The Heavens Come

Chapter 855: The organization is well-paid and has go

After Ye Qingmei was resurrected from the Soul Gem, he immediately showed a vigilant expression and looked at his environment.

This is a mysterious stone temple.

Several strange figures are standing in front of her.

There is a man with flowing hair and a very cold face.

There is a pretty girl in a white dress with white hair.

There is also a tall man with a smile on his face.


Among them, the one that Ye Qingmei cared about most was the man who was sitting in a wheelchair and wrapped in a strange mosaic that could not see his appearance.

"What are you guys, I ... how can I be here?" She asked in a puzzled voice, but she couldn't remember what happened in the world's battle royale, because she committed suicide. Qian Kongzhou had awakened, and evil thoughts were tightly entangled with her thoughts. When she was resurrected, she was the only one who was resurrected, so the memory of that entangled evil thought will naturally disappear.

"We are God Meteorological Organization." Xiaolong said to Ye Qingmei, "You may have heard of us."

"God falls ..."

Ye Qingmei has indeed heard the name.

Recently, the Internet has gradually emerged, and the Alliance has also taken the opportunity to establish various forums to promote the Alliance ’s black gold currency.

She is also okay and likes to browse the forums. She knows a lot of information about the world of survivors. The existence of the Shen Meteorological Organization is known as the most mysterious secret in the world of survivors.

It is said that every member has a powerful force against an entire large organization!

"What do you want to catch me?" Ye Qingmei looked alert, his eyes still quietly looking around, as if looking for a way to escape from here.

"You may have forgotten, you were dead not long ago." The girl in the silver-haired white dress who spoke this time, Meow, she walked up and down to Ye Qingmei's side, bare feet, hands on her back Behind him, the cute face looked at Ye Qingmei up and down curiously, "The master used your own power to bring you back to life ... Sister Qingmei."

"What, I'm dead? Was resurrected again ..." Ye Qingmei froze, showing an expression of disbelief.

With a snap, she reached out and pulled a sword from her personal space, which was the great sword she had not long ago.

When she died, the items she owned were also obliterated, but when Ye Chui resurrected her, she returned them to her again.

After glancing at the sword in his hand, Ye Qingmei instantly placed the peerless sword on Miao Miao's neck: "What are you kidding, I thought I would believe this kind of thing? I won't care who you are, now Just let me go, otherwise I will kill this woman! "

"Meow?" Meow stunned for a moment, and looked up at Ye Qingmei with an interesting expression.

For the first time, she was a meow ...

Seeing Ye Qingmei's reaction, Ye Chui showed a trace of helplessness, but when thinking of Ye Qingmei's character, this reaction is now expected.

After explaining a few words to Miao Miao in his heart, he didn't say much. He opened a portal directly beside Ye Qingmei and said with a smile: "The other side is Longxi Town. If you don't want to join, you can leave now. . "

"Let me go so easily?" Ye Qingmei hesitated, holding the meow, a little closer to the portal, and seeing that the other side was indeed a familiar town, she let go of her heart a little.

After thinking about it for a moment, suddenly, a handful of swords appeared beside her.

Today, she has collected only about twenty or thirty swords, not as impressive as a few years later, but still quite powerful.

Swish swish—

A sword continually shuttled around her body to block any possible damage.

She pushed Meow away and jumped out of the portal.

The handful of swords also flew around her body and followed her away from here.

"She really has a great talent in kendo. Before seeing the unnamed cast of Wan Jian to the sect, she learned this trick in a variety of ways, and then immediately followed death. Although the scene after the resurrection has become The memory is blurred, but the ability of Wan Jian to return to the sect seems to be turned into instinct, and he used it easily. "Ye Cui sighed and put away his mosaic skin.

Here Ye Ye does not need to put on this skin, but he must avoid letting Ye Qingmei recognize him.

"Just let her go like this, then what to do next." Xiao Long asked.

"She will take the initiative to join our organization." Ye Chui said softly.

Ye Qingmei returned to Longxi Town through the portal, and the portal disappeared immediately.

She was still full of vigilance in her heart, glancing around to prevent any accidents, but nothing happened, so she relaxed a little, put away her sword, and quickly walked home.

When she met an acquaintance on the road, she smiled and greeted her, and she began to think about how to explain the sudden return from outside.

But she followed her but heard the acquaintance say to her: "Whose child are you, how can I look at the child?"

Ye Qingmei suddenly froze.

Then she met many acquaintances, but they didn't remember who Ye Qingmei was.

With a distracted heart, he returned home.

In the previous two years, the family moved out of a dilapidated old house, moved into a newly developed residential area in the town, and returned home all the way. The parents are not at home now. Ye Qingmei took out the key to open the door.

Fortunately, her key can still be unlocked, but when she enters the familiar home, her expression instantly becomes sad.

There is no trace of her in this house.

Her bedroom is completely unrecognizable, and she is placed on the family picture in the living room, and she is no longer there.

Everything is as if she does not exist.

"I'm really dead ..."

There is only one reason for this strange situation, that is, she had died in the game of God, and God completely erased her traces of existence from the world!

She left her home in despair, wandering on a familiar and unfamiliar street, and finally came to a nearby park, sitting sadly on a park seat.

How could this happen, her existence was erased ...

At this time, someone suddenly walked in front of her and looked up, Ye Qingmei's face showed surprise.

That was her younger brother, Ye Chui.

Only eight or nine years old, Xiao Yehui, holding two big hot buns in his hand, was standing not far from Ye Qingmei. His eyes looked at Ye Qingmei while nibbling at the delicious buns.

Seeing his appearance, Ye Qingmei instinctively wanted to reach out and grab another bun in his hand.

This is a habit that has been cultivated since childhood. Can the thing that robs my younger brother be called robbing?

However, Xiao Yehui instinctively ducked back and hugged the bun in his arms, his eyes still watching Ye Qingmei with vigilance.

So Ye Qingmei's movements froze.

Suddenly she thought that Xiaoye Chuo had forgotten who she was. He just happened to pass by nearby and cast a curious look on her.

Ye Qingmei confessed that she withdrew her hand, but her eyes burst into tears.

Xiao Yehui, who was about to leave, suddenly stopped when he saw this scene, and there was something weird on his face. I thought how long this sister was hungry, so I cried for a meat bun ...

He thought about it for a moment, anyway, he could n’t finish two meat buns, so give her a good one.

"Sister, don't cry, let's eat this meat bun." Xiao Yechui passed the bun in his hand to Ye Qingmei. At the same time, he felt a strange feeling in his heart: he could only eat one meat bun, but Why did I need two when I just bought the buns?

After receiving the still hot meat bun, Ye Qingmei looked at Xiao Yehui with tears in her eyes.

Xiao Yehui smiled happily, turned around and walked away.

So Ye Qingmei began to nibble on the meat buns.

When she finished eating the bun, she looked to the side: "You can resurrect me, then ... Can the traces of being erased be restored to their original condition?"

In the void next to it, there was a flash of the figure of the **** meteorite covered with mosaics. He said a little unexpectedly, "Can you feel my presence?"

"Do not."

Ye Qingmei shook his head, and UU read to wipe his eyes vigorously: "But I know you guys will raise me up, and it will definitely not be easy to let me go."

It turned out that Ye Chui nodded, looking at Ye Qingmei's slightly red eyes, and felt a little bit distressed for a moment.

He hesitated a little, walked to Ye Qingmei's side and sat down, then said in his mouth: "The traces erased by God, I have not yet been able to fully recover as before, but if you are willing to do something for me, wait In the future, I can promise you to restore your trace of existence in this world. "

Ye Chu did not lie in these words.

He is not yet a complete King of Gods, and he cannot restore the traces of erasure. Only when he becomes a new King of God completely and has complete control of the origin can he do this step. To fully grasp the origin, he must fully control God. Make, let the angel regain the consciousness of the little fox.

The purpose of bringing Ye Qingmei back to life is to completely eliminate Kong Zhou ’s evil thoughts. Next, Ye Chui needs to use Ye Qingmei to unleash the seal of the little fox ’s thoughts and let Ye Chui take complete control of God so that he can become the true King of God And, until that time, he can restore the traces of Ye Qingmei's erasure.

All this implies causality and interlocking.

"What do you ask me to do?" Ye Qingmei asked when he heard Ye Cui's words.

"Things are a bit complicated, and it will take a long time." Ye Chui said softly, "This is also the reason why our Shenteo organization exists."

"Divine Meteorology ..." Ye Qingmei looked curious, "What kind of organization is it?"

Hearing Ye Qingmei's question, Ye Chui immediately smiled: "The organization is well-paid and has excellent prospects. The most important thing is to force the thief high. You will definitely not lose money if you join the Shenmei Organization ..."

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