The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v1 Chapter 83: Blitz Seeds

"Cut..." The old cat said to Goblin A disdainfully, "Who knows if you lied to my little brother."

Then the old cat pointed to Goblin A and asked Charles, "Did Xiao A tell you that according to the custom of our martial family, giving weapons to children is a marriage proposal?"

Charles nodded, and he realized that there seemed to be something else behind this.

The old cat continued: "Then he definitely didn't tell you that when he accepted the children of the Wu family as apprentices, he also had to give a weapon as a gift."

Charles continued to nod his head. When he saw Goblin A wanted to run away, he immediately called to him, "Don't run! Let's make it clear!"

Goblin A just wanted to turn into a flash of lightning and slip away, but he was soon stopped by other onlookers who were watching the fun.

The military personnel who can be invited by Suvorov today are all powerful experts. Although their speed is not as fast as Goblin A, it is still no problem to stop him.

And the old cat's speed was surprisingly fast and silent, and he quickly stopped in front of Goblin A.

Goblin A was stopped with a bitter face, and was criticized by the crowd.

"Okay, little A, how dare you lie?"

"Little A, we know that you feel sorry for your daughter, but you can't be so rude."

"Yoah, little A, don't you know who the descendant of this little brother is, and actually got into his head."


At this time, Goblin A's green face was as bitter as a bitter gourd.

"What are you doing?" At this moment, someone pushed an old demon in a wheelchair over.

"Old Principal!" ×N

All the soldiers present saluted the old man.

Amiya introduced to Charles in a low voice, "He is General Vasilievich, the headmaster of the Royal Military Academy."

"Hello, General." Charles greeted him.

Vasilievich looked straight at Charles with sharp eyes, and then said, "I heard about your whimsy last night this morning. Tell me how your string of windmills should be used in the military?"

Charles thought for a moment and said: "I don't know the efficiency of using a wind turbine (Lurika named this engine 'Charles wind turbine' last night), but if a vehicle powered by it is more efficient If the cart is pulled higher, after all, the endurance of the machine is much higher than that of the animal, then the logistical support of the army will undergo a fundamental change.”

Vasilievich nodded slightly.

Charles continued: "If the power of the wind turbine is strong enough, then it is possible to create a steel chariot that combines speed, defense and firepower to break through the shackles of animal cavalry that are difficult to balance. Then put these chariots in the right If you use it concentratedly on the terrain, it will become an unstoppable fist."

"Go on!" Vasilievich was keenly aware of the sparkle in Charles' words.

Charles gritted his teeth and continued: "On the battlefield, first use a small elite force to collect important information on the enemy. Then use air power to attack the enemy's headquarters, logistics warehouses and other important targets and transportation hubs. Then focus on steel chariots and other assaults. The strength breaks through the enemy's defense line in the weak area of ​​the enemy's defense and surrounds the enemy in a roundabout way. Finally, all arms unite to divide and surround the enemy in the encirclement until they are annihilated. After the enemy is annihilated, the second wave of strength will go to the depth of the enemy again. Assault, destroy the enemy's army in a short period of time in a continuous assault."

After thinking for a long time, Vasilevich just nodded. What Charles said was just his conjecture, which has not been verified by practice, so Vasilevich will not draw conclusions easily.

Charles didn't expect his own things that would only be possible after a few years in the online military arena to make an old general who has been in the army for a lifetime and filled the world with peaches and plums to bow down after hearing the words. Without practice, who knows what you said is not the truth. And now there are no armored vehicles at all, and Charles has never even heard of the hot weapons in this world. As for the air force... the air force in the Rurik Kingdom is full of giant dragons.

Vasilivic finished thinking and asked, "How did you come up with all this knowledge?"

An eight-year-old child understands these things.

Charles was well prepared for this. He took out a few books and a notebook from the storage ring that he bought in the holy forge. The books were filled with leaves as bookmarks. He said: "This is all summed up from the words of those brave men and some battle examples."

Vasilievich took the book that Charles handed over, and flipped through one of the war histories written by humans, which contained many of Charles' annotations and summaries.

Charles said aside: "My grandfather taught me how to find useful content from those gorgeous words."

Vassilevich said, "Your ability to summarize is no less than that of many slime heads in our academy."

Every era has the birth of genius child prodigies. They are not necessarily reincarnated by transmigrators, and they may not be able to shine in the future.

Although none of them have noses, Charles doesn't think his IQ can be compared to Voldemort's.

At this time, Charles was very much looking forward to it. If the magic steam turbine called wind turbine is good enough, and then the demons produce armored vehicles such as tanks, then after the war between the two sides, those who originally thought they were playing " What did the heroes of Dragon Quest look like when they suddenly found out that the opposite side was playing "Red Alert".

As for Charles himself, when the time comes, the Demon King's army will have to honor him as "the ancestor of the armored soldiers", and with Reimu covering him, he will not be living happily with his relatives and friends.

"Right." Only then did Vasilevich remember the question he asked just now, "What were you doing just now, are you criticizing Little A?"

Then the old cat reported to the old principal that Goblin A concealed some facts from Charles.

Vasilevich glared, and cold sweat broke out on Goblin A's head. It seemed that he had been cleaned up a lot by the headmaster before.

"You..." Vassilevich said resentfully, "You are violating discipline!"

"That's it." He continued, "Charles, if you can show enough strength to educate little A's daughter, then you can simply accept an apprentice."

Charles scratched the back of his head, and quickly figured out Vasilievich's idea. "It's an old fox." He groaned in his heart.

As long as Charles accepts Cuihua as his apprentice, then the Demon-Breaking Divine Sword will stay with the Demon Race. Moreover, with the intelligence quotient shown by Charles just now, it is not a loss for Cuihua to follow him in learning, and the master does not necessarily have to teach the apprentice to fight and kill, there are too many masters and apprentices in other industries.

But Charles didn't have anything else to teach Cuihua. Don't forget, he was gifted by Queen Maxwell, the servant of the **** of war, and Her Lady Queen also let him use the "devour" skill on himself. Although Charles has not yet figured out the intention of the Queen to give him this great gift, but Charles, who has copied the Queen's abilities, also has a gold finger as his trump It can be said that the current Charles is a non-editor The trumpet of the Ares Servant.

Charles looked around, and then borrowed the saber around his waist from an officer who was watching. This sword was about the size of the Demon Slayer Sword.

A few rays of light flashed on Charles, who was holding a sharp sword, and the three-piece set of the most basic strength, agility and endurance enhancement of the Temple of War was applied to him. Now his ability is no less than that of an elite soldier, but the duration is limited.

Then the sharp sword in his hand stabbed towards Goblin A quickly, and Goblin A easily avoided Charles' attack sideways.

But Charles took a step forward before his strength was exhausted, turning a straight stab into a sweep. The speed was only fast enough to surprise Goblin A Snack, and then an iron bridge escaped the blow.

In the following time, Charles kept changing positions, and the sharp sword in his hand attacked Goblin A like a storm.

Everyone present could see that Charles was using a set of swordsmanship that focused on agility, and this swordsmanship actually made Goblin A who was releasing water find it difficult to deal with.

And the old cat, who is also an agile warrior, saw that Charles was only physically fit and inexperienced. If he used it himself, Goblin A, who used all his strength, would also be poke a few wounds.

The most important thing is that this set of swordsmanship is very suitable for goblins who also specialize in agility.

Thirty seconds later, Charles, who had lost his ability, put his sword aside and asked, "How about it, do you think I can be your daughter's teacher?"

Goblin A finally nodded after thinking seriously.

Charles finally breathed a sigh of relief, and returned the sword.

From now on, he has no goblin daughter-in-law, and he has a goblin female apprentice.
