The Heavens Come

Chapter 733: Take a picture cursing you

With the words of Claudia, within the envelope of the word, all the wolves under the wolf cavalry were under the control of Claudia and began to attack the orcs next to them. These wolf riders are extremely large and ordinary. The horses were comparable and very brutal, and many orcs were immediately killed by screams.

After the orcs died, they turned back into gold coins, and the sound of whirring quickly flowed into Claudia's body. Although Claudia was not herself, the dead orcs were remembered on her head. .

Claudia herself does not have the qualifications of a survivor or a player, but this Lord of the Rings game is quite special. She joins the Ring Guard Squad, which is equivalent to replacing the original ring guard team membership. What she has is also The identity of the person to replace.

In the ring team, Claudia replaced the Hobbit Pipin in the original movie!

半 The half-orcs madly approaching the top of Fengyun, the wolf cavalry rushed forward, now they are controlled by the Word to counter-orb the orcs, immediately causing chaos, and for a time also slowing down the pace of the half-orcs' army.

"Huh?" Ye Ting, who was about to start, stopped for a moment, what he noticed, his face couldn't help but twitched slightly—Hatch, who was rushing to the top of Fengyun, was also affected by Claudia's Word, Forgetting to escape here is just like the other wolf riders turning around to attack the other half-orcs. "Stupid, don't come back yet!" He sipped softly.

Hatch affected by the Word, a pattern of six-foot Qiong Gouyu suddenly appeared in his eyes, and his whole body was stunned. He was biting a half-orc with his mouth open, hurriedly released his mouth, spit in his mouth, and turned his head to continue Feng Yunding ran wild.

Claudia's Word affects Hatch, which is not difficult to understand. Claudia treats dogs as loyal slaves. The main reason for her to make this point is Hatch. Without status, even a mentally retarded bat can ride on his head for blessings.

If other people perform similar powers of the Word of Manipulation, the six-foot Qiong Gouyu in Hatch ’s body will automatically take effect and oppose the control. However, this word of Claudia is almost equivalent to the direction of Hatch. Hach's control power is particularly strong in suppressing Hatch. Hatch himself was used to being instructed by Claudia. Feeling the power of the Word and almost no resistance, this was directly controlled.

With a yell and swear, Yan Yetui swayed Liu Chiqiu Gouyu's strength and made him awake.

Hatch's four claws left flying dust on the wild grass and rushed to the top of Fengyun, just at this time, Erin was also wrapped in dark mist, and the phantom returned to Ye Ting and others.

Eileen just returned, immediately took out her mobile phone and manipulated it, and called up a few photos just taken in an emergency.

"It's all this time, do you still want to take pictures?" Seeing that Irene's selfie, she smiled, with countless half-orc brutal warriors behind her, Tessa said helplessly.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!" Irene said in her mouth, tapping her finger on several photos in turn.

"What are you doing?" Li Meiqi asked curiously.

"Curse them!" Irene replied, her eyes shining brightly, and she raised her head to look at the oncoming army of Orcs.

Suddenly, an invisible power came here. Among the half-orc army, some of the half-orcs suddenly began to mutate. They were trembling, vomiting foam, rolling to the ground, or suddenly suffering. It seems that foreign bodies are expanding in the body, the body is cracked, or the eyes, ears, ears and ears suddenly bleed blood, silent to the end ...

They fell down into pieces, turning into a bright ocean of gold coins, and flew quickly to Irene.

[Just over 3,000 half orcs died ...]

The little fox was also shocked.

He Yexu was equally surprised. He could do it in such a way. Although Irene was talented, after all, she had limited time to become a survivor. How did he do all this?

什么 When did this little girl have this ability.

"This phone ..." Ye Cui suddenly found something.

"All the magicians in the weird town have one, and the mayor and Green use ancient magic to connect all the mobile phones into one. I just took the picture because it is not fun. I can use this phone to take pictures with the things I take Establish a magical connection, "Irene quickly explained," I can take pictures of the mayor they can see and cast a curse on the pictures I take. "

The more than 3,000 orcs killed in one breath were not shot by Irene, but by her to establish a magical mysterious connection, and the hundreds of magicians standing behind him joined hands to cast a curse and curse to death.

What it really is is the ability to "take a picture and curse you".

After explaining the means, Erin smiled again and again: "Although most of them may hide behind for support, they also want to contribute, and I am with them now."

"..." This leaves Ye Chui and others a little speechless. These magicians are obviously able to fight, why should they be so persuaded, and Irene is really terrible with their means, and also super handsome.

The member that Irene replaced in the Ring Guard Squad is the original elven prince Legolas. As the coolest child in the Lord of the Rings, Irene is worthy of the name!

Orcs are still aggressively aggressive ~ ~ Although they have lost a lot from the beginning, they are still full of advantages. They quickly surrounded Fengyunding, and many Orcs have been killed. Tessa and Rimi have one after another. Take out their respective weapons and start fighting.

The wolf ride controlled by Claudia also smashed around in the Orc camp. This fierce beast is really difficult to deal with, and it is extremely destructive to the Orcs, causing the Orcs' team to fall into chaos and attack on Fengyunding. So it slowed down a lot.

"These half-orcs were brought in by Hatch." Irene quickly jumped onto a broken stone wall next to her and continued to take pictures, but said quickly in her mouth.

Ye Ye looked suspiciously at Hatch.

Hatch was still vomiting something. Although he didn't have a sense of smell or saliva system, he could think of the half-orc that had just bitten. The foul blood was still unspeakable and he heard Ye Tzu's question. He immediately replied: "When I ran here, I accidentally fell into a hole on the road, and all the orcs were full of half-orcs ... and a very terrible guy!"

"Awful guy?"

"I met that person when I was undercover in 101. He was an unknown old man, but at that time he was very bullied, and now he was scary, and he was covered with bandages."


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