The Heavens Come

Chapter 682: This is just a warm-up exercise (on)

The story of the number one player movie takes place in the future. It is a world of order collapse and entertainment. The world's number one company is the game company created by Halliday. Oasis virtual games have become the sustenance of everyone's soul.

The King of Gods game uses this movie as a template to completely create a city in the movie, where the chaos is chaotic, the gap between rich and poor is huge, people are numb, and they seek spiritual comfort in the virtual world.

In the eastern part of the city.

A drone flies through the air buzzing, and cameras gather at an abandoned factory located here.

The logo of the 101 company can be clearly seen on the drone. It comes from the 101 company. At the same time, it is also completely controlled by the mechanical emperor, one of the unknown purgatory leaders. There are hundreds of drones flying around the city all the time. They are the eyes of the mechanical emperor, helping him to know what is happening in the city.

Ye Ting completed the second Easter egg test, which is shown on the leaderboard. Within more than a month of Ye Ting's disappearance, although the world of the survivors was completely divided, there was no peace on the surface, the battle between the survivors and the unknown It mostly happens in the virtual oasis world, but in the real world, it is very calm, but now, just as Ye Ting's name starts flashing on the leaderboard, it shows that the moment he has returned, the peace is completely broken.

There is no residential area near the dilapidated factory, but there are many homeless people walking around, and there is also a quite busy highway nearby.

A homeless man is lying on a bench in an abandoned park. It is early morning. He is gradually unable to bear the hunger in his stomach. He is lazy and wants to get up and find some food for himself. But at this moment There was a sudden tremor in his body, his face changed, and his body in shabby clothes began to change.

Soon, he turned into a handsome, white man in a black suit and sunglasses.

A nearby car was passing by. The driver was a white fat man, shaking his head with the dynamic songs on the car radio while driving. Suddenly, his body twitched, and the car stopped suddenly along the road.

The door was open, but from the car came down a black suit and black sunglasses, with the same appearance as the white man just transformed by the tramp.

After tidying up his suit, he looked in the direction of the abandoned factory in the distance and walked towards it. The tramp converted man in the suit stopped in front of him.

"you are me."

"Yes, I am you and you are me."

They exchanged two sentences with the same smile on their faces, and then headed towards the abandoned factory together.

The same scene is constantly being performed nearby.

Soon a dozen men in the same black suit appeared outside the abandoned factory.

When one of the black suits wanted to open the shabby door of the factory, the door was pulled open by himself, holding half a pancake-wrapped leaf drop in his hand, and the leaf drop that was still chewing came out of it.

"It's coming fast." He said in a vague manner, seeming to be a little stingy, patted his chest, and turned, "Xiao Mei, is my drink OK?"

"Master, it's ready." Xiaomei floated out of the factory quickly, holding a cup in her hand and reached Ye Ting's hand. "This is freshly ground soybean milk."

Ye Chuiyu drank his head up and drank clean, and stuffed the food in his mouth with three or two sips. Although he was lost for more than a month during the time cycle of the horror cruise, Xiaomei took good care of his body. He will also be fed food for a period of time, so that after returning to the body, he did not have too serious problems in his body, but his stomach is still very hungry. Now he feels much better after eating and drinking.

A dozen black suits looked at him quietly.

"Smith?" Ye Ting swept them, touched his mouth, and returned the cup to Xiaomei.

"The first time you meet, hello." A Smith nodded and smiled.

"So ..." said second Smith.

"Are you ready?" Third Smith said.

Together they began to organize their suits and fasten them for better fighting.

Ye Ting smiled slightly, looking at the deputy leader of the alliance who had never met before. He took advantage of Ye Ting's absence to develop his forces, and also revealed the hidden "viral infection" ability, All of the Alliance fighters became infected, let alone sealed Gandalf and Lan Yinger, who have always had a good relationship with Ye Ting, and Ye Ting returned. Then they would definitely not give up. He came to Ye Ting on their own initiative.

It seems that he thinks he can solve Ye Xing now?

Not much nonsense, Smith yelled at Ye Ting.


Ye Ting waved a punch and hit him on the shoulder, so his body fell to the ground, and there was no way to get up.

Other Smith took a moment to stagger, but without hesitation, swarmed up, rushed to Ye Xing, or punched or attacked Ye Xing, and the actions were full of the unique coldness of the Matrix.

But coldness lasted only a moment.

Bang, bang, bang—

Ye Tzu stood in place, and his movement seemed to easily and fistlessly. His movements were simple, but he didn't know how many times faster than these Smiths.

After the increase in divine power, even if the violent road is not opened, the reaction force itself can reach its original limit, and the rushing Smith has become extremely slow in his eyes, even as if it was condensed. .

All he had to do was simple, just hammer them down one by one.

So, one by one, Smith fell to the ground.

"Not enough, not enough ..." One of Smith, lobbed by Ye Xing, smashed into a tree, said with gritted teeth in his mouth.

The sound of footsteps continued to appear from all directions, and more Smith began to rush forward.

Hundreds of Smiths appeared here in one breath, and they were not bare-handed, holding all kinds of weapons in their hands, cold weapons and a variety of firearms. They were aggressive and dense. Ye Ting surrounded him, with the momentum of a thick triad.

During the period of Ye Ting's focus on the second egg test, the unknown person in the real world came to the factory where he hid and wanted to destroy his body. Some of them possessed epic items with similar abilities to the magic mirror of the legendary item , Can open the entrance to the world in the mirror, but can not let too strong people pass, and Xiao Mei has been standing beside Ye Ting's body, holding these pans to shoot these people.

Although the survivors did not participate in the operation, they still found clues. They knew that the leaf body was hidden in the factory. During this time, Smith set up many "virion bodies" in the eastern area where the factory is located. .

This is an application of his ability. Real-world indigenous people who have accepted the virion can be forcibly occupied by Smith and transformed into Smith.

However, the number of virogens is the same as his avatar, which means that he can only create as many virions as the number of combatants he has infected with the virus, and the number is not unlimited.

However, the number is still considerable.

The quality is not enough to make up, Smith at this time to the extreme.

One after another, Smith seemed to repeat the classic scene in the Matrix, rushing in front of Ye Ting, being blown away by Ye Ting, and then rushing up again and again, the gunfire was endless, and the sword and sword flickered constantly.

Then they swarmed up and forced Ye Tzu's body to the ground with the advantage of quantity. They rushed up and turned into a pile of people.

But then a bang, they were lifted by Ye Xing.

A figure in a black suit was lifted into the sky and kept falling.

"I said, this scene will definitely appear!" Ye Ting glanced at Smith, who was constantly falling to the ground, and said with a smile on his face.



"Ye Ting is awake!"

At the same time, on the other side of the real-world city, in a room on the top floor of a quirky building, the sleeping dragon quickly recovered and emerged from the wall.

The wall was painted with exquisite ornate murals. When Xiaolong left the wall, the mural flew up and fell on Xiaolong's body. The colors and pictures faded and turned into a white robe.

This mural is the wall that Xiaolong got. He has been sleeping in it recently.

"Senior Long Yu!"

A lot of people have gathered in the room ~ ~ It is a high-level member of the Hell Dragon Soul organization. In addition to the original Dragon Soul team, there are also several senior believers from Hellfire, Mia and Cohen. Ozu, Mary, and others are here. Although the leader of Hell Dragon Soul is served by Longzi Aoxing and Aojie and Mia are deputy leaders, Xiaolong still talked about important matters because of his powerful strength. Calculated.

Under his correction, the "Dragon B" in the mouth of Ao Jiao Ao Xing also officially changed to the name Long Yong.

"Smith is attacking him." After the dragon woke up, he immediately communicated with the little fox. Knowing the current situation, he didn't say much, and took the lead to walk outside the room. "The gods dusk, dark order, Suzu The men's organizations are also starting to move. They want to solve Ye Xie as soon as possible. We used to help. "

Ye Chui left for a month, and the survivors were calm in the real world, but Ye Chui just returned for a short while, and immediately the wind and the storm surged, and the biggest battle in the God of Kings game may soon erupt.

"Is that the old ancestor with Ye Xing?" Miya hurriedly asked, this Mr. Long Yan has a unique way to sense Ye Xing's information, which they already knew.

"She has been acting with Ye Ting, and has now recovered." Xiaolong explained that after Ye Ting disappeared, the ancestor naturally disappeared. Xiao Long explained to them that the ancestor was working with Ye Ting to complete the egg. test.

Hellfire ’s hatred of Ye Thui ’s religious ability comes from Ye Thui ’s evil worship special ability. When this ability fails to respond, there are also many turbulences in Hell Fire. Fans passers-by are relatively light, and some directly turn black. Fortunately, Mia and Cohen are diehard fans.

Now listening to Xiao Long's explanation, they all looked happy, while they were glad Ye Chui finally came back, and they kept saying "Hate Ye Xing for eternal life".