The Heavens Come

Chapter 720: Zombie World War is coming

A giant robot with a triangular head emerged from the ground, and began to attack the humans around him in a frantic manner. It continuously emits hot rays of light. Those who are hit by the light will immediately turn into ashes.

Lan Yinger and Gandalf fled in a panic with the crowd. The ashes were fluttering in the wind all over the sky, and a lot of them fell on them.

The sky became extremely gloomy, howling winds, and lightning flashing.

It is really a disaster in New York. A wave of alien attacks has just ended, and a new wave has begun.

"What the **** is this, is it that God has abandoned us?" A woman fell numbly on the road, as if she had forgotten to get up again, and she looked desperately at the approaching triangular robot in the distance.

The puppet robot quickly locked her, and a red hot light burst out.

But before shooting at the woman, Lan Yinger quickly rushed over to pull the woman up, so that she avoided the fate of becoming ashes.

"Don't give up hope, they will soon be destroyed. Those three-legged monsters do not have the Earth's immune system. They will soon be infected with viruses on the earth and die." Lan Ying'er pulled the woman while running Said.

The woman looked confused.

Lan Yinger also stunned for a moment.

Talking about a virus infection, she uttered these words, taking it for granted, but thought about it without knowing why.

Gandalf, who was running beside Lan Ying'er, also frowned, showing a thoughtful expression.

It soon became dark.

They had arrived in the suburbs of New York. Lan Yinger also found an abandoned car on the road. The car was full of white dust. She knew that it was the ashes of humans after being attacked by robots. Many, Lan Yinger drove Gandalf and several other companions to leave New York and enter sparsely populated places. There may be fewer such robots.

What confuses them is that when Lan Ying'er drove along a highway for several hours, they saw that the sign on the side of the highway showed that New York was ten kilometers ahead ...

Can't they leave New York?

This weird scene made Lan Yinger and Gandalf think again.

Uh ...

In New York City, inside the government building, it is now under full martial law.

An agent wearing a black suit guarded the entrance to the building. These agents all looked like Smith. Everyone inside the building was Smith. As the center of this virtual world's full strength, Ye Chui began to influence the world. Disasters to the world began, and everyone here was taken over by Smith and turned into the appearance of Smith.

一 In an office in the building.

"This time is the alien invaders in the World War. They are difficult to defeat, but according to the plot of the movie, we don't really need to do anything. They won't be defeated by the germs of the earth for a long time." Said Smith.

"Yes, we don't have to do anything." Other Smith agreed.

"But that's the purpose of Ye Ting ... the disaster will overload this virtual world, and Ye Ting never thought of gaining control of the world in this way." Said Smith, who was standing by a window looking out at the city. "He is trying to rescue Gandalf by bringing the world down through disaster."

All Smith was silent, and a moment later one Smith said, "What shall we do?"

"Go grab Gandalf, Lan Yinger and others, so that Ye Ting dare not act lightly." A Smith said.

"That's no use. Their flesh remains outside. As long as the flesh is safe, then we can't kill their bodies in this world. Ye Ting must have realized this." Another Smith countered, "Ye Ting's hands The Book of the Blood God can heal any injury instantly. "

"Now this virtual world is just a cage!" Several Smiths said at the same time.

At this moment, the door of the room suddenly opened, and a Smith came in: "I have developed something that may quickly calm down the invasion now."

Other Smith looked at him.

This Smith raised his hand and let everyone look at a test tube in his hand: "I have developed some super viruses that can instantly infect those aliens and make them stop vitality quickly. This virus is not fatal to humans. Will make humans weak! "

Uh ...

Real world, in the base of a weird town.

Each dragon keeps making a roar. They either run on the roads in the community or fly high in the air. Most of the dragons have grown to a length of two or three meters, reaching a level that can carry human weight Some people who haven't grown up have also shown extraordinary lethality. The only problem is that their personality is more ...

But it doesn't matter.

They are still growing up. By then, there will be opportunities for exercise in the Middle-earth continent.

Qi Yechai picked a survivor with good strength and prepared them to take charge of the dragon and form a dragon team.

At the same time, the guard ring team selected by Ye Ting is also adapting to control the dragon. The members of the guard ring team include Xiao Long, Xiao Mei, Meow, Claudia, Rimi, Tessa, and Irene .

Xie Yechu will ride Soviet University, Irene will ride the frost dragon Emilia in the weird town, and the others will ride the remaining six R-class lizard dragons.

As a dog, Sahaki just ran after him-he never drove a dragon anyway.

As for Dabao, Ye Ting decided this time to keep him in a weapon state.

Wu Dabao's body is the Nasir's holy sword. This sword comes from the Lord of the Rings world. It is the remnant fragment of the sword that defeated Sauron in the movie.

This sword may become a powerful weapon against the demon Sauron.

Under the call of Ye Ting ~ ~ The survivors have begun to enter the Middle-earth continent of the oasis world in an endless stream to participate in the tasks inside, but Ye Ting is not in a hurry to start, he has to go first When Xiaolong wakes up, Claudia's condition is also a little strange.

After devouring part of Nicholas' Book of Nord, the Book of Blood God also fell into a certain sleeping state, and was digesting the new power absorbed. On the cover of the Book of Red Blood God, Claudia's incarnation The little bat hangs upside down and looks lethargic, but Ye Ting feels that the sea of ​​blood in the Book of Blood God is changing, and Claudia is about to be greatly improved this time.

"How is the situation now?" Ye Ting asked the little fox.

[The alien invasion of the World War created a lot of confusion. Smith may be having a headache right now, but just now he has found a solution and developed a super virus that wants to speed up the process of aliens being defeated by germs. 】

The little fox smiled and became unconscious.

病毒 "Virus?" Ye Ting smiled. "Can you help me modify the characteristics of the virus?"

[Of course, it's easy. 】

Little Fox responded that Smith would never have thought that the influence of Ye Ting on the virtual world was not entirely based on himself, but mainly the little fox, a **** with administrator power.

"Okay, then, the next zombie world war ..."

Zombie World War, a classic zombie movie, the zombies in it are much fiercer than ordinary zombies ...

Ps (ps: Zombies and zombies are not the same species, but unfortunately the movie name is translated into Zombie World War.)