The Heavens Come

Chapter 718: Doomsday Independence Day

In the vast world of the Zion base, Ye Ting's body was suspended in mid-air, and a golden rune quickly condensed between her hands. This rune initially had only a thin strip, as if it was a pupa, between the palms of Ye Ting It constantly swims, but gradually it begins to multiply and increase rapidly, becoming more and more complicated, and it is full of mystery, as if it contains endless wisdom.

This is Ye Tzu's destiny spell.

The birth spell was condensed with Ye Ting's soul, which represents Ye Ting itself. When Ye Ting first met Xiao Mei, he condensed his own birth spell into the core array of Xiao Mei's body. Officially became Xiaomei's master.

Now, he has condensed the destiny spell again, driven by divine power, to make the destiny spell more powerful, it is equivalent to a clone of Ye Ting's soul.


With Ye Xing's arms open, this destiny spell flew into the air like a living creature, one, two, two, four, and quickly split into countless ways, flying to all sides of the empty base, imprinted on the walls of this space world, and those sleeping cabins .

The Zion base is Smith's ability, but Ye Tzu leaves her own destiny spell here, and can forcibly control this ability, leaving this ability temporarily under his control.

"Smith can't control this place even after returning from the virtual world." Ye Ting said in his heart, waving his hand to open the teleportation crack leaving here, and walked in. He continued to say to the little fox through his thoughts, "What should I do next? "

The little fox immediately lowered his consciousness and connected Ye Tzu's perception to the virtual world created by Smith.

The little fox explained that, in simple terms, the little fox can create some "" for the virtual world through its own permissions, and let the advent of the virtual world through Ye Xing's divine power.

"So, what is the disaster to be created first?" Ye Cuirao asked with interest.


The virtual world created by Smith, New York City.

The original peaceful city suddenly ushered in an explosion on this day: a huge circular aircraft suddenly appeared in the sky!

It apparently comes from some kind of alien civilization, high above the city, and television, radio, and the Internet are all madly directing and spreading this.

Experts are constantly analyzing the purpose of the alien spacecraft's arrival. Conspiracy theorists speculate that this is a precursor to alien invasion, and some ordinary people oppressed by unhappy life have begun to look forward to the arrival of aliens and treat them as saviors , Shouting that the earth needs aliens ...

The government tried to communicate with the alien civilization, but did not give any feedback.

It was so late.

In a playground in the suburbs of New York.

In the locker room, the staff named Lan Yinger was laboriously taking off his smurf doll outfit, gasping in his mouth, sitting in a rest chair, and wiping his face and sweat with a towel.

In fact, as a veteran of the playground, she could choose other more relaxed positions, but in the end she chose to dress up dolls, because I do n’t know why, she has always been fond of blue. Wearing blue doll-like shapes is hard, It can make her feel safe.

Unfortunately, there are too few blue dolls, and she doesn't have much choice.

Almost rested, she got up and opened her locker, took out her clothes and started wearing them. At this time, someone walked into the dressing room, a little sister working together at the playground. The other party had already changed her uniform. He was carefully dressed, and he was carrying a cardboard with the words "Welcome the alien messenger to earth".

"Basket, I have been waiting for you for a long time. Hurry up, I will take you to a good place." The little sister said happily.

"Where? I'm so hungry and want to eat something." Lan Ying'er said with no spirit.

"Of course, to welcome the alien messenger." The little sister happily pointed at the sign in her hand, and looked at the sky outside the lounge. From here, she could dimly see the corner of the huge circular aircraft, she continued, " Many people are rushing to the Empire State Building, where the spacecraft is the closest, and we can see the alien messengers for the first time. "

Lan Ying'er frowned, and also glanced at the flying aircraft outside, unlike the little sister's excitement, but her heart was filled with a little bad feeling. The alien spacecraft ... would it be so friendly? ?

"Hurry up, if you are late you won't take up a good place," the little sister urged.

"... I still forget it." Lan Ying'er refused. "Don't go, I don't feel good, really."

"How can it be bad, do you know what the net says? The alien messengers have come to save us, and the Bible predicts their arrival!" The little sister insisted on her own opinion.

The two exchanged a few words, and no one could convince them, so the little sister resigned helplessly: "I will say hello to the alien messenger for you."

Lan Ying'er frowned and glanced at the flying machine in the sky. Finally, he sighed helplessly, packed his things, and left the playground.

She dragged her tired body to a nearby Chinese restaurant.

As an Asian, although Lan Yinger grew up abroad, her love for Asian food culture seems to be imprinted on her bones. For him, the taste of buttery bread cannot replace buns and steamed buns, and she works every day The most commonly visited Chinese restaurant after the end, a bowl of knife-cut soup is always essential to her.

After ordering a meal from the boss, Lan Yinger found an empty seat and sat down. The person sitting opposite her was reading a newspaper, covering her face.

Lan Yinger was bored. Seeing that the newspaper was publishing an interview with an expert on alien visits, she turned around and narrowed her eyes. The newspaper expert held a very excited attitude toward aliens. He thought that Higher civilization has got rid of the humanoid weakness of intelligent creatures and would not like killing. They appeared on the earth to spread knowledge, which would be a great progress for human beings to interstellar.

"Is the alien really friendly?" Lan Ying'er didn't agree with the expert's opinion, and couldn't help but whisper.

"You think so too?" The newspaper reader heard Lan Yinger's words, took off the newspaper and exposed an old man with a gray beard and a look of wisdom.

"Mr. Gandalf, it's you." Lan Yinger exclaimed. The newspaper reader knew him. They often met in this Chinese restaurant. I heard that he was a librarian at a nearby university.

"Lan Yinger hasn't seen you for a long time, I don't know why tonight, and suddenly I want to taste the decoction here ..." Gandalf said with a smile, he continued the topic just now, "You also think that the arrival of aliens is not what Is it good? "

"Yes, I don't know why ... as if there was a voice in my head telling me that these aliens would bring disaster." Lan Ying'er said, waving his fingers around his head, trying to describe her kind feel.

Gandalf suddenly listened to Lan Yinger's words and said suddenly, "Lan Yinger, I feel the same way, someone ... seems to be warning me."

"You feel it too?" Lan Yinger was surprised.

Gandalf nodded quietly, turned his head to look out at the night sky through the glass window of the restaurant, and still could see the corner of the alien spaceship from here, his intelligent eyes were a little worried ...

At that moment, they heard a loud noise at the same time, "The spaceship is moving!" "The spaceship is on!" "Aliens are about to appear!" Accompanying these noises, the restaurant's The crowd left the restaurant in a hurry and looked in the direction of the spaceship ~ ~ Lan Yinger and Gandalf exchanged their eyes, and hurriedly stood up to the restaurant.

From the street, you can see most of the shape of the huge disk-shaped spaceship. It is suspended high in the sky, and just below it is the Empire State Building. At this time, the black aircraft emits a light blue light. Crack the gap.

Cheers rang out, cars stopped on the street, and people stepped out of the doors to watch a scene in the sky in the distance.

Lan Yinger approached Gandalf involuntarily. The two exchanged glances, and they both saw intense anxiety in each other's eyes.


Unexpectedly, a blue beam of light under the aircraft spewed out. It was a certain kind of energy weapon. The Empire State Building disappeared in an instant, and the blue light wave was diffused around. Various buildings, cars, and human beings became ash under its reflection .

The cheering around stopped for a second, then changed into an exclaiming sound.

Alien ships are not for the purpose of spreading knowledge, they are here to invade the earth!