The Heavens Come

Chapter 807: The Power of Infinite Gems

In the world of Marvel movies, the infinite gem is tempered from the essence of the six singularities before the Big Bang. It can be said that it is the foundation of this world and the most powerful item in the Marvel world. Gems can even make a huge impact and change on the entire universe.

How did the infinite gloves with infinite gems work?

Space gems and time gems provide a perceptual range in space and time, which allows glove users to feel every space and all time in the universe.

Mind jewels allow glove makers to perceive every ray of mind, and it can locate all beings.

A power gem that provides strength to glove makers.

Reality gems are a medium that provides the connection between power and change.

Soul gems are responsible for finishing, and those erased souls after ringing fingers need to be stored through soul gems.

In the game of God, the setting of infinite gems has undergone certain magical changes, but the general principle is the same. When six infinite gems are gathered, they can touch the rules of origin, control space and time, locate each soul, and obtain infinite. Power, flip fantasy and reality at will, connect the nirvana of the undead, and use infinite gloves. Survivors or unknown people can also destroy half of the world with one click.

Of course ... there are no aliens in the real world. The world here refers to the earth.

Now Ye Ting's palm has condensed the illusion of infinite gloves, a collection of space gems, power gems, soul gems, soul gems, and half of the realistic gems that have only one use right. The only time gem is missing, but he can also hit his fingers. , But because of the lack of time rules, the scope of his influence will be greatly reduced.

If someone controls the rules of time, he will be immune to his fingers.

But this is already very strong.

Even when the illusive infinity gloves were put on Ye Ting's body, and Ye Ting began to bear the terrible power of infinite gems, a majesty that shocked and trembled everyone had emanated from him, the sky was overcast, It is even brewing the divine power of discoloration of heaven and earth, and the divine punishment against Ye Chui is about to come down-the administrator of this private server game world is now completely angry.

On the battlefield, whether it is the Lohan Warriors, Orcs in the Lord of the Rings world, survivors, local players, unknown people, or the deceased and survivors who have been summoned, everyone can't help attracting attention at this moment. Force, the fierce battlefield seems to have suddenly stopped, and one after another looks at Ye Xing, who is standing on one side of the battlefield.

Many of them did not know what Ye Ting was doing, but this did not affect their mind and body and were completely shaken, so that they forgot what they were doing and what to do.

"Infinite Gloves?" Orcs Ozu from Hellfire was already in a state of violent attack on the Orcs. He sensed the terrible majesty and looked awake for a moment. He looked very well and saw Ye Xing's palm.

"This ..." Swordmaster Kong Zhou, holding a sword in each hand, was fighting a deceased person, an RB samurai, who was very strong, but at this time they stopped moving and looked dullly. The direction of the leaves.

Tessa waved a tomahawk to split a half-orc in front of her, and looked at Ye Xing's direction. Although she already knew the existence of a real gem, she still couldn't hide her shock.

"I'm going, Infinity Gloves ..." On an open field on the battlefield, there was a ripple in the space, and Irene's head protruded out of the air, showing a shocking expression. Since the beginning of the war, she has skillfully hid in a place In the space world, she borrowed a magic mobile phone to attack the enemy, but now she can't help showing up.

Everyone knows that Ye Xing is very powerful. I don't know how many cards he has reached. They are also used to shocking Ye Xing's strength ... but, infinite gloves? You too ... no sense!

On the black tower where Mordon stood, the huge black eye suddenly began to tremble violently. I do n’t know if it was because of anger or fear. The roar rang out all around him, and he went crazy to the deceased on the battlefield of the Helm Valley. We issued an order that we must stop Ye Xing, stop Ye Xie at all costs, and never let him use the things in his hand!

So on the battlefield of the Holy Helm Valley, after a moment of stagnation, all the deceased moved at the same time, the crocodile **** Sobek fighting the dragon, the Prussian **** Poseidon being suppressed by the Meow Warriors, and Rimi The goalkeeper of the battle, Claudia's Van Helsing giant wolf controlled by the counter-orcs, and the RB warrior fighting Sword Master Kong Zhou ... All the deceased have abandoned their original enemies at this moment, and have been activated without control. All his own power rushed to Ye Xing.

The Nile River, which originally surrounded the Valley of the Holy Helmet, swayed like a giant water snake, and the river rushed towards Ye Xing.

Sea Emperor Poseidon broke through the wind, appeared in the sky, and threw the Sea Emperor Trident towards Ye Ting.

The goalkeeper's broken Solomon's key had been reunited at this moment. He quickly summoned Solomon. Numerous imaginary but real demons were released and rushed towards Ye Xing.


At this moment, the atmosphere of the battlefield seemed to be ignited to the peak. The scariest and most powerful legendary attack attacked Ye Xing at the same time.

However, when these attacks were about to touch Ye Xing's side, Ye Xing only lifted the palm of his Unreal Infinite Gloves at will, as if he gently brushed a trail of fallen leaves, so he Everything around him suddenly stopped.

The kind of stillness is not the stagnation of time, but the space is frozen. The blue and purple light flashes on the illusive infinite gloves. Blue light is the power of the space gem. Ye Xing uses it to solidify the space around him. The purple light is Power The power of the gem, which provides endless power for the operation of the leaf drop.

Although the power of a single infinite gem is powerful, it can only exert its maximum power when they cooperate with each other. Freezing the space is a combination of gems. It cannot be done with a single space gem or power gem. It freezes more than a dozen legendary attacks in an instant.

Then the space was restored, and in the sound of "wow-wow-wow", those who had attacked Ye Xie fell one after another on the ground like leaves, and the power they had previously inspired had completely disappeared.

The turbulence of the Nile, the demons released from Solomon, the sternness of the trident of the emperor ... At the same time, the clouds disappeared and became invisible.

It was like when the annihilation of the Confederacy 3 finally reached the battlefield of the Confederacy 3, the scene of the Avengers' attack was easily and freely brought down ... At the time, the annihilation was just missing a gem.

The battle in the Holy Helm Valley has been going on for most of the night. The dark army from the Mordor side is extremely horrible. The dead who have been summoned by the mysterious people through the book of life and death are their main forces. Now, the main enemy forces gather fire , Ye Xing gently waved his hand and all fell down ...

Just say how shocking this scene is.

Survivors and local players thought in their hearts: What's the point of playing a night of exhaustion?

Ye Ting's hand wearing the Unreal Infinite Gloves was still in the air at this time.

Opposing his thumb and forefinger, he slowly made a snapping motion.

At this moment Ye Ting's consciousness carries a lot of information. The space gem allows him to instantly sense everything in the large area, and the mind gem helps him locate all the creatures-he can feel the sense of every half-orc Existence, the existence of every unknown person, the consciousness of mysterious people who have died, even hundreds of miles away from the Mordor Tower ...

But in the process, a hint of doubt came to his mind: the number of unknown people seems to be very scarce?

The number of unknown people brought into this game by the mysterious person using the book of life and death should be thousands. Even if there is a fight, there should be a lot of leftovers, but the consciousness of the unknown people that Ye Ting can feel is only To a hundred people.

In the Battle of the Holy Helm Valley, there were not many unknown people playing. Where did they go?

The rear of the orc's dark army is covered by dark clouds, and even that little fox's vision of God cannot be visited, but now Ye Ting uses the power of spiritual gems and realistic gems to make him "see" any world in this side. Existing consciousness of mind, but Ye Ting didn't feel the existence of many unknown people in the area covered by the cloud.

"The nameless ... was sacrificed?" Ye Cui suddenly understood something.

The price of the mysterious summoning the dead is the need to sacrifice the life of the unknown!

Just as Ye Tzu summons the surviving warrior with a soul gem to consume gold coins.

Not all of the unknown people are strong. Even if the mysterious people use Egyptian mythology to bring some unknown people back to the top, there will still be some people who are not strong. These people ... Sacrifice!

Too cruel ... Ye Chui couldn't help but think so.

Then prepare to locate all the enemy forces, wipe out all the enemies in one breath ...

"He's about to point his finger!"

"He's about to hit!"

"Sink ..."

Countless people have such thoughts in their hearts.

Then ... Boom!

For a moment almost everyone's vision was filled with golden light, and the earth shook, as if the end was coming.

And some people with enhanced vision suddenly saw that a thunder beyond their imagination had just suddenly fallen from the sky and shot down to the position where Ye Xing stood.

That's ... divine punishment!

The mysterious man let all the deceased to attack together. Although he did not cause any damage to Ye Xing, he finally delayed for a while and waited for the punishment.

When the golden light dissipated and everyone looked at Ye Ting, they saw that the enemy he stood on had become a big pit ... it was a big pit, it was more like a bottomless black well, as if it had been connected Abyss of Hell.

Ye Ting, Meow Meow, and Xiao Mei have all disappeared.

"Is this ... the gray smoke is gone?" Everyone couldn't help guessing.

Do you want to be so rude and direct?

The crocodile gods Sobek, Neptune Poseidon, and others do not know what an infinite gem is, but they can intuitively feel the horror of this thing. Seeing the big pit caused by divine punishment, each of their faces Can't help but show a surprise.

But soon, some people with relatively sensitive senses felt something, and hurriedly looked to the side. On a hillside beside the Valley of the Holy Helm, Ye Chui and the ancestor (Meow Meow) and Xiao Mei appeared somehow. The blue light on them was quickly dissipating-at the moment when the punishment came, Ye Ting used the space gem to make him and Meow and Xiaomei move here.

The rules and transmission let Ye Chui avoid lightning penalty in time.

Ye Ting's palm with infinite gloves is still trying to ring the ring finger, perhaps because the power of infinite gloves has undergone magical changes. This is not as easy as shown in the movie. Ye Xing needs to locate each one to be erased. The position of the person makes him have to deal with a lot of information.


The second divine punishment in the sky came down again-after the first divine punishment came, it didn't seem to be brewing, it could be chopped off one after another.

The hillside disappeared into a sunken basin.

Ye Ting took Meow and Xiaomei to teleport to another place, and he continued to try to snap his fingers.

Divine punishment is coming again.

Everyone: "..."

This is moving left and right in front of divine punishment ...

Powerful ancient gods such as Poseidon and Sobek at this moment have a feeling of horror. It is a divine punishment, and it is the most powerful divine punishment. It is the obliteration from the source rules!

And just before the third divine punishment was about to come down, slamming, except for Ye Xing, Meow, and Xiaomei, the ring finger that no one else heard, just rang like that.


Ye Ting's figure was then swallowed up by the **** punishment Lei Guang.

The dark clouds rolling in the sky suddenly dissipated quickly.

Everyone looked around, but this time they did not see Ye Ting again.

"He ... has he finally been hacked to death this time?" Sobek said with a quivering voice.

The feeling of rejoicing never flowed into his heart in the past.

He raised his hand and couldn't help but want to clap his hands, but suddenly he found that his ink-condensed hands were slowly turning into ashes ...

Not only him, but other dead people are also turning into ashes.

And more than half of the orcs here ...

The power of infinitely loud fingers has been released!

In Mordor, Sauron's evil eyes roared angrily on the black tower.

That roar was filled with anger!

The book of life and death was suspended in the air, and the pages flipped and flipped. Some kind of power was completely excited, and turned into a hemispherical protective cover covering the entire Mordor area.

The power of the book of life and death is a kind of rule power that controls the fate of life and death and belongs to the realm of time.

Ye Ting's infinite gloves now lack time gems, and the mysterious man used the book of life and death to resist the power of the "ring fingers", but he was no longer able to protect those who had died and those half-orcs.

When that protective cover dissipated, Sauron's evil eyes seemed much weaker.

In order to fight against infinite ring fingers, the mysterious man obviously consumes a lot of power!


In Death Marsh ~ ~ Where Ye Ting had previously left.

Ye Ting's figure appeared out of thin air, and his body was already a bit weak. He looked at his right hand, and the soul gem and soul gem floated above the palm of his hand. With a heart motion, he returned the mind gem to the overwhelmed Hatch, standing next, put away the soul gem again.

The power gems were bound to Xiaomei, and the real gems were handed over to Meow Meow at the last moment, and they all remained on the battlefield in the Valley of the Holy Helm.

After the ring finger was over, Ye Ting quickly used the space gem to avoid it, and then handed the space gem to Meow Meow, allowing Meow Meow to teleport him and Xiaolong's will back to the death swamp—the main reason for the coming of the punishment was The long-distance transmission of space gems, now that Ye Chui obediently returns to the place, the divine punishment will naturally dissipate.

The ability of the space gem to teleport is now completely sealed, but the space gem can not only open the teleport, it can also put the meow meow into the "surprising meow" state.

[Seems to fail to solve him? 】

The little fox lowered his will with doubt.

"Yeah ..." Ye Ting's face was somewhat depressed, but soon calmed down again.

There is only a trace of the real gem power, coupled with the lack of time gems, which greatly reduces the power of this ring finger. It is not a surprise to be avoided by mysterious people. Even the orcs have a lot of missing fish.

However, all the deceased and most of the orcs have been resolved, and this wave has already made steady profits!

"The power of infinite gloves is really strong." Ye Cui sighed. "This time, it is only a semi-finished infinite glove. If one day you can gather the real six gems ..."

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