The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v1 Chapter 132: mila and her friends

At the same time as the fight on the border of the Biberach Kingdom was going on, on an island thousands of miles away, Mira hummed a song and walked to the academy's cafeteria.

After ordering a piece of noodle cake, a steamed fish the size of a palm, and a soup made from conch shells, she found a corner where no one was around, put down the supplies needed for today's class and sat down.

She found that her food intake has increased a lot recently, perhaps because of the increase in her usual training.

At the same time, she was also worried, afraid that if she went on like this, she would become like Cynthia Hermanlik, similar to a bear.

Then, while eating lunch, she took out from her pocket the letter sent by the Communications Bureau a few days ago, and I don't know how many times she read it.

"Mimi, are you reading the letter again?" A girl with pale blond hair and a pale complexion sat beside Mila, "What is the good news that makes you happy for so long?"

Mira quickly put the letter back in her pocket, and said to her friend seriously, "I won't tell you."

"Say it!" The girl the same age as Mila shook Mila's hand and prevented her from eating with a fork, "Who else are we with? If it wasn't for me, you would be engaged to me."

Mila shook her head helplessly, "Danny, that's just a drunk talk that our father said after drinking too much."

Speaking of her dead father, Mira sighed in her heart.

"I don't care." The girl nicknamed Dany and named Daenerys pouted, "By the way, how is your brother? Does he look good?"

Mira shook her head, sighed and said, "Oh...don't think about it, he looks...very ugly."

She already knew about Charles' injury and disfigurement.

"Ah?!" Daenerys was surprised, "No way? You are so beautiful, how could your brother be so ugly? Your father is also very good-looking."

"You'll know when you see him when you have a chance. He is so ugly now that he wears a mask every day." Mira said, "He was injured and disfigured not long ago."

She felt that her good friend could be a friend, but it would be very bad if she was a younger brother and sister.

Daenerys, who is Yan Control, is discouraged, but she then discovers a new world.

"When did you start wearing the bracelet?" Daenerys said, pointing to Mila's exposed wrist while eating, "I think I've seen it somewhere?"

With a slight smile on Mila's face, she stroked the quaint white metal bracelet on her right wrist with her left hand, and said, "This was given to me by Charles, who said it was bought in an antique store, and I can only wear it yesterday. get on it."

"No!" Daenerys took out a history textbook from her storage ring, and turned to the next pages.

"It's it!" She pointed to a picture and said to Mira, "It's the holy light oath bracelet that disappeared with the saint more than 300 years ago!"

Daenerys's voice was not low, but the classmates who were eating around didn't care at all that the legendary sacred artifact appeared in the cafeteria.

"How is that possible?" Mila smiled and shook her head, "When I first came to the island, there were at least five stores outside the academy with bracelets like this on the shelves. This one might cost two or three hundred. Imitations from years ago?"

"Ah..." Daenerys sighed, "I thought you found the Holy Artifact."

"You read too many novels." Mira shook her head helplessly.

Charles didn't tell her that he went to the Demon Clan's territory. He just said that he met a giant dragon he knew from his family's ancestors. This bracelet was half bought and half gifted from the giant dragon who opened a shop to sell antiques.

Daenerys's voice seemed to be unable to stop. While she was eating, she told Mira about gossip in the academy.

Mira listened quietly to the side, occasionally replying with words such as "Is that so?" or "Is that so?"

Daenerys's news is very well-informed, she can know the news in the knowledge city and the outer continents immediately.

It's just that she paid more attention to all kinds of gossip news.

"Did you know?" Daenerys suddenly became excited, "I heard that King Auston I of Lerick Kingdom recently made a big fire and smashed everything that could be smashed on the desk."

"Huh?" Mira was taken aback by this news.

The story of Auston I Rerick is widely circulated in the knowledge city, and even Mira has heard a lot.

In 1906, when Auston I was five years old, his uncle's knight "accidentally turned around" and crashed into the river flowing through the capital, and then disappeared without a trace.

Two years ago, in 1917, the former king of the Lerik Kingdom passed away from illness. The younger brother of the former king thought that the elder brother had no heirs, and the throne would fall into his own hands.

At that time, Auston I, who was taking classes at the Wisteria Academy incognito at the time, asked for a leave of absence from the academy, and then returned to China to quell the rebellion and enthroned.

Only at this time did the world know that when Auston I fell, he was rushed to the territory of Viscount Adonis not far downstream, and it was Viscount Adonis who rescued him at that time.

The old Viscount Adonis, who was loyal to the late king, took him in in the name of a distant relative and informed the late king secretly.

The former king thought that Auston I would only face a second assassination in the capital, so he asked the old Viscount Adonis to secretly raise Auston I to grow up.

But in 1911, the year when Charles was born and Auston I was ten years old, Auston I's uncle noticed that there was something wrong with this distant relative of the old Viscount Adonis, so he launched a murder. An assassination that was never missed.

In this action, the old Viscount Adonis gave himself up to defend Auston I and was injured and poisoned. Soon after, the old Viscount Adams "died from illness due to missing his deceased wife." The title of Viscount fell to his two-year-old on the son.

At that time, Andre Rhine, a knight conferred by Viscount Adonis and also the swordsmanship teacher of King Auston I, took Auston I all the way to escape to the Knowledge City.

During his six years in the knowledge city, Auston I, who changed his name and surname, has won over a group of followers with his smart mind, elegant temperament and handsome appearance.

At a dinner party on the second night of his return to the capital, Auston I accidentally threw the crystal cup in his hand to the ground, and then a group of people rushed in from outside the banquet hall, his uncle and his followers. Chopped.

It is no small news that Auston I, who is synonymous with elegance and calmness in the knowledge city, has made such a big fire.

"What's going on?" Mira asked curiously. A few years ago, she heard her grandmother and grandfather mention some things about Auston I, who changed his name at that time.

Daenerys cocked her nose, "I won't tell you unless you tell me what you wrote in that letter."

"Oh." Mira continued to drink the soup, "I'll ask my grandma another day."

Daenerys blinked, and then she remembered that Mira's grandmother was naturally a well-informed person, and Mrs. Redkin would definitely know about this.

So she was discouraged and said, "You know, Knight Andre Rhein was won by the current Viscount Adonis."

"Ah?!" Mira was even more surprised this time. Nobles rarely punish their vassals for taking titles. Usually, they say things like this just to scare people and make excuses for more fines~www.mtlnovel .com~ Daenerys continued: "When Auston I learned the news, he immediately rushed to the home of the Rhine Knights in person. He also brought a baron's title and the position of the deputy commander of the Royal Knights."

Then Daenerys shook her head regretfully, "It's a pity that he went a step late. A few days ago, a team of Griffin Knights from the Bischberg Kingdom came to the home of the Rhine Knights, and they brought the Bischberg Kingdom five Baronet created by Princess Linda Bischberg."

Mira suddenly realized that it was Auston I who had his beard cut off, and the one who was cut off was someone who was very kind to him. No wonder he was so angry.

Speaking of Linda, Mila remembered that Charles had mentioned her in one line at the end of the second letter, and then used half a page to write about Diana, and the last half and two pages were Talk about Hongye sister.

She asked Daenerys, "Do you know anything about the Diana at Wisteria College?"

Daenerys' face turned black, and she said with a stern face, "I'm not interested in inquiring about a civilian."

Then the expression on her face changed, and she asked with a little excitement, "Mira, will you come to my house to play during the New Year's holiday?"

Mira recalled the itinerary mentioned in Charles' letter, and replied, "At that time, I will go to the Elf Royal Court in the south. I think I will have the opportunity to visit your home."

"That's great!" Daenerys said happily, "At that time, the sugarcane in my field was being harvested, and I'll invite you to drink fresh sugarcane juice!"