The Heavens Come

Chapter 716: Trapped virtual world

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Chapter 716: The Heavens Coming to Battle Royale Volume 716: Trapped in the virtual world Zion base is equipped with 100,000 mechanical squids from the Matrix world and armored soldiers carrying heavy firepower, which makes the base's own defense change Unbreakable, making Smith confident.

He knew that even if there were a hundred himself, he could not defeat Ye Ting, but he understood that Ye Ting came to find himself to save Gandalf and Lan Yinger and others. Ye Ting also intentionally infected him so that he could find tin through the connection. Entrance to the base.

He also used this to introduce Ye Xing into the base.

Hundreds of Smiths couldn't beat Ye Ting, how about 100,000 mechanical squids and three hundred armored warriors?

This firepower can be said to be the pinnacle of the technology-side power in the game of God.


With a wave of electro-optical attack from Ye Ting, the mechanical squids were paralyzed, and even many armored soldiers lost their power.

After becoming a survivor, Ye Cui focused on the study of magical powers and also slightly involved in magical powers, but he was not good at things on the scientific side, especially in the game of God, the so-called science and real-world science combined There is not much connection, all belong to black technology, it will be difficult to understand the mystery in a short time, but it is not difficult to understand what the electromagnetic pulse is.

Ye Ting looked at the structure of the mechanical squid, but just wanted to figure out how much mechanical pulse to use to solve it.

"It's not difficult ..."

Ye Ting looked up at the building above the base, he could sense where Smith's body was, smiled slightly on his face, waved his hand to push away the mechanical squid's remains stacked around him, and walked into the base.

Smith in the base turned pale and his body began to tremble involuntarily. He did not expect that Ye Ting could easily do this step.

He knows the flaws of mechanical squid. Electromagnetic pulses can easily destroy them and make them incapable of movement. However, there are 100,000 of them. To release the electromagnetic pulses that paralyze them, I don't know how much power is needed!

Ye Chui has fought several games in a row, facing the world's top and horrible existence of survivors and unknowns. Smith determined that he must be in a bad state now, so he ventured to let him easily enter the Zion base.

But the result ...

"It seems that all I can do next is ..." Smith thought of something, his decadent expression showed a hint of ferocity, and he hurried out of the room to a more secret place inside the base.

Go down the base through the elevator shaft.

Ye Xing, the little fox's competent, pointed the way.

Ye Ting followed the guidelines, and he also encountered a lot of armored soldiers who had not completely lost their power during the electromagnetic pulse just now.

But for him now, it is easy to solve these black technology creations, and these iron warriors are easily broken into pieces.

Ye Ting came to the simple elevator in the base, which was also shown in the Matrix movie, but now the elevator is not available. Ye Ting opened the door of the elevator and jumped down the elevator shaft.

Huh? Smith drilled into a sleep chamber ... In the room below the base, there were hundreds of such sleep chambers. Every one of them was sleeping, and they were members of the alliance transformed into combatants!

The little fox lowered his consciousness.

Smith ’s Zion base capabilities can transform survivors into combatants. The so-called combatants are the bodies that sleep in Zion base, and then create a virtual body to carry out activities.

In the setting of the Matrix, the world is virtual and only Zion base is real.

God ’s game changed this setting magically. For the survivors affected by the base of Zion, Zion is the only real existence, and the outside world has become illusory. Their bodies sleep in Zion. The consciousness is condensed to work outside, and this kind of avatar can also be generalized in the Matrix and directly enhanced by inputting various fighting techniques.

Those who slept in the sleeping compartments below the base were where the combatants themselves slept.

Joining the alliance does not necessarily mean to be a combatant, but there are other options, but within more than a month of Ye Ting's departure, Smith attacked and imprisoned Gandalf, Lan Yinger, and others. Now their bodies are also locked into the sleep compartment Inside, consciousness is sealed in the virtual world.

Facing Ye Ting's attack, Smith was unable to fight, and chose to sleep in the sleep chamber!

"Does he want to ..." Ye Ting guessed Smith's intentions.

Soon, when Ye Ting broke a heavy iron gate, he came to this huge room where many members of the Alliance slept.

The sleep chambers were lined up one after another, with a strange feeling in the dimness.

Most of the people sleeping in these sleep chambers were combatants, and the consciousness of the combatants was assimilated into Smith under the influence of Smith's viral capabilities.

The rest are people who have not promised to become combatants. Smith cannot infect such people, so they have not been infected and assimilated by Smith's virus ability. Where Gandalf and Lan Yinger slept.

He put his hand on the glass cover of the sleep chamber, and he could feel that they were still alive, the heart was still beating, but the consciousness was caught in deep sleep. In this case, the magic point is: the soul was extracted from them body of.

"You can save them, but what you can save is only an empty shell. In fact, as long as they let their bodies leave these sleeping compartments, their consciousness will be destroyed forever!" Smith's voice suddenly It rang.

Ye Ting's side appeared with a holographic projection of Smith, and now he has become a black agent's image again.

"Your body sleeps there." Ye Ting pointed to a sleep chamber not far away.

The real Smith body was lying inside.

"Yes, my ontology is there, you can do anything to my ontology, you can kill me." Smith's projection shrugged with a smile, "Now my life is in your hands, you can easily Kill me, but if I die then this Zion base will be wiped out, and everyone who sleeps here will die. "

Gandalf, Lan Yinger and others are now sealed in other places. If they kill Smith, they will die too!

Ye Xing frowned, thinking that he could use his mind control ability to enter Smith's body, and then control him, but in this state, Smith's consciousness may have left the body.

Mind control can only control his body, not his true consciousness.

If Smith is killed, the Soul Gem can restore the base of Zion, but it is difficult to say whether Gandalf and Lan Yinger will survive.

Smith knew he couldn't fight Ye Xing, so he used this method to protect himself!