The Heavens Come

Chapter 805: This broken infinite glove can always hi

The battle in Holy Helm Valley continues.

Xiaolong was a little nervous, watching the Ao Xing fighting with Sobek through the vision provided by the little fox.

Here, Ye Tzu has always been concerned about a burly body, wrapped in steel armor, capable of pacing half-orcs as meteor hammers, and not forgetting to use magic to fight. Heavy tanks and battle mages are one. warrior.

This is the leader of the area of ​​life in the nameless Purgatory, Christine Donna, who once ran the legendary item of the book of life.

Her current image combines a series of powerful forces in the reunion, which can be said to be a "reunion monster."

In the Kitarari Battle Royale, she used the power of the Book of Life to capture the life of SHIELD's senior agent Hill, and then used the Book of Life to modify Hill's life and let Hill in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Participate in the moments of those stories in the world, gaining all kinds of power.

For example, she obtained Wakada's nanotechnology and Zhenjin Metal, obtained Stark's steel suit design drawings, and created an iron leopard armor that combines Iron Man and Black Panther. Ma Xing can transform into a female Hulk-that image may be more appropriate if she is female abomination. In addition, she also successfully learned from the teacher Gu Yi and learned the legacy of Marvel.

This is the power of the Book of Life, but unfortunately ... Although Christine has combined the powers of the Avengers, it is still not enough to see Ye Cui and his party.

After all, Ye Tzu ’s little zombie maid had tied the Big Three of the Confederation quietly.

Now Ye Ting uses the soul gem to re-call Kristin, so that she still maintains the state when she was killed. This state of lethality is still quite high.

It was found that Ye Chui kept paying attention to the compound monster, and the little fox couldn't help lowering his doubtful thoughts.

【What are you looking at? This Kristin's fighting power is not strong in this battle. She estimates that even the current Tessa may not be able to play. What's the use of paying attention to her? 】

"She isn't too strong, but she has special marks on her body." Ye Chui Shen said.

There are golden runes in his eyes that are constantly emerging and disappearing, and they are evolving some possibility.

[What special mark? 】

The little fox asked.

"The mark of the world of Marvel movies ..." Ye Ting said softly. Nothing is more representative of Marvel movies than a person who combines the characteristics of Hulk, Iron Man, Black Panther, Marvel Mage SHIELD and so on. Heaven world.

[...? 】

The little fox was still confused, couldn't help but want to vomit, Ye Ting is so amazing now, but at this moment, in the live broadcast of Little Fox, it appeared in the vision in front of Ye Ting, dim In the night, the compound monster Christine, who was fighting in the half-orc army, suddenly raised his head, and the eyes of the iron leopard armor looked directly into the sky.

She ... seemed to notice Ye Ting's gaze and was looking at Ye Ting!

[! 】

The little fox was shocked. As a god, she existed like a game GM. As a player in the game world (Christine is not even a player, it belongs to the summoned beast at best), it would never be possible without her permission. It was only when her gaze was found, but Kristin apparently noticed it.

After a few seconds of silence, the little fox exudes shock.

[Slum, what's the matter ... wait a minute, I seem to be a bit wrong! 】

On the battlefield in front of the Valley of the Holy Helm.

The seemingly savage and crazy compound monster, Kristin, looked up at the sky as if looking at the sky and Ye Xing, and the nano-armor on her head quickly dissipated, exposing the original beautiful but now The green, ugly and mutated face, with a faint smile on her face, raised a hand and stretched down the night. The rain has stopped but still dark and gloomy sky.

This action made her sway some kind of power-that's the power of the book of life!

The little fox is transformed into a **** ambassador, by virtue of which the book of life has captured the identity of the **** ambassador and replaced it. The book of life is now integrated with the little fox.

The ownership of the Book of Life is in the hands of Ye Chui, but Christine has been the host of the Book of Life for decades. No one is more familiar with the power of the Book of Life than she was summoned by Ye Chui For the first time, she noticed the breath of the book of life. Through this breath, she gradually contacted the legendary object and began to control it.

[She, she is trying to modify her life! 】

The little fox exclaimed.

Almost immediately after the little fox's exclamation was over, Ye Ting realized that he lost control of Kristin by manipulating the Soul Gems-Kristin was summoned by Ye Ting with Soul Gems, although he had self-consciousness , But she was completely under the control of Ye Xing and could not refuse any orders issued by Ye Xing.

But now, Ye Ting lost control of her.

She borrowed a brief manipulation of the book of life to modify her life, completely lifted all the restrictions when she was summoned by Ye Ting, and completely restored her freedom.

It's like an alternative resurrection!

(Ps: similar to Uchiha Spots, Itachi gets rid of the dirty earth reincarnation control ...)

As soon as Ye Xie's control was lifted, she immediately shouted, and her body jumped up, rushing out of the battlefield, trying to escape from the battlefield of the Holy Helm Valley, and jumped to the Nile River that enveloped the Holy Helm Valley. At that moment, the water suddenly raged, and a wall of water blocked in front of her. A ferocious Nile in the water wall leaned out her head and bit her.

Sonic had the Nile River enveloping the Helm's Hollow to prevent anyone from escaping from the battlefield.

Kristin waved her fists, and the iron leopard warframe of her body was launched. She blasted the crocodile biting towards her and fell to the ground. She waved her hands in the air, and a mass of Mars burst out near the ground. For a circle, it was Marvel's signature teleportation magic, and Christine's body instantly got into the portal.

The world cannot teleport long distances, so the other side of the portal is hundreds of meters away, but that has left the siege of the Nile.

[She's running away! Ye Thui, don't you do something? 】

The little fox quickly reminded. .

"She can't run away." Ye Ting's face didn't have the slightest panic. Others had stood up and came to the puddle next to the puddle, holding a frying pan and playing with the water ghost game Xiaomei Beside, put his hand on Xiaomei's shoulder, "Xiaomei, it's time for your shot."

One night has passed, and Oriental Skyrim is exuding hazy light.

Christine, who escaped from the battlefield of Holy Helm Valley, appeared on a hillside in the distance. She struggled to run forward. The iron leopard warframe on her body originally had flying ability, but the world prohibits high-tech flying vehicles. , But those jet powers can still greatly improve her mobility.

She was so fast that she was about to cross the hillside at her feet.

But at this moment, a bright light blocked her vision. It was the morning light of the rising sun, and in the reflection of the morning light there was a girl in a purple dress with a strange weapon in her hand.

Kristin was immediately alert, with sharp vibrating gold nails stretched out on the hands wrapped in the armor, the weapon system on the shoulders was opened, and small missiles were released and blasted forward, while her arms still had The yellow magic glow permeated, condensing into a protective circle, covering her body-she used all the power of Fusion members almost instantly.



Her magic shield was smashed and broken by a pan, and her body fell uncontrollably backwards. The small missiles exploded in front of Xiaomei's body. The zombie girl was safe and sound, and her body was floating in the air. Quickly moved, before Christine's body landed, she slammed in front of her again, and raised the pan in her hand high.

boom! Kristin's body then fell from back to straight, smashing a large pit.

Xiaomei's attack method always looks so simple and unpretentious.

She replaced Gandalf's role. Through the enhancement of the plot, Ye Chui was successfully transferred to the battlefield of the Holy Helm Valley at dawn. In the original Lord of the Rings game, Gandalf appeared with the reinforcements at dawn. Valley of the Holy Helm.

At the same time, Xiaolong's will came to Xiaomei as the medium.

The dragon incarnate by Ao Xing in the battlefield has been bruised at this moment. The huge and ferocious crocodile is biting the dragon's neck with force. Pieces of golden light condensed dragon scales are constantly falling down, disappearing and invisible. He was so weak that Aoxing's human body could be seen faintly, his face full of pain, and he was almost unconscious.

In the heart of the crocodile **** Sobek, he was quite admired by Ao Xing. He didn't expect the dragon to stop himself for so long, but that's it.

The giant crocodile's mouth was closed, and the dragon's neck was completely bitten off. In a burst of crackling sound, the dragon's body quickly dissipated, completely revealing the figure of Ao Xing, and fell to the ground.

Sobek's mouth opened again, and he was about to bite at Ao Xing.

Some nearby survivors and local players are coming to rescue immediately, but time seems to be too late.

At this moment, the body of the giant crocodile suddenly stood up, was lifted up into the air by a strong force, and then fell heavily to the ground. When he looked at Ao Xing again, his hair fluttered and his body renewed. Wrapped in a layer of golden dragon power, his expression became a bit cold.

"Ao Xing is like this ..." Darwin, the magician in the grotesque town, was not far away. Seeing Ao Xing's appearance at this time, his face was a little thoughtful, and he thought about escaping in ice and fire. Zhong Aoxing had also entered a similar state. He also knew that Aoxing did not remember everything that happened during the period after he returned to normal.

This made Darwin can't help but guess, when facing the danger of life and death, the dragon blood in Ao Xing's body would wake up, let him enter this strange and powerful state?

-Xiaolong successfully possessed Ao Xing, and rushed to Sobek with the anger of his old father.

And Xiaomei is here once again panning Christine from the ground out of the pan, Ye Ting deliberately explained her, so that when she rushed to the battlefield, she must solve Christine.

[Kristin ... will use the book of life to get rid of the control of the soul gem, are you intentional? 】

The little fox understood what was happening. She didn't think so much about the previous incident, but now she realized that the soul gem and the book of life are legendary items owned by Ye Ting. Kristin's every move should be Under the control of Ye Ting, and the book of life is merging with the little fox, even if there is an omission in the control of Ye Ting, it is impossible for Christine to steal the power of the book of life from the little fox.

Kristin was able to use the Book of Life, but it was possible only with Ye Ting.

But what is Ye Ting doing?

"I need Kristin as a sacrifice. Since it is a sacrifice, then she must have complete freedom ..." Ye Cui explained, hands began to condense the runes of divine power.

The mysterious man has incorporated Egyptian mythology into the history of the Lord of the Rings. To do this, in addition to controlling the origin rules, a tragic sacrificial ritual is also required. Ye Chui and his party, these unknown people are the sacrifices he chose. They represent the power of Egyptian mythology. When they are killed, they complete the sacrifice.

Because after they die, they will become part of the history here, and the mysterious people use this as a guide ~ ~ to thoroughly integrate Egyptian myth into the history of the Lord of the Rings.

Now Ye Cui has made the law, allowing Christine, who has the ability to reconnect, to be free, and then shot to death by Xiao Mei, complete the ritual, and then modify through the source, so that the mark of her Marvel movie universe can be fused here. In history!

The Marvel Universe of the Movies itself was built on the basis of several members of the Confederation, and now Christine can hardly be more Marvel!

Of course, Ye Chui's perception of the rules of origin is not as good as the mysterious person, but this is not enough, but the real gem power of Tessa can make up for the last flaw and let Ye Chui complete this plan completely.

[It turned out you were planning this ... but what use is this? Even if Marvel is incorporated into the history of the Lord of the Rings, it is impossible for us to improve our strength too much, right? 】

The little fox was still a little puzzled.

"How come ..." Ye Ting laughed.

The infinite gloves in the Marvel Movie Universe are probably the most powerful artifacts in the era of film and television in the game of God.

If the Lord of the Rings world is integrated with the Marvel movie world, then Ye Ting can use the space gem here-he has the right to inherit the space gem and can only use it in the Marvel movie world.

Ye Tzu now has power gems, soul gems, and mind gems.

Tessa also had the power of a realistic gem.

Of the six infinite gems, there is only time left before the gems have landed ...

Although a single gem is already very powerful, only when these gems are combined can they exert their most powerful power.

Incomplete gloves with four semi-infinite gems can always hit half a ring finger?

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