The Heavens Come

Chapter 717: One million ways to destroy New York

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Chapter 717: One Million Ways to Destroy New York: Chapter 717: "What is reality and what is illusory is not important to me."

The virtual projection of Smith revealed a mocking face: "You have indeed become very powerful, and I cannot overcome, but in the fantasy world I created, I am still God, and you cannot do anything for me."

Ye Ting ignored him, reached out and touched the sleep chamber in front of him, felt the sleeping people in it, and thought about how to wake them up.

"Ye Xing, let's make a deal. I know that for you, Gandalf and Lan Yinger are not very important. You just care a little about their lives. I promise you can let They live well in my world, so that they can get excellent life and social status, and you, don't bother me again, you can be the king of your real world. "Smith went on to say.

"And you are the **** of the unreal world, aren't you?" Ye Ting sneered.

The eyes behind Smith's sunglasses coldly forced Ye Xing, and after a few flashes, the hologram disappeared.

"Yan Shuier, can you be sure that Gandalf and Lan Yinger are aware of the current situation?" Ye Ting said to the little fox in his heart.

Their consciousness is sealed in a digital world, similar to the story world of crazy clowns, a virtual world created by Smith with special abilities, which can be understood as a small matrix world, or a dream world.

The little fox lowered his consciousness.

As the goddess of the God King game, she can directly observe everything here, including the digital world created by Smith.

Now Gandalf and Lan Yinger are sleeping here, their consciousness has been transferred to a virtual world, just like the ordinary people in the Matrix who are immersed in the virtual world, they have completely forgotten their original memories. With a false life.

"What does that digital world look like?" Ye Cui asked.

That world presents the appearance of New York in the real world. Gandalf, Lan Yinger, etc. are like the people in the matrix in the Matrix, lost themselves, thinking that they are just ordinary people.

Among them, Gandalf became a librarian in a school in New York, Lan Yinger was working in a playground, and other people also got corresponding identities ... However, there were also men who became women and women who became men And there are even people who have become zoo pandas!

The little fox explained.

Ye Ting: "..."

The virtual world will create their identity according to their wishes ...

"Well, do you have any way to rescue them?" Ye Ting asked.

I'm afraid it's difficult. The virtual world is completely created by Smith. I can assist you to forcibly invade that virtual world and affect it, but it is difficult for the people who are addicted to return to the ontology.

If they want to wake them up, they can only rely on themselves.

"Like the hackers in the Matrix?" Ye Ting went through the plot of the Matrix and his eyes lightened. "Can I be a hacker like Murphy and appear in Gandalf or Lan Ying?" In front of the children, let them make a choice of blue pills and red pills, and awaken their consciousness through the pills? "

Some of the people who have sunk in the imaginary world in the Matrix will feel the world is unreal and awaken with their own abilities, and the hackers can also help them wake up. The protagonist Nemo was completely awakened with the help of Murphys Choosing blue pills or red pills is also a very exciting scene in the movie.

This may not work. The virtual world created by Smith is different from the matrix world in movies. If people in the matrix world wake up, their consciousness will return to the ontology. In Smith's virtual world, even Gandalf and Lan Yinger will wake up. Consciousness will still be trapped in the virtual world and quickly fall back to sleep.

It is only Smith who can make their consciousness return to the ontology smoothly.

Listening to the little fox's explanation, Ye Ting's heart was a little tangled.

Although he didn't want to be a mantra always hanging around his mouth, he was really an upright and kind person, but Lan Yinger was the first survivor he knew after becoming a survivor. Gandalf and other alliance members also treated him quite well For friendship, it is difficult for Ye Ting to leave them alone.

Just then, the little fox suddenly thought of something.

Wait ... there is a way that might work!

"What way?" Ye Chui asked quickly.

The virtual world is built by Smith. It can be said that Smith's will is the server of this virtual world ... You can invade this server with my help, but without Smith's permission, the trapped consciousness cannot leave.

So ... maybe you can try to crash the server?

"Crash the server?"

Yes, the server crashes and the virtual world will restart. Just like when the server is offline while playing a game, the player will be automatically logged out. In that state, the consciousness trapped by Smith will have to temporarily leave the virtual world and return. Ontology!

Killing Smith directly ~ ~ will invalidate the entire ability, and Gandalf and others who are trapped in consciousness will also die. It will not die, and it will allow the trapped consciousness to return to the body.

"What if Smith discovers our plan and commits suicide before he collapses?" Ye Chui thought of the problem.

He can't do it!

His body is in our hands, whether it is life or death, we have the final say. There is no way for consciousness itself to perish. Similarly, in the virtual world, Smith can control Gandalf, Lan Yinger, and others, and can torture or even kill. Death of them, but as long as their bodies are still intact, that consciousness will only be damaged, not really die!

In the Matrix, there is an important setting, that is, if hackers are injured in the virtual world, their ontology will also be damaged, and the projection and the ontology in the virtual world are connected.

So on the other hand, if the ontology is protected, such as being locked by the Book of the Blood God, the consciousness of the virtual world will be restored no matter what kind of damage it is.

"So what we have to do is easy." Ye Ting nodded gently. "The point is, how to make that virtual world collapse?"

Disaster for this virtual world!

The various reactions of humans under the disaster will consume Smith's energy violently. After reaching a certain threshold, he will be able to collapse!

The little fox gave the answer immediately, and she seemed to think of something interesting.

That virtual world was created with New York as a template. It just so happened that New York may be one of the most destroyed cities in the history of film ... From these movies we can find a lot of inspiration.

"Then ..." Ye Ting's eyes lit up again. "A million ways to destroy New York?"