" A thin white man with a cold face came over and asked, his voice was cold, "Where did you get the information?"

Ao Xing looked at the white man. This man looked in his thirties. He had an aquiline nose, thin hair and half baldness, and stood upright. He was wearing a dark green coat, which was cut like a military uniform. As a whole, he gives a feeling of cold warlord. Ao Xing knows who this person is. His name is Hex, from the future will organize, and his status is not low.

Ao Xing said quickly: "Just now there have been several drones hovering around, it must be controlled by the unknown."

Xiaolong did not explain the source of the information to Ao Xing. In fact, the survivors who have not gathered now do not know that the 101 company in this game world has been occupied by the unknown. However, although Ao Xing still has a little boyishness, it is pleasant. It's still very clever. Many guesses from the action of Xiaolong just destroying those drones.

"Drones?" Hecks doubted. "I remember things like drones are very common among the number one player. How do you know that they are related to unknown people?"

There was a flash of anxiety on Ao Xing's face, and he turned to look at Xiao Long, and said in his mouth, "No matter whether it is related or not, the situation is now critical. I now order you to move quickly and notify members of the organization that have not yet arrived. Do not come here for the time being . "

Hecks didn't ignore Ao Xing's look at Xiaolong. He was very curious about the identity of Xiaolong. He speculated that this might be the person of the legendary meteorological organization. In the previous game, he had communicated with the princess of the dragon soul group Ao Jiao ... ... Herx snorted, and said to Ao Xing, "Why do you order me?"

"Tingge controls the iron throne, and I can control the affairs within the force instead of Tingge!" Ao Xing immediately said.

After Ye Ting got the Iron Throne, he was not enthusiastic about the management forces. He gave control of the Iron Throne forces to the leader of the Dragon Soul group, Ao Xing, and even Ye Chui gave Ao Xing a title: The Iron Throne. Acting seat chief.

Ao Xing has never mentioned this title to anyone, because it feels a bit shame ...

"Huh, it's been almost four hours since the game started. Where is Ye Ting, why hasn't he shown up?" Hecks asked coldly, "I don't think he takes us seriously at all. ? "

Ao Xing was about to speak, Heck snorted, and said with a sarcastic expression: "You are just relying on Ye Xing. I'm curious how you got Ye Xing's trust. Did you betray your ass? ? "

"Hex, there is something you can say again!" Chang Ting, standing behind Ao Xing, burst into anger.

Ao Xing was also full of shame, although he was handsome and handsome, and he was more a woman than a woman when wearing women's clothes ... but he was the most straightforward man, and the meaning in Hex's words undoubtedly violated his taboos. .

Ye Xing, who was rushing to this place, saw the scene from the perspective of the little fox's God. Ye Xing was even more indescribable.

"I have to kick this guy's **** back!" Ye Ting said fiercely in his mouth.

His figure, like electricity, quickly passed over the roof of a complex high-rise building. The concrete floor on the roof would crack immediately when his footsteps fell, and ordinary people's eyes could not even capture his figure, which was enough to see his speed. , While Meow Meow was lying on his back, Xiao Mei's body appeared purple blood lines, her body floated and followed Ye Xing's body.

Here at the dump, because Hecks was not bad at speaking, he deliberately provoked. For a moment, Xiaolong stood up on the container. On the face that gave a cold feeling even without expression, he sighed slightly, he shook his head: " Xing'er was still too young, too irritable, and couldn't suppress other people ... "

He took out a simplistic cloth bag from his arms. This bag is a square-inch magic weapon made by Ye Xing. Previously, when he was separated from Ye Xing, Ye Xing gave the epic item of the Iron Throne to Xiaolong. Now Just store it, this is the time to take out the Iron Throne.

With the Iron Throne, everyone present must obey the order of the dragon representing Ye Ting, and this is the power of this item.

Ye Chui, who was rushing over, noticed Xiaolong's reaction, and a little admiration rose in his heart. Xiaolong really deserved to be Xiaolong, his personality was stable enough, and he knew what was important and what was not important.

At this time, Hex, it seemed even more proud to see the angry reactions of Ao Xing and Chang Ting. He seemed to be provoking deliberately, seeing Ao Xing's handsome face flushed with annoyance, and reached out his hands subconsciously. After combing the long hair on her head, Hecks snorted and continued: "What long hair does a man have, not a man or a woman, if I have a chance, I must pull out your hair ... "


The dragon standing on the container suddenly burst out of blue electric light. His long hair fluttered and fluttered. The originally clear sky instantly gathered a few dark clouds, and there was a sound of thunder and thunder, waiting for him to be called down. .

Everyone was taken aback.

Herx's straight body trembled even more.

Ye Ting and the little fox: "Look!"

I just said that when Xiaolong calmly turned out, he became angry in a blink of an eye ... but is his point of anger a little strange?

[Wait a minute ... It's not because of Hex that Xiaolong is angry! 】

Then the little fox suddenly found something, and hurriedly lowered his consciousness.

In the mid-air of the dump area of ​​the Dielou District, almost when Xiaolong suddenly launched his power to summon the thunder, a certain vision suddenly appeared in the air. The space shook like a water pattern, and a white light burst out, following each one. The figure suddenly appeared in the eyes of everyone.

That is a group of unknown people headed by Sword Master Kong Zhou!

They rushed to the dump with some strange teleport capabilities.

"Fast!" Ye Chui couldn't help but marvel, "It's faster than me!"

Ye Tsing's previously hidden waste factory is located in the southern part of this real-world city. The stacking area is on the outskirts of the western part. The 101 company building is in the central business district. Based on the distance, Ye Tsing and the unknown are away from the dump. It's similar, but I didn't expect this group of people rushed to the junkyard before Ye Chui.

[One of them has a very strange traversing ability ... The mechanical blood of that person seems to be loaded with a super-light speed engine, which can instantly cross space and make a certain distance jump. 】

The little fox immediately lowered her consciousness, and at the same time she also adjusted her vision to let Ye Xing look at one of the group of unknown people. The person was tall and had a silver-white metal body. It had a circular jet on its back. Now the ejector was quickly extinguishing and retracted into his body.

"This is all right?" Ye Chui was extremely surprised ~ ~ The survivors can exchange mechanical blood like Terminator to turn themselves into mechanical life. What is the operation of loading a super-light engine?

And ... isn't this thing jumping in light years?

[The hyper-light engine is modified and can only jump a relatively limited distance. 】

The little fox explained.

"..." Ye Ting was still eye-opening, and at the same time he was on his way faster. He understood that for mechanical living things, engines are like weapons and capabilities that can be loaded into their bodies.

Hmm ... he's stunning the spaceship now, which is a good thing.

Dumping area in the stacks.

The unknown person appeared here instantly with the help of the strange space jumping teleport ability. Xiaolong was the first to discover it. He immediately summoned Thunder and entered the state of preparation for war, but the other survivors here reacted slowly, even though Xiaolong responded. Timely enough, but the next moment, he still felt an invisible pressure suddenly fell on him.

His body became heavier in an instant, and his straight body shuddered even more.

"Is this ... gravity?" He was slightly surprised.

Triple gravity!

With the appearance of this group of unknown people, the gravity here in the garbage dump is abnormal. The gravity has tripled. At this moment, the body of a 70 kg person will become 210 kg. Everyone feels that the body becomes heavy. Some survivors who have redeemed their blood and improved their physique can afford it.

But some of the newcomer survivors who are just ordinary people are almost fatal. With a few screams, several people slammed directly on the ground and spit blood in their mouths.

"The nameless really comes ..." Hucks trembled, staring blankly at those powerful beings that suddenly appeared.