The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v2 Chapter 229: 1 go straight alone 1 straight

When the news of the murloc landing in the south reached Durian City, Xiao Yi was feeding the koi with Old Charles.

The train stopped and went all the way, and it took two days to arrive at the station north of Durian City.

This station was an important railroad junction, as the railway traveled westward through the less-deviled area on the southern edge of the Sea of ​​Trees, before reaching the kingdom of Rurik.

For reasons of secrecy, this place has always been forbidden to humans, and Charles was the first human to arrive here after the railway was built.

After arriving at the station, the teams are going to rest in the station for a few days. In order to avoid the leakage of the news of the "Wocaoling annihilation battle", the soldiers are prohibited from going out and contacting the outside world during the rest period. Even the letters that Charles wrote before were detained for a while. to send.

However, little Charles was called away by the housekeeper of old Charles at the first time, and Munch was released immediately.

As a result, Xiaoyi had just chatted with old Charles a few times, and the news of the murloc landing arrived.

Old Charles threw the fish food box aside and said, "You and I go to the headquarters."

Xiao Xi immediately stood up from his chair and followed behind Old Charles, who was striding.

In the command room, Xiao Yi sat obediently on the stool in the corner. It's much bigger here, and Xiaomengxin shivered.

Durian City already has a plan for the attack of the murlocs, and the Southern Theater Command has issued a corresponding order. Now that the work of clearing the field has begun, the headquarters are discussing how to harass, delay and weaken the enemy halfway.

They are all old, and Xiao Yi can't fault their plans.

Especially old Charles, who was over a thousand years old and had seen two traversers, and was about to meet the third one.

He sat there most of the time without speaking, only occasionally asking a little question on some key steps.

Just when Bernard, the chief military officer of Durian City, was preparing to combine the opinions of all parties to finalize the battle plan, Meng Xinyi was named by Old Charles, "Boy, if you have any ideas, just say, don't be bored there."

Xiao Yi was startled, but did not expect that he would be named. The problem is that he has nothing to say tactically, after all, he did not open the halo of intelligence. And technically... he thought about it, and it seemed that he really had some articles to do.

*??split line??*

The landing operation commanded by Eugene went very smoothly, and he even prepared a set of operations for this.

It's just that at the beginning of "Sound East", all the elves on the coast sent a signal and all ran away on horseback.

The murlocs in charge of the feint carefully landed and occupied a place 300 meters along the coast, and then established a defensive position.

After more than an hour, there was no sign of the elves fighting back.

After receiving the report, Eugene thought for a while, and then ordered the entire army to occupy the beachhead as originally planned.

The same is true for the main attack direction. The elves run as fast as the swordfish when the murlocs appear.

There is a reason for Eugene to be promoted and reused by Jenny. As an excellent middle-level officer, his military literacy is still good.

He wants to build merit, but he is not stupid.

In the face of the abnormal performance of the elves, Eugene decided to secure the beachhead first, and then dispatched several small units to carry out armed reconnaissance.

In the following day, except for sporadic ambush, the reconnaissance force saw no trace of a large-scale counterattack at all.

When the report of his landing operation came to Jenny, he only advanced four kilometers for the camp.

His Royal Highness's latest order was immediately delivered to Eugene, who was uneasy, along with a set of magic communication equipment.

Eugene breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that His Highness the Crown Prince did not reprimand him for his unauthorized actions in the order. Then he followed the prince's order and attacked ten kilometers from the coast on the second day after receiving the order.

The attack could be described as an armed trip, with several teams advancing in unison with only a negligible amount of harassment.

Those elves only shot a few arrows and slid away before the murlocs reflected.

Because of the perennial conflict, the coastal area of ​​more than ten kilometers is the main battlefield between the two sides. The elves only temporarily reclaimed land in this area to plant some fast-growing vegetables.

Along the way, the fishermen did not find much food, but they harvested a lot of vegetables, as well as chickens and ducks.

The fresh and tender vegetables are much more delicious than the kelp dumplings. During this time, the fish people can be said to be feasting.

Due to his previous actions, Eugene no longer disobeyed Jenny's orders this time, and he led the lead troops to a stop at a makeshift farm more than nine kilometers from the coast.

The elves of this farm retreated in a hurry, the chickens in the coop were still there, and there were a lot of eggs.

Murlocs don't know how to keep chickens, so they decide to eat chickens before they starve to death.

Eugene, who was nibbling on the chicken leg, ordered the whole army to prepare for the sneak attack by the elves.

As a result, no one attacked the murlocs at night except the mosquitoes.

Eugene, who hadn't slept all night, asked the signal troopers to contact other teams. As a result, the situation on other fronts was the same as here. Along the way, he encountered only sporadic resistance and no organized counterattack.

The empty punch made the fish people very uncomfortable, and the commanders of the various divisions asked His Royal Highness to continue the attack.

Jeni then vetoed their demands and ordered them to establish their defensive positions and make sure there were no elves in ambush around them.

This order made Eugene very depressed. After he finished eating the drumstick of the last chicken on the farm, he ordered several hundred troops to go north for five kilometers to carry out armed reconnaissance.

In the evening, the reconnaissance team came back, and the news they brought back was the same - the villages of elves within six to eight kilometers to the north were evacuating northward, and grain, vegetables, and livestock were being continuously transported northward, and except for a few militiamen, they found nothing. any regular army.

Undecided, Eugene walked out of the room and walked around the farm.

When Eugene passed the chicken farm, several murloc soldiers who were sitting on the ground eating hard-boiled eggs immediately stood up, and a murloc held half a hard-boiled egg and asked him hopefully, "General. , where are we going to grab next?"

Eugene raised his brows, "Where do you want to snatch?"

The murloc said a little excitedly: "I heard from the investigators that the village in the north is carrying things away, and we'll be gone if we arrive late!"

Eugene didn't answer, turned around and left.

He walked around the farm and found that the soldiers all had the same idea, and they all wanted to hurry up north to grab his vote.

Most of the soldiers were born in poverty, and it was impossible to miss the opportunity to grab the spoils.

After returning to the farmhouse that served as the headquarters, Eugene immediately ordered: Haili, who had been encircled as the leading force and then used as the second echelon to counter the encirclement, immediately rushed ashore, and the third echelon as the reserve team was stationed at the beachhead.

The next morning, Eugene sent a number of Centuries to raid several villages that had not yet evacuated north, and at the same time, each Centurion followed a Centurion to the left and right in the rear.

At that time, even if the elves counterattack the three centenarians will be able to retreat calmly.

In the evening, all the teams sent out had chickens and ducks hanging from their waists and baskets full of grain on their backs, and some teams even came back with pigs.

One of the teams also found a map of the nearby area.

Eugene saw that no one was killed except for a few soldiers who were injured in the elated team, and a big stone in his heart finally fell.

In the evening, Eugene, who was nibbling on a pig's trotter, studied the map amid the cheers and laughter of the soldiers.

Eleven kilometers ahead of them was a larger village, which was located at a traffic node, with roads leading to various surrounding farms and small villages.

After thinking for a while, Eugene decided that tomorrow the whole army would press on to capture this village, and then use this village as a stronghold to send raiding teams around.

As for the order of His Royal Highness, it can be reported in the name of armed investigation at that time.