The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v1 Chapter 86: Ancestor, awesome!

At this time, the waiter had already pushed a small cart into the reading room. There were nearly ten thick books on the cart.

With Amiya's help, the waiter put the books on the coffee table in order according to Zlatkin's request.

Zlatkin pointed to the first three volumes of "Philip's Biography", the first, middle and second volumes, and said to Charles: "This set of books records the deeds of Philip during the Rurik Empire. If you only want to know a general idea, Then you only need to look at the catalogue. If you want to know more in detail, you can read the corresponding content. If you want to know more deeply, you can read the books of these special studies. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask me ."

Charles took the first book and opened the table of contents.

After browsing the catalog, he found that his ancestors had mainly done two things in the past ten years. The first was preaching, and the second was political system reform.

The first thing the ancestors did during a brief period of peace of ten years after repelling the first human attack was to spend two years traveling almost all over the Rurik Empire on a dragon named Seamus. . Along the way, he preached and investigated the economic, social and political conditions of various places.

After he returned to Abyss City after two years of investigation, he had a baby with the Queen...

During this period, he made drastic reforms with the cooperation of the Queen, based on the results of his investigation and the local reality.

In the Rurik Empire, like human society, all land was legally owned by the emperor or king.

In other words, the Rurik Emperor was the only absolute landowner in the Rurik Empire, and the freedmen and nobles only had the right to use the land.

Although this is roughly the same as in the UK, there are two main forms of land use rights in the UK: permanent land use rights and leasehold land use rights. There are only leased land use rights here, but the lease term is much longer than the longest 125 years in the UK. Generally, it starts from two hundred years. If there is no change, the lease will be automatically renewed.

In addition, due to the tragic defeat on the battlefield, the large and small nobles of the Rurik Empire died almost as a result of leading the army. There are not a few extinct children, and there are only two or three kittens left. The power of the traditional nobles has been destructive. blow.

So the ancestors issued a series of orders through the queen in a hundred days one after another.

First of all, he implemented a new title system for military merit, so that free people could obtain titles through military merit, and the more nobles there were, the less valuable they would be.

Then he successively promulgated laws to carry out drastic reforms in society.

First, he merged the new theocracy, with the emperor serving as pope at the same time.

Followed by the abolition of slavery, all slaves automatically become free people, and have all the same legal rights and obligations as free people.

Then all the land was re-owned by the emperor and redistributed equally according to the head. The newly freed slaves had the same land distribution rights as the freed people, and at the same time guaranteed the legal property of the rich and freed people.

At the same time, comprehensively adjust the national tax policy, cancel unnecessary extortion and miscellaneous taxes, and adjust the tax burden to a range acceptable to all parties. And abolish usury, the law only protects the specified amount of interest.

The most important thing is that the emperor devolved some powers, and established the National People's Congress at all levels in the skin of the lower house and the CPPCC of the nobility in the skin of the upper house and strengthened the supervision power, and established the cabinet, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Procuratorate and the Supreme Command. At the same time, local governments at all levels have been reformed, local courts and procuratorates have been established at all levels, grass-roots peasant associations have been established in rural areas, and grass-roots neighborhood committees have been established in cities and towns.

The last is to train a new type of army. The new army, whose main source is the free people who have just acquired land and the former slaves who have just acquired freedom and land, has a strong will to fight. After training, their combat effectiveness is much higher than that of the old army.

Seeing this, cold sweat broke out on Charles' forehead. What kind of golden fingers did the ancestors have, and he made so many big moves all at once, and he didn't dare to write such exaggerated online novels.

Most importantly, these decrees and laws need to be implemented and implemented by a large number of professionals in every corner of the country. Otherwise, no matter how good the decrees are, they will not be able to get out of the palace walls.

This is not one of those indifferent novels. It seems that as long as the protagonist speaks, those NPCs will automatically acquire professional knowledge ranging from Ma Zhemao's theory to Deng's theory of rice cultivation. People who graduated from civil engineering have to study for a while to be a safety officer and construction worker, not to mention that a medieval person needs to master these things that conflict with their original knowledge system.

The training of talents is a long-term process. Only when the number of talents we have reaches a certain amount, will there be a qualitative change, so that the existing talents can cultivate more talents.

From the workshop, to the anti-university and other schools with twelve branch campuses, and to countless grassroots organizations, it was the large number of talents they cultivated that enriched the military and political departments at all levels and became the backbone, which awakened the sleeping earth.

And the old ancestor is only one person, and I have never heard that he has cultivated a large number of talents in this field before, so how did he carry out such an unprecedented thorough reform in this land of illiteracy?

With doubts, Charles continued to flip through the book, and then he found that this set of books is divided into three parts. The first volume is the record of when he went to various places, who met, who said what words, and made various decisions. The middle volume is A detailed record of his political reforms, the second volume is the process of building his temple.

Soon, a sentence in the second volume caught Charles' attention.

"A large number of believers in the Temple of Harvest and Forging followed Philip through the forest. They followed Philip's instructions and traveled to every corner of the empire. They instructed people in production and work during the day, and opened night schools to eradicate illiteracy at night."

Charles' cold sweat became more and more profuse, and the sweat on his forehead even flowed into his nostrils. He quickly took off the mask, sweated it through his sleeve, and took it back.

He asked Zlatkin, "Professor Zlatkin, may I ask the temple believers mentioned in the book, is there any record about them?"

Zlatkin, who was reading a book, put down the book on his mobile phone, and then reported the name and number of a book to the waiter and asked the waiter to fetch it.

Then he said: "The first group of believers in the temple are from various countries in the south of the East, although their own strength is not strong, similar to an ordinary person, but each of them is morally noble, knowledgeable, and fearless. hard people."

"It was under their guidance that the empire could be reborn in two years, from a feudal country to a parliamentary empire dominated by public ownership. After the sacrifice of the Queen and Philip, they are still engaged in their own work. I worked my job until I passed away in old age."

Charles felt that his cold sweat today could dehydrate him, and he thought of a possibility.

"I want to digest this information." After Charles finished speaking, he leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes.

"Master Reimu, are you busy?" Charles entered the "hotline" that Reimu opened for him in the dream.

"What's the matter?" Reimu appeared, "I was beaten?"

"That's right, I want to beg you for something." Charles first made an excuse, "Those dream weavers want to weave some books into their dreams, but some of them can't memorize books, so is there any way? Can you easily and quickly copy those books into your dreams?"

"What a big deal." Reimu replied, "I'll solve it for you later. Is there anything else?"

Then Charles asked again, "That's what you said a while ago about using the power of faith to help Blanche shape her true body in the world..."

"The power of faith cannot be credited!" Reimu interrupted Charles.

"No, no!" Charles shook his head and said, "I want to ask, there was a knight king on the human side more than 300 years ago. Like Blanche, is she a body shaped by the power of faith? "

"Yeah." Reimu replied, "The woman with the dumb hair was also created by the God of War. He was shaped according to the requirements of the brave man. I was there to help at the time. How can I say that I am also a **** of souls. priestly."

"Sure enough!" Charles thought to himself.

Then he went on to ask, "So is she exactly like a real human being?"

"How could it be exactly the Reimu said, "Although she looks the same as a real person in every way, she is only shaped by the power of faith, and when she dies, she will be transformed into the power of faith again. . However, God of War said that as long as she has the power of faith to replenish, she will not die due to aging. Well, I didn't ask that. "

Charles asked again, "Then the amount of faith used to shape Blanche and the King of Knights is different, right?"

"Isn't this nonsense?" Reimu replied, "Blanche is a servant of God, and that dumb-haired woman is just a powerful warrior. Although the power of faith used to shape the body is not much, it takes a lot of power to give them physical abilities. The power of faith. If you create an ordinary human body for Blanche, then the power of her servants cannot be used, do you just want an ordinary Blanche to give birth to a child for you?"

Charles' forehead was sweating again, and he finally asked, "So has anyone ever shaped ordinary people?"

Then Charles realized that he was being watched by Reimu, and Reimu said, "It's worthy of being a descendant of Philip. Your thoughts are similar."

"It was Philip who persuaded Forge and Harvest to use all their strength to shape a large number of ordinary people to preach. This was a big joke between us at the time. But it was actually done, and then we couldn't laugh anymore. ."

In the end, Reimu said, "I'll leave if I have nothing else to do. The slime head in my temple needs to continue education. You should hurry up, so that you can see Blanche and the others as soon as possible."

Charles, who came back from the dream, slapped the mask on the forehead and said, "I knew it was like this, the golden fingers are wide open!"
