The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v1 Chapter 85: Shame of the Rurik Kingdom

When the Royal Library opened, Charles and Amiya bid farewell to everyone in the noodle shop with a burp, and then came to the library together.

Then, the two of them stood foolishly in the curved hall at the entrance of the library, waiting for Zlatkin to arrive.

After more than 20 minutes, an extremely intelligent middle-aged human ran in panting.

When the visitor saw Charles and Amiya, they hurried over and asked, "Is it Charles?"

At Charles' request, he asked everyone to call him by his first name and not by his last name.

"It's me." Charles said to the visitor, "Are you Professor Zlatkin?"

"I'm Zlatkin." He replied, "I'm sorry, there were too many people watching the fun in front of the museum at the intersection ahead, blocking the road, and I managed to get by."

"It's okay," Charles replied. "We were almost stuck there too."

After the greeting, Zlatkin led Charles to the front desk in the hall where a luxurious reading room was opened.

Zlatkin explained to Charles: "Because sometimes many scholars need to discuss problems and research problems here, they don't want to be disturbed by others, and they don't want to disturb others, so many independent lounges have been opened in the library. Sometimes, His Royal Highness the Demon King will also come here to gather his think tank to discuss some issues."

With the school's certification letter and VIP card in hand, Zlatkin quickly opened the reading room, and then he took Charles and Amiya to the stairs in the center of the library.

As he walked, he introduced to Charles: "The Royal Library has a history of more than 2,000 years. It is a circle with a diameter of more than 100 meters. In the center is a central garden with a diameter of 30 meters. The library has six floors. , which has collected countless books from various disciplines. This is a key protection unit in our country. It has been established for so many years, even if the palace has been breached several times, it has never fallen."

Charles led Zlatkin to a reading room on the sixth floor. There was already a human girl in the library's trousers, shirt and vest uniform waiting there.

There are two bookshelves full of book catalogues next to the entrance of this reading room, and there are also three empty bookshelves, with green plants in the middle of the bookshelves. There was a sofa and a coffee table in the middle of the room, and a map that filled the wall hung on the wall next to it. At the window facing the outside, you can see a small half of the abyss city.

After Charles and Zlatkin were seated, Amiya and the waiter went to prepare tea together.

Zlatkin asked Charles, "Which aspect of history do you want to know about?"

Charles saw that there were only the two of them in the reading room at this time, so he said, "Professor Zlatkin, you must know my surname McGarden, and I came to Abyss City from the East to travel for a few days."

Zlatkin nodded.

Charles continued: "In the Eastern Land, the records of my ancestor Philip in this land for more than ten years are blank in the history books, so I want to know what he did here."

Zlatkin nodded, and after talking to Charles, he went to the catalog bookshelf by the door to look for books he could use.

At this time, Amiya and the waiter came back with tea and snacks. Amiya poured tea for Charles and said, "Master, this is tea made from Paladin Fruit. This tea can produce body fluid and quench thirst, and can prevent and treat it. Sore throat, especially suitable for drinking today."

"Thank you." Charles said to Amiya.

After pouring tea, Amiya originally planned to stand beside Charles, but Charles felt that he was not used to it, so he asked her to sit on the sofa next to him.

At this time, Zlatkin handed over a copy of the required books to the waiter and asked her to bring them.

The luxury of the luxury reading room is not only reflected in the hardware facilities, but also in the service.

While the waiter had not returned, Charles asked Zlatkin a question that had been bothering him for a while.

"Professor Zlatkin, it is recorded in the Eastern Land that this is the Rurik Empire, and the supreme leader is the emperor, but why did I find that the country has been changed to the Rurik Kingdom after I came here, my uncle's self-proclaimed king, and now you guys Catherine is still called Empress. And the title 'Royal' is still used in many places. Has something changed in the more than 300 years since the last war?"

"Alas..." Zlatkin sighed deeply, "This is a national shame!"

Then he said: "The war more than 300 years ago was very tragic. If it weren't for the two geniuses of Queen Catherine and Philip, who turned the tide, now we have become slaves to the country."

"Although we drove away the invaders at the end of the war, Queen Catherine and Philip also both sacrificed, and a large number of young and middle-aged people died in the battle, which made our national strength plummet."

"At this time, our original allies, the demon clan living in the western island countries, took advantage of our country's exhaustion, and suddenly sent troops to occupy nearly half of the country in the west of our country, and countless people became slaves."

"If it weren't for the large number of reinforcements sent by the Elf Royal Court, and the terrain blocking the western plateau, we would have become slaves to the subjugation of the country."

At this time, Zlatkin walked to the map hanging on the wall, pointed to the vast land marked in red on the west side of the map, and said: "After losing this land, the emperor at that time, Yekatier Empress Linna's younger brother was deeply humiliated, so he abdicated himself as king and asked future generations to regain the throne only after regaining lost territory."

"Unfortunately, in the following three hundred years, we have been on the defensive, and almost every year we have to face the attack of the demon army in several passes of the Blanc Mountains."

At this time, Charles realized for the first time the "vastness" of this continent.

In the east, the Kingdom of Villingen, the Kingdom of Biberach, and the Kingdom of Lerick in the three northern kingdoms are all slightly smaller than France, and the Kingdom of Bisberg and the Kingdom of Leibach along the great river to the south are also the same size as Italy. similar countries. The east-west width of the human-dominated area south of the prairie in the entire northern region of the Great River is about the straight-line distance from Shanghai to Kunming, and the north-south width is about the distance from the capital to the capital of Anhui.

The area south of the Dajiang River is slightly smaller, because its coastline is similar to that of China. The farther it goes to the south, the more it converges to the west, making the area in the southern part of the Dajiang River almost as large as the area south of the Yangtze River in China, and the Elf King Court occupies the largest area. The southern part is slightly larger than the two provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi.

The entire human-controlled area is almost the same as the densely populated areas in eastern China.

As for how big the northern prairie area is, no one can say at present, and it is estimated that only Weilong Mountain knows.

And the forest sea that divides the east and west sides of the mainland, extends from the sea in the south to the Icecrown Mountains, almost equal to half the length of the Three North Shelter Forest, but the forest sea is much wider and narrower than the Three North Shelter Forest. There are nearly 100 kilometers, and the wide ones are nearly 200 kilometers.

The area controlled by the demons to the west of the forest is much larger than the area controlled by humans.

The eastern part of the Rurik Kingdom is about the same size as the area controlled by humans and elves.

The central part is a plateau area that is more than 1,000 kilometers long from north to south and 200 to 300 kilometers wide. The altitude is similar to the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. On the east and west sides of this plateau area are two towering mountains that are low in the east and high in the west. The Screen Mountains on the east side blocked the moisture from the west, so the east side of the mountain range was the northern end of the Dead Sand Sea and the grasslands in the west.

The mountains on the west side of the plateau are the Blanc Mountains, and the west of the mountains is a land similar to Western Europe. Among them, more than 90 kilometers west of the Blanc Mountains is a rugged mountain range with an altitude of over a thousand meters. Now this mountain range that has fallen into the enemy is called the Sad Mountain Range.

It is these three mountain ranges running through the continent from north to south that cut off the connection between the east and the west of the Rurik Kingdom, making it impossible for the western region to move the only elite troops deployed in the east to resist the invasion of the human army to the west after the invasion. The whole area fell.

Although this continent can be considered vast, but because of the large number of ferocious beasts in this world, it is impossible for various intelligent races to reclaim enough land.

Charles has always believed that the land under his feet is only a part of the continent on this planet. It is only because the monsters in the ocean are as ferocious as hanging, so all intelligent races are trapped on this continent.

After introducing the national humiliation of the Rurik Kingdom, Zlatkin returned to the sofa and sat down, and then drank some tea made from Paladin Fruit to moisten his throat.