The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v1 Chapter 124: spark of fire

"What is a 'Brave'?" Arturia was stunned for a moment, then a wry smile appeared on her face.

"Generally speaking, there are two definitions of the brave." Arturia said to Charles, "one is a person who has accomplished a certain feat, and the other is a person with great power."

"In addition, there are some other sayings. For example, people from other worlds will be regarded as heroes by default, and sometimes children with powerful talents are also called that."

"But the last two points are based on the first two points, because people from other worlds and children with powerful talents can often reach the standard of having great strength and accomplishing certain achievements."

Charles nodded thoughtfully. After drinking a sip of milk, he asked, "Then you have made so many achievements and are still sung by people, so you are considered a hero, right?"

Then he understood the reason for Arturia's wry smile just now, "Me? I'm just an accessory of the hero."

"Isn't it fair?" said Charles indignantly. "You have done more than he did."

"Forget it, it's over." Arturia didn't want to talk too much about her past.

Then Charles asked again, "Why wasn't Philip a hero back then?"

"I asked him this question once, but he didn't answer it directly." Arturia recalled looking out the window, "but I can see that he is very disgusted with the title 'Brave' from the bottom of his heart, like A brave man seemed to rob him of all his money, so he rejected the title."

Charles opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. He almost wanted to ask if there were brave people who went to the old ancestor's house to rummage through the boxes, and then obtained "herbs x2", "copper coins x5" and so on. After all, he has done such a thing since playing the original version of "Xianjian 1".

However, there are times when things like this are overturned. There were four warriors in bikini armor who got a lot of money by rummaging through the houses of urban residents when they had no money, and then lived a luxurious and comfortable life. Residents packed up...

Charles asked again: "Then what kind of feats must be made to be considered a hero?"

"From destroying the demon beasts that harm one side, to beheading important generals in the war with the demons." Arturia said and smiled.

"Is that the former Supreme Attorney General who killed the demons?" Charles said with a smile.

Arturia rubbed Charles' head, "If you have the skills, just try."

"Hahahaha..." Charles smiled, "I can't bear to be so beautiful."

Then he suffered a brain crash.

"What bad things are you thinking about again?" Elizabeth, who was wearing an emerald green dress, walked in. She heard what Charles said just now, "Actually, killing the Demon King's nephew is the same."

Charles shrank his neck and found that he was indeed a humanoid self-propelled experience pack.

"How is your body feeling now?" Elizabeth asked.

"The fatigue has returned," Charles said.

Then he recounted everything that happened on the altar that day, but the whereabouts of the broken godhead, according to An Qi's intention, implied that he was taken away by Reimu, and the fewer people knew about such things, the better. He is now a genuine "guilty", and it is still very tempting for people to be broken.

The existence that was used by the believers to perform evil rituals disappeared, which made Barnett I and the others very worried. But now that He has been taken away by God, there is nothing to worry about.

Then Elizabeth told Charles about their experience, and Charles, who was drinking milk, accidentally crushed the glass in his hand.

"So my family was killed, because the two of them deceived Bischberg's fourth prince?" Charles asked.

"Not sure yet." Elizabeth shook her head and replied, "It's just one of the possibilities."

She picked up the tablecloth on the table to help Charles clean his hands soiled by the milk in the glass, and said at the same time, "You have a good rest today, and we will leave here in two days."

Then Charles asked, "What happened to the bodies of those children?"

"Some children can still find their families, and the remains of these children are brought home by the Temple of the God of War," Elizabeth said. "Those who can't find their families will be buried in the temple's cemetery first."

Charles gave a "um", and he could tell from his voice that he was not in a high mood.

Elizabeth took him to her lap and sat down, then hugged him in her arms, patting his back lightly with one hand.

She said softly to Charles: "There is light in this world, and there are shadows where the light does not shine."

"What we have to do is to abide by the light in our hearts and remove the shadows of this world."

Charles, who put his head on Elizabeth's shoulder, nodded, and at the same time he stretched out his hands and hugged Elizabeth's waist tightly.

The skeletons on the altar and the more than 80 remains in the cave left a psychological shadow on Charles and taught him a lesson.

Reality once again told him that this is not China where you can go out alone to eat late at three or four in the middle of the night, but a different world where danger is always around. There are dangerous monsters here, and even more dangerous people.

Charles was not like the Virgin who only typed on the keyboard and said, "Send you to death, and I'll come to you". He did a lot of brave things. He even took a group of workers with shovels and hoes to **** a passerby's mobile phone. The robbers urinated their pants after chasing them. UU reading

It is impossible for him to remain indifferent when confronted with such heinous things as the brutal murder of nearly a hundred innocent children, especially when he has the ability to seek justice for these children.

"Sister," Charles asked, "is life always so miserable? Or is it only as a child?"

Elizabeth patted him on the back, "Everyone suffers, but what I want to do is to make the world less miserable. My father once said that as long as everyone can contribute a little bit, the world will change. better."

Charles nodded. Although he was an adult in his last life, in this world, because of the different rules of the game, he is still a child in the stage of reshaping the three views.

For this world, he clearly realizes that it is extremely difficult for him to make too many changes.

He doesn't know if he can go back to the previous world. If he can't go back, then he might as well make this world - even the part around him - a little better, even if it's just a little spark Yep.
