The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v1 Chapter 84: Let's have another breakfast

After Charles' disturbance, Suvorov's apprenticeship ceremony was almost delayed for a few minutes.

When the time came, Suvorov was wearing bright red armor, decorated with golden patterns, and a simple one-handed sword on his waist. He walked slowly to the center of the martial arts field.

In the center of the martial arts field, a fourteen-year-old soldier stood as straight as a pine tree, waiting for Suvorov to arrive.

Vaskov is a werewolf, not the kind of werewolf that is a little more ruthless, but the kind of werewolf with ears on the head and tail behind him.

Charles looked at Amiya, the skirt blocked her tail, so he still didn't know whether Amia was a donkey or a rabbit.

Then Amiya glared at Charles.

"If Vaskov's father hadn't sacrificed, he should now be the chief of staff of the Guards." Vasilevich sighed.

The audience next to him nodded.

When Suvorov walked up to Vaskov, Vaskov knelt down on one knee.

Suvorov took off the sword from his waist and leaned it in front of him. He asked in a deep voice, "Vaskov, can you do what I want when you take me as your teacher?"

Then he said, "Can you be loyal to the country?"

"I can." Vaskov replied

"Can you love the people?"

"I can."

"Can you serve the country?"

"I can."

"Can you dedicate yourself to your mission?"

"I can."

"Can you respect honor?"

"I can."

In the end, Vaskov said: "I swear to the **** of harvest and forging that in the future I will take 'loyalty to the country, love the people, serve the country, devote myself to the mission, and honor honor' as the principle of life."

A beam of light fell on Vaskov. If he violated his life guidelines in the future, the consequences would be serious.

In the end, Suvorov handed the long sword in his hand to Vaskov and said, "This sword was a gift from the first Demon King when I graduated first at the Royal Military Academy. Now I Giving it to you, I hope you will strive to be stronger in the days ahead and surpass those of us older generations."

Next, Vaskov came to the stand and thanked everyone who came to watch the ceremony.

The guests brought out prepared gifts for Vaskov, some people gave potions, some people gave the kind of hair dryer that Ryurika took out last night, some people gave flashlights, and some people gave vouchers to barbecue restaurants. A goblin is trying to send his daughter...

When Vaskov finally came to Charles, Charles thought for a moment, and gave him the set of notes-filled history of human wars that he had just used to deal with Vassilevich.

"A wise mind is no less than a sharp sword." Charles quoted a saying of his ancestors to encourage Vaskov.

Then Vaskov gratefully accepted the gift from Charles.

Suvorov's apprenticeship ceremony is over, and everyone has to continue their day's work.

Charles, led by Amiya, went to the Royal Library to meet Zlatkin.

The Royal Library is not far from the Guards barracks, about ten minutes' walk away.

At this time, the civil servants of the Rurik Kingdom went to work in the palace. Many people went to the palace to start their day's work after having breakfast in the breakfast shop on the street.

The breakfast shops here are very simple, basically there is a big steamer and a big pot in front of each shop.

There were all kinds of eggs in the steamer, and brown bread that was hard enough to beat.

The cauldron is filled with unique soups from different companies. Most of those soups are boiled from fish, shrimps, crabs, snails, etc. from the river nearby. Next to the soup pot are shredded vegetables.

Whenever a guest comes for breakfast, the boss will use a big tong to take out the steamed brown bread and put it on the chopping board, and then measure it with a ruler and cut it out according to the guest's request, and put it on a plate. Then the boss put a handful of shredded vegetables into a large bowl, and then scooped a spoonful of soup from the boiling soup pot into the bowl. At this time, the shredded vegetables in the bowl were scalded by the soup.

This soup with a piece of bread or an egg is a common breakfast for guests. More sophisticated guests will bring a bottle of homemade jam to spread on brown bread, and the bottle can be stored in a familiar store.

Besides the shops selling bread and soup, there are also some noodle shops on the street. The bosses rolled the dough into a dough, folded the dough and cut it into a single piece of noodles.

After the noodles are cooked in a pot, put them into a bowl, add a few slices of braised pork, sausage or boiled offal and shredded vegetables, then pour a spoonful of hot soup, and a bowl of noodles is ready.

Although Charles had already eaten breakfast, he became interested in those on the street.

Suddenly, a slap landed on Charles' shoulder.

"Charles, have you had breakfast yet?" The man was an old cat, and behind him was Goblin A and a leopard man he had just met.

Before Charles could answer, the old cat pulled him forward. "Come, come, come with me, I'll invite you to eat noodles in my uncle's shop."

"Uncle old cat, I have an appointment to meet at the Royal Library at nine o'clock." Charles declined.

"It's okay, anyway, the store is opposite the library, you can go there when the door opens." The old cat said bluntly, "Even if you don't want to eat, this little girl should eat something, it's not dawn for them. I just had breakfast, I'm probably hungry now."

Amiya hurriedly shook her head and refused, but to no avail.

The old cat said to Amiya, "There's no use, my cousin used to be a maid in the palace, can I not know how many meals you eat a day?"

"He still wanted his cousin to introduce him to someone, but he ended up chatting with women to death. In the end, his cousin gave up." Goblin A took down the stage.

"Giving a girl a gift is to give a devil's horn. It's the first time I've seen such a person." The Leopard Man who was traveling with him joined the ranks of demolishing the stage.

"Yes, yes, I'm not as good as the two of you." The old cat pointed to the two bad friends and said, "Lao Leopard, you chased the girl to buy medicine, and ended up catching up with the girl. Xiao A, you should just stay at home. I have a childhood sweetheart in Tibet, but I haven't gnawed on it."

A few people came to a noodle shop opposite the Royal Library, a wrinkled cat man owner was cutting noodles, the proprietress was cooking noodles, and a middle-aged female cat man was making the noodles. Serve to guests.

The way the catman owner cuts the noodles is different from other noodle restaurants, and he is holding a dagger in his hand. The dagger that was about to form an afterimage silently swept across the folded dough, and the dough was cut into straight noodles.

After the old cat greeted his uncle and Boehm, he led Charles and the others into the store, and found a table that could see the Royal Library not far away.

"Scallion, give us three oversized bowls and two small bowls." The old cat said to the middle-aged female catwoman.

After Xiao Shao answered the answer, he went to the stove. The old cat said to Charles and Amiya: "Back then Xiao Shao and her sister went to apply for a maid in the palace, but she was not selected. After her sister stayed in the palace for a while, I was sent to work in other departments, and then I settled down in another place, but it was too far away, and I didn't go home for more than ten years."

Then he said to the dazed Charles: "If the wind turbine you proposed last night works well, and the car runs faster in the future, maybe she will be able to come back."

Not long after, the cat boss and the scallion came over with a tray of noodles.

The old cat asked his uncle, "Uncle, how's business going recently?"

"Not very good." The cat owner shook his head and said, "Recently, several members of the team have been injured and retired to open a noodle restaurant nearby. The competition is fierce."

The old cat took the tray of noodles and said, "Then you add a boiled egg to that boy in the mask. He has a lot of crazy ideas, maybe he can come up with an idea."

The cat owner turned around and called to the stove: "Old Add two boiled eggs here."

Then he said, "Isn't that how noodles are cooked, can they still make a flower?"

Charles took two boiled eggs, thanked them and handed one to Amiya.

Then he scratched the back of his head and said, "I can really cook noodles like a flower."

"Put a flower-shaped cylinder with a thin iron sheet and press it on the dough. Isn't it just a flower-like dough that comes out."

The old cat's face suddenly turned into a cat with a smile, and said, "Look, look, just say this little guy has a lot of ideas."

Then Charles said, "Grandpa, your swordsmanship is very good."

"Isn't that right?" The cat owner raised his head and said proudly, "If it wasn't for the fact that I was pierced with a hole in my chest back then, I would pant after running for a few kilometers, and none of them would be able to beat me!"

The old cat, Goblin A, and the old leopard smiled and nodded in agreement.

Then Charles told the cat boss another way, and the cat boss returned to the stove in doubt.

Boss Cat picked up a piece of prepared dough and searched it in the shape of a winter melon, and stood beside the pot where the noodles were being boiled.

He held the dough in his left hand and the dagger in his right hand. Then he raised the knife and dropped it, and three sliced ​​noodles flew into the pot.

After finding the feel, the dagger in Boss Cat's hand quickly sliced ​​off the dough, and the noodles flew into the pot one by one.

It is estimated that the amount of the bowl of noodles has been cut, and then the cat owner noticed that there were a few people watching the fun standing in front of the store.

"Boss, do it again."

said the crowd watching.

"I'll make it if you eat it. If you don't eat it, I'll waste food!" said the cat boss.

So, the knife-shaved noodles from another world welcomed the first guests.