The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v1 Chapter 38: this night

When the sun sank into the horizon and the stars filled the night sky, the Great Prayer Ceremony of Forging Temple entered the most crucial and important part.

At this time, the red divine power jumped around the Holy Hammer Church, like a flame in a furnace.

Under the leadership of the Pope, devout believers followed God's shepherd into the church.

At this time, the Holy Hammer Church was surrounded by the power of God, and those who were not religious enough and had evil thoughts would be rejected on the steps outside the church door.

At the end of the line, it was the time for the newcomers to test whether they were devout and free of distractions. The more devout a person is, the more stairs they can take, until they enter the gate of the temple.

Some of them were happy because they were accepted by God, some were discouraged because they were rejected by God, and some were confused because they tried to see if they really got in.

Charles and Diana, who were at the back of the line, followed a bewildered believer into the hall, and sat down in an inconspicuous corner.

The two of them originally just planned to try to see if they could advance a few steps in the power of God and then be stopped, but they walked in just like that.

Now not only the two of them are stunned, but even Elizabeth and other people outside the door who have known Charles for many years are stunned for a long time.

At this time, the hall of the Holy Hammer Church, which can accommodate 10,000 people, is almost full of believers from all over the mainland. Among these believers wearing distinctive costumes, 80% are dwarves, half are humans, and the rest are half Orcs, with a dozen elves mixed in among them.

At this time, the red silk hanging on the wall behind the altar in the deepest part of the hall was windless and automatic, like a violently burning flame. A silk flag embroidered with a golden hammer hangs motionless in the center.

The ceremony began shortly after Charles and Diana took their seats in the empty seats in the back row.

The pope in a dress walked up to the center of the altar with a golden hammer that symbolized the authority of the pope. Saint Brigitte in full costume followed behind him, and then stood in front of the right side under the altar.

At this time, the role of the saint is more like a host, and her voice resounded in the silent hall: "All stand up and sing the hymn!"

Seeing that everyone else stood up, the duo also stood up.

Hymns are songs composed by believers and approved by God. There are many types of chants, suitable for singing on different occasions.

Naturally, the duo would not sing the hymn of forging the temple, they would only make up for it.

With the sound of the music, the loud singing of the believers suddenly filled the entire hall.

"We workers have strength,

Hey! We workers have strength!

Busy with work every day,

Hey! Busy with work every day,

built a coal mine and an iron factory,

Created countless wealth,

The transformation has changed the world!


Pulled up the bellows and rumbled,

Raised the hammer and rattled!

Caused good production of plow and hoe,

Caused the sword to protect the home!

Hey hey hey hey hey!

Our faces glow red,

Our sweat drips down!


For development!


For development!

Why! Hey! Why! Hey!

For our world to move forward and develop! "

At this moment, the ignorant duo turned into a tearful duo.

The stars are shining, the temple is late, and the chants are resting. Holding hands and looking at her tears, she was speechless.

"The **** I believe in, we thank you, because you have given fire and knowledge to turn stone into molten iron and steel into steel."

The prayer the Pope makes now is different from the daytime report. The daytime report is for people to listen to. The current prayer is that the Pope submits a work report to God on behalf of all believers.

In the prayer, the Pope said that under the guidance and teachings of God, we have cut through thorns and thorns, not afraid of hardships, and have achieved one success after another, and achieved one victory after another. And pray that God will give us more knowledge and give us more guidance.

After the Pope's prayer is over, it's a personal prayer time for the believers present.

Every believer put his hands together, closed his eyes, or put his forehead on his hands, or looked up at the sky, while launching a DDoS attack on the God of Forging.

At this time, the duo with a dazed face also imitated the believers to put their hands together, closed their eyes, and put their foreheads on their hands to pray: "Oh God, please tell us what's going on?"

The Pope on the altar looked at the devoutly praying believers and was slightly disappointed.

According to the records in the temple, whenever the big prayer ceremony enters this part, God will grant divine grace to the selected person, and those who are favored by God will receive the protection bestowed by God.

Blessing is similar to magic. Blessing engraved in the soul allows the owner to use the corresponding magic. Protection is equivalent to a card, and the effect of using a card is called magic.

Unlike magic, which requires magic power, the use of magic requires the power of faith. The deeper the believer's belief in God, the stronger the power of belief.

At the same time, the magic of blessing is easier to use than magic. Using magic requires years of study, familiarity with every feature of magic, and familiarity with every detail of magic. And magic only needs to believe in God.

Magic is like using a single-lens reflex camera. Getting started requires a lot of energy, and mastering it requires a lot of energy. To take good photos, you need to learn and be familiar with every function of the camera, and in different environments. Different effects use corresponding functions.

And the protection is like taking a photo with a mobile phone, you can press the button to use it, and it also has a beauty function.

To this day, among the followers of the God of Forging, there have been no blessings bestowed by God for more than 300 years.

There is a saying among the believers of the God of Blacksmithing that because the Great Sage from more than 300 years ago was too good, the God of Blacksmithing has higher requirements for the believers. Before someone comparable to His Excellency the Great Sage appeared, UU read www.uukanshu. The **** of com forging is temporarily hidden. After a suitable candidate appears, the **** of blacksmithing will drop the red beam of light that symbolizes the fire.

Minutes and seconds passed, and the whole ceremony began to come to an end.

Seeing that this year's grace has not yet arrived, the Pope sighed slightly. After so many years, he's used to it.

How much he wanted the red light from heaven to fall on the believers in front of him. The data records the scene when the grace of God came. A fiery beam of light descended from the sky and passed through the ceiling of the church to illuminate the believers in prayer, just like the three beams of light in the main hall now.


The Pope saw a column of red light appearing on the edge of the central aisle of the main hall, and two beams of light suddenly appeared in the corner. He first cried out in surprise, then trembled with excitement and burst into tears.

Immediately afterwards, the scene in front of him turned red, and a fourth beam of red light enveloped him.

Followed by the fifth, sixth, seventh...

There were more and more beams of light falling from the sky, and all the people outside the Church of the Holy Hammer were attracted by these beams of light.

The devout believers outside the church who did not enter the church this year immediately understood what these beams of light represented. They fell to their knees and prayed with tears, welcoming the return of the God of Forging.

There are more and more beams of light falling from the sky, first outside the Church of the Holy Hammer, then outside the forging, and then the entire continent. Everyone who has been recognized by God is shrouded in red light.

That night, the **** of blacksmithing announced his return strongly.

What happened next in the Church of the Holy Hammer, both Charles and Diana did not know, because both of them had fallen into a coma at this time.