The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v1 Chapter 22: run away

In the dock area by the lake in the east of Avalon City, the dwarf Bryant drove the carriage to the ferry while he was talking, and the next journey was more convenient by water.

"I knew that guy was not a good person. He was lazy all day long, and he would talk flattery, and he almost got us involved."

After he finished talking again, his wife followed.

"Alas, who would have thought that when he was only ten years old, he wanted to make others a slave. Such a child lacks discipline. He should be allowed to work hard for a few years beside the stove, and let labor reform his mind. Don't know that you want to go to the sky all day long. It's a pity that the three girls were implicated by him."

At this time, Bryant asked his wife, "The kid who got lost this time is the one with the mask who bought something from us in Corn City a while ago, right?"

The proprietress nodded just as she was about to speak, when she found that a large group of people from the city defense army ran to the dock area and blocked the entire dock.

Bryant, who had been working outside for many years and had a lot of experience, immediately figured out the cause and effect. He asked the officer who led the city defense army who came to check: "Sir, is this the kid who was kidnapped here?"

The officer ignored Bryant and directly ordered the soldiers under his command, "Come on, every corner of the ship must be searched, even the bags containing horse feed must be opened and checked!"

At the same time, several small boats that used to patrol the lake left the pier and went to search the boats that had just left the pier.

However, the cargo ship that kidnapped Charles and Diana had already traveled a long way, and the city defense forces of Avalon City had to work hard to find them.

After learning about the other party's hidden identity, Charles and Diana didn't say much. They shook hands and continued to prepare to escape.

"What are you going to do?" Diana asked.

The front is impossible. Although Charles is a gold coin player, those who lick blood with the tip of a knife are definitely not good stubble. Now Charles' gold coins are not enough, and they are not their opponents.

"Can you swim?" Charles asked Diana.

"Definitely," Diana replied.

Charles took out a large bottle of potion, and said, "This bottle of 'Wind of Clear Water' is enough for people to breathe underwater for two hours, and we will drink half of it later."

Then he took out two more daggers, "This dagger can send out a big fireball, and we use it to make a hole in the bottom of the boat. After we get out of the hole, we can use the reaction force of this hurricane dagger to make a hole in the bottom of the boat. We'll get out of here quickly. We'll swim away when the magic in the dagger runs out."

Diana recalled the shape of this big lake and said: "The lake surface of this lake is relatively long and narrow, and when we left, it was perpendicular to the direction of the boat. Considering that the boats on the lake usually go to the right, so we headed towards It’s easy to get to the shore if you leave on the right. The traffickers will definitely be called in when the hole is blasted. I think we can dive to the bottom first and take advantage of the lack of light on the bottom to avoid their search.”

Charles felt that her statement was reasonable, and then he took out another rope and said, "In order to prevent us from being separated in the lake, wait for me to carry you on my back, and then tie them together."

"No problem." Diana knew the importance and didn't have to stick to the details when escaping for her life.

Charles didn't mean to eat her tofu either. What's with that small body?



A waning moon hangs in the sky. The moonlight is not very bright tonight. The boats on the lake have lit their lights to avoid collision with other boats.

The Great Prayer is the most solemn festival in every temple. During this time, believers will come to the headquarters of the temple to communicate with God and pray for God’s gifts.

During this period of time, cargo ships traveled to and from the lake, transporting barrels of wine and other scarce goods overnight to the holy forge in the southeast of the lake.

For a while, a busy scene appeared on the lake.

An inconspicuous cargo ship on the lake is sailing from west to east. It is no different from other cargo ships except that the lights on the ship are hung a few more than others.

When the boaters who came and went saw this boat, they would laugh and scold Paramecium, and then stay away from it.

According to the habit of boaters, boats that have had a traffic accident within a month will hang a few more boat lights at night than before, in order to ask the water **** to take a look at themselves. The other ships, not wanting to suffer from its bad luck, kept the Energizer farther away.

The crew on the ship nervously observed the surroundings of the ship, for fear that the ship would hit something again.

Suddenly, a dark shadow appeared on the waterline of the stern where the light could not shine, and stuck the body with two daggers on the hull.

This kind of double-decker cargo ship used for inland shipping is not high, and there are not too many buildings on the upper class A class. Except for the lookout cage, the stern rudder is a little higher than that of class A class. Commanding heights.

Aside from the helmsman, there were only two kidnappers, a man and a woman who threw Charles and the others into the bilge just now. They were discussing and waiting to go to ventilate the two people in the bilge, and by the way, they added a shot of anesthetic. .

However, the direction of their discussion suddenly turned off the accelerator, and the male kidnapper arrested the two slimes of the female kidnapper.

The helmsman on the side not only didn't care, but also seemed eager to try.

Because the wind was blowing from the west today, the crew members who did not need to paddle were all drinking wine in Class A. The sound from the stern caused them to exchange a "everyone knows" smile.

Suddenly, the sound of the stern stopped abruptly, and then there was the sound of a heavy object hitting the ground.

Many crew members looked towards the stern and found a green figure on the stern. UU Reading

He is about 1.5 meters tall, his bald head reflects the light of the boat lights, a dark green headband is tied on his forehead, and two streamers that grow out flutter in the wind. The green pupil in the right eye below the headband looked at the crew with no emotion, and a straight scar ran from the left forehead through the closed left eye to the cheek. He was wearing a dark green sleeveless vest and a pair of trousers of the same color.

This is the last sight that many crew members have seen in their entire lives. Throwing knives flew towards the crew on the deck with the dancing of the goblins' hands, and then a green lightning rushed to the deck from the stern.

At this moment, there was a muffled sound from the bottom of the boat. After a while, the boat started to slow down. When the ship stopped rocking, there was no one alive on the deck.

The goblin standing at the stern saw a string of bubbles rising from the water not far from the ship, extending southward to the place where the lights could not shine. After spitting the cigarette **** in his mouth into the lake, he turned and jumped into the water from the other side of the boat.

The other merchant ships that came and went quickly discovered the abnormality of this ship. When they got close to the ship, they found the dead bodies on the ship, and they hurriedly fired a series of red flares.

The patrol boats from Avalon City arrived soon after.

Except for a pair of naked men and women in a connected state, who were stunned by poisoned daggers, all the others were killed.

In addition, a large hole at the bottom of the ship was also found, and at the same time, a storage ring found in a pile of clothes at the stern was specially told to be careful by the superior leader.

At the same time, the adventurers found a wounded but not fatal man hanging from a tree in the forest, with a tattered red coat and a tattered red skirt falling beside him. .