The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v2 Chapter 247: into the forest

In mid-August, the new stone wall in Xueling Village was finally built. The new stone wall was twice as thick as the original one. On top of the stone wall were a hope tower and a wooden shed, and a crossbow was installed on the roof of the tower.

Slim even madly reserved a spot on the wall for the "Charles Conscience" transmitter.

However, during this period of time, the fish people who came to the sea still did not make any movement. On the contrary, the peace talks between the Osm Kingdom and the Elf Royal Court started decently.

The place for the peace talks was chosen on a small island not far from the shore in the kingdom of Heffis, which is also a murloc country in the east.

The first issue that Osm's murlocs put forward to the Elf Royal Court was to increase feelings and break the ice of mutual trust. They suggested that the royal families of both sides should marry first.

This issue is in line with the core values ​​of feudalism.

Therefore, the representative of the Elf Royal Court immediately agreed with the issue of the representative of Osm, and expressed that whoever you would like to let His Royal Highness King Charles marry, can you give a portrait first, etc., it would be better if you can see the real person.

The elf representative repeatedly emphasized that if the other party is too thin, it will not work.

The representative of Osm blinked his eyes, what the **** is His Royal Highness the late King Charles, we plan to ask our Prince Jane to marry your Princess Elizabeth.

The representative of the elf said bitterly, we are also thinking of the relationship between the two countries. When the late king, His Royal Highness Charles, and the one who married from your family have offspring, then he will be the first crown prince of the Elf Royal Court. The descendants of His Royal Highness and Elizabeth can only be the second crown prince, and they may be stabbed to death by the current second crown prince.

Then the representative of Osm was stunned by the representative of the elves. When they thought that the last two kings of the elves were in coup d'etat, they had no doubt that the current second crown prince would make a coup.

But then the representative of Osm was in trouble. There were no women of the right age in their royal family.

At this time, the representative of the elf coughed twice and reminded: "Your empress dowager seems to be still alive, right? Anyway, our royal highness is a lot older, so we will not harm the little girl."

Old Charles, who was burying his head in researching green bacteria with Fleming, didn't know that he had been sold. He ran to Greentown, and plunged into the laboratory of MIT.

So when the royal knight came to see old Charles and asked him to go on a blind date, he was so angry that he almost pulled the flag to restore it.

That night, the peninsula chicken box store was surrounded by a group of retired old cadres, while old Charles was negotiating with Victoria inside the store.

The retired veteran cadres have already discussed it. If the old leader wins, they will immediately rush into the White Gold Tree Palace to support the old leader. If the old leader loses, they will tie the old leader to a blind date.

Old Charles glared angrily, and he said to Victoria, "What the **** are you doing? How many years have passed since your mother died..."

Victoria replied calmly: "Dad, it's time for the country to need you..."

No one knows what the father and daughter talked about next, and the public only knows that old Charles was carried by a group of retired veteran cadres on a special train going east.

Elizabeth watched the latest news and silently lit a candle for her grandfather in her heart.

Fortunately, her mother took it over for her, otherwise she would not have the confidence to convince her grandfather.

After putting down the latest briefing, Elizabeth began working on today's papers.

Before long, a document made her frown.

She raised her head and asked the staff and attendants who were working on the table beside her, "What's the matter with this Pingji Vehicle Manufacturing Company?"

One of the squires was obviously prepared, and he replied: "I know this company, it was established by the fighting hero Karl Pinzhi in early June. At that time, it got a stake in the Macross Group, and its main business was to use the Macross Group. The produced wind turbines are used to power the manufacture of motor vehicles.”

Elizabeth was relieved to hear that it was a company that Charles intervened.

She read the product cover-up invitation letter from Macross Group and Pingzhi Vehicle Manufacturing Company again, and then replied that she would take people to visit.

Compared to Elizabeth's calmness, Charles was taken aback by the letter from the Wright sisters.

The two steel sisters spent the main content of the letter - writing letters of recommendation for them and giving them money.

They already knew about the production of machine tools in the Rurik Kingdom, and now they plan to go there and import a batch of machine tools to improve the production efficiency of the factory.

After some deliberation, Charles agreed to the Wright sisters' request. First, he wrote a letter of recommendation to Nicholas II, and then wrote to the old housekeeper A Fu, who was in charge of the house, and asked him to mobilize a large amount of money from the family's reserve funds. The money was remitted to the account of the Macross Group through the temple.

In the past, their family's investments were very cautious, leaving a large amount of savings in the family. Now what Charles has to do is to make these gold coins lying in the cellar flow.

August nights are sultry, especially tonight without the slightest wind. Charles contributed his whirlwind dagger to the wall as a fan, and the air in the dormitory began to circulate, and it soon became cooler.

After writing and sealing the letter, Charles turned the dagger's air volume down to the lowest setting, lit the mosquito coils, and went to sleep under the covers.

On the second day, Charles and his assault team received a new mission, which was to go hunting in the forest to the west and hunt wild beasts close to the village to avoid them causing trouble in an emergency.

This task is not easy, because not far to the west is the inaccessible Linhai, where there are many monsters and it is difficult to deal with, and there are often monsters running to the east.

The most troublesome thing is the ubiquitous insects in the forest.

There are many bugs that **** blood and drill flesh, and summer is the most active time of the year for them.

Charles and the others all put on thick clothes, stockings made of spider silk and long-sleeved gloves, and the trousers, cuffs and necklines were all **** to prevent bugs from getting in.

They even have their hair shaved short or bald in case the bugs don't get caught in time.

Charles put on his mask again to protect his face from bug bites or other plants.

Everyone has a deworming potion, and thanks to Charles, he has enough medicine and supplies in the storage ring for the entire squad to splurge—especially drinking water.

Even with a lot of preparations, Charles and the others did not dare to take it lightly, because any accident in the forest could happen.

Not long after they entered the forest, they saw a magical beast whose species could no longer be seen wrapped around a vine-like plant, which had become a source of nutrition for nearby plants.