The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v2 Chapter 237: The big picture is set

In a previous life, Charles discussed the difference between "going alone" and "attacking flexibly" when he was talking with someone on the keyboard, and finally reached some consensus.

"Going alone" is the act of warlords and small groups for their own selfish interests, disregarding the overall interests of the whole, and concealing them from superiors and friendly forces through various means.

"Flexible attack" is to make appropriate tactical adjustments according to the actual situation of the battlefield under the framework of the overall strategic layout, and notify superiors and friendly forces.

Obviously, Munch's command belongs to the latter. At this time, the encirclement of the elves has been basically formed, and the troops are basically in place. The 168th Brigade's attack is also in line with the tactical goal of attracting the enemy's attention. At the same time, the light of the Charles magic cannon also reminds the friendly forces and superiors that the situation has changed, and the action time is advanced. Half an hour doesn't do much detriment to the big picture.

"Battlefield smell" is not something mysterious, not some kind of magical intuition in some novels. It is a manifestation of the commander's quick grasp of the main contradiction on the battlefield when he has a deep grasp of the enemy's situation, the military situation of friendly forces, and the tactical purpose of the campaign.

Among the elves, there are many officers with a keen sense of smell on the battlefield like Munch. At the moment when the light just dimmed, countless dull "bang bang" sounds became one, and countless "Charles conscience" flew high under the night. , and then fell into the three small camps of the murlocs.

Amidst the continuous and deafening explosions and firelight, a spot of light like a firefly suddenly lit up on the pitch-black ground, and countless black shadows followed these spots toward the murloc camp.

At the same time, three huge red signal flares rose from the city head of Durian City, and the rising sun first lit up half of the sky.

Under the remonstrance of leading cadres at all levels in Durian City, Old Charles finally gave up the idea of ​​personally leading the team to participate in the battle, and changed to sit in the city. Now it seems that the murloc can't reach the city, he can only use the fireball technique as a signal bomb to get rid of the addiction.

An elf hidden in the farmland lit the fuse, and the sparks on the fuse made a "swoosh" sound and got into the large wooden barrel hooped with iron bars.

In this wooden barrel, which was dug directly from a piece of hard iron wood, there was a muffled sound of "bang", and then a black "Charles Conscience No. 2" rushed out of the wooden barrel and swiped across the fire-illuminated barrel. The sky, came to the sky above the murloc camp.

The "Charles Conscience II" first flew into six smaller parts with a light "bang" in the air, and then they suddenly "boomed" when they landed, bursting with a burst of orange-white flames , countless fragments with flames swept across every inch of space nearby, igniting everything they came into contact with.

The ubiquitous explosion made it impossible for the murlocs in the camp to assemble, and the "conscience" that fell irregularly could occasionally get lucky and kill the assembled team.

Eugene's starting point when setting up the camp is not wrong. If the elves only attack one camp, other camps can provide effective reinforcements.

But he did not expect that in this operation, the elves actually gathered more troops than he imagined, and then surrounded his camp at the same time.

A part of the elves took advantage of the chaos in the small camp to blow up the camp's wooden wall, and launched a surprise attack on the camp when "Charles Conscience" completed the task transfer.

On Charles' side, the light from the magic cannon instantly dazzled the fish people in the dark, but Charles, who was wearing a mask, and the elves who were ordered to close their eyes in time had no pressure on this.

The murloc's forward was immediately set on fire by the Magician and Archers of the 168th Battalion. After a round of fire coverage, Munch personally led the team to destroy them in a short time.

The long-range attack of this team of murloc mages and harpoons is a deadly threat to the 168th Brigade. If more than a thousand murlocs are allowed to assemble to launch a long-range attack, the 168th Brigade will definitely not have any scum left.

So all the infantrymen at the moment rushed up in small groups, mixed with the murlocs lined up on the road, and divided the murlocs into several parts.

After disposing of the vanguard, the mage detachment and the archer detachment immediately moved to both sides of the road that had become a battlefield to provide fire support to the infantry.

Charles flew into the sky after blasting a magic cannon. Soon after, he found the murloc commander at the rear of the team who was shouting to assemble the troops, and then swung his sword from the air and beheaded him.

Then Charles was surrounded.

Seeing that there are enemies all around, Charles no longer hides his secrets, and uses all the plug-ins that should be used.

The gift bag that Reimu gave him before he went away contained a super add-on that was standard for the protagonist—the mentally retarded halo.

The mentally retarded aura acts directly on the soul, which can make the thinking of the life with the soul become dull and chaotic.

When he was experimenting with death, even Elizabeth and Arturia put food into their nostrils.

I won't talk about what happened after that, it's too sad.

And this halo cannot be released in a directional way, so Charles dare not use it when there are teammates around, for fear that the pig teammates will solve him first.

Now that Charles is surrounded by enemies, it is the best time to use the mentally retarded aura.


In an instant, all the murlocs within fifty meters around Charles were stunned, and the movements of their hands were a beat slower. There were even a few murloc mages who were about to cast spells and got it wrong halfway through their spells, and were finally devoured by the spells.

Next, Charles, who gave himself a three-piece suit of strength, endurance, and sensitivity buff, began to drive the unparalleled in the crowd.

One after another, blood flowers kept blooming under the light of the knife, and one life after another was annihilated on this dirt road where only farmers usually walked.

The rear of the murloc team was immediately turned upside down by Charles alone, and a limited counterattack could not be organized for a while.

When Charles penetrated the murloc team, the surrounding friendly forces also completed the siege of the unplanned team.

Charles hurriedly turned off the mentally retarded aura, and then jumped to rest outside the friendly encirclement.

At this time, his body was full of blood, some of the murlocs and some of his own.

After all, there are too many murlocs, and even so many mentally retarded ones can kick him to death. Fortunately, his armor was good, and he only suffered a little skin injury. The most serious one was a hole in his left shoulder, but he had already used the healing technique to stop the bleeding.

The friendly medics saw the **** Charles and hurriedly put him on a stretcher and ran to the medical point.

After cleaning the wound at the medical point, Charles declined the priest's waste of power on himself. After a simple bandage, he ran to the side holding the EX curry stick's scabbard to heal the wound.

At this time, the three outer camps of the murlocs had been cleaned up, and the sun had climbed into the eastern sky.

Outside the murloc camp, the elves surrounded the water and began to build fortifications.

There are still more than 30,000 murlocs in the murloc camp. If they fight recklessly, the casualties will not be worth the loss.

At the same time to the east, Karl smashed the crossbow machine of the bed crossbow, and three spears over one meter long flew towards the murlocs in the distance at a very high speed.

Just now, this place became the place where the murlocs broke through. The ballista team that came to reinforce suffered a little loss. Half of the soldiers on this ballista were injured, and Karl, who happened to be nearby, rushed up to help.

The wind magic at the end of the spear was activated, making the speed of the spear unabated.

Karl, who was turning the winch hard and winding the strings, didn't know whether they hit the target or not.

After they re-winding the strings, they found that the fish people in the distance were confused at first, and then suddenly began to retreat.

So again they fired three spears at maximum range into the murlocs.

Also watching the retreat of the murlocs was Baldur. Relying on the village's defense, they fought fairly easily. The murlocs had to return after leaving a place of corpses.

Then both Karl's unit and Baldur's unit received orders to advance and shrink the encirclement.

The latest news spread to the command room in the southern theater of Osmanthus City. The green flag representing the elves on the huge sand table surrounded the blue flag representing the east to west Eight battlefields without exception.

Elizabeth, who was standing beside the sand table, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the situation was now settled.

She stretched, but unfortunately there was no curve.

Since she found out that Sebastian had landed, she hadn't been out in the command room, and she just squinted a little in the lounge next to her when she was resting.

Now more than 200,000 murlocs are divided and surrounded by superior forces on eight battlefields far from the river. As long as they are eliminated before the murloc reinforcements arrive, it will be over.

As for how to eliminate these murlocs, that is up to the frontline commanders.

And the time required for the murlocs to organize enough reinforcements is not short, and it is enough for the encirclement to end the battle.

Even if the murlocs were fast enough, Elizabeth didn't mind coming back to a circle to help.

After stretching, Elizabeth left the command room after explaining. She now needs to take a hot bath and sleep.