The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v2 Chapter 308: more murloc girls


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In the dream, the fish-mocking duo watched Rachel in the distance shooting a target with a flash gun, and the hit rate was not bad.

Charles asked Diana, "Do you know that kind of phenomenon that resembles the 'exploding'?"

"Yes, it is mentioned in the school textbook." Diana said in a light voice, "When a person is stimulated, there is a certain chance that the soul will briefly overclock, which will greatly enhance the strength and spirit of the person. Strength and other physical levels, but the consumption of the body is huge. Some people can freely control to enter that state through practice.”

"So it is." Charles nodded, and Diana understood when he said this, which was a bit similar to when he first merged with the broken godhead.

"Linda exploded not long ago. I heard that it exploded several times later, but it was still in a dream." Diana continued.

Charles raised his brows, "She wasn't dismantled by you for research, right?"

"Haha..." Diana smiled copingly.

When they met in Knowledge City, Charles showed Diana his demon form in the study.

At that time, Diana wanted to shave a little corner and study it, and Charles immediately said that you should change back to Veela and let me study it too.

After some negotiation, the two of them finally signed the "Treaty of Mutual Non-Research on Inhuman Forms".

From then on, Charles recognized Diana's side of researching madmen, especially the look in the eyes of the Dummy King that even the Dummy King was a little scared.

The two watched Rachel hit the target for a while. Rachel, who did not "explode", had a slight drop in her accuracy, but she was still at an excellent level.

"Still mad at me?" Charles asked suddenly.

"Yeah," Diana replied coldly.

"Oh." Charles responded.

People who knew Charles and Diana were at a loss for their recent conflict and couldn't understand how the two of them got into trouble.

In fact, the fuse of the conflict between the two of them is very simple, that is, Charles arbitrarily decided not long ago to let Diana, who was sleepless, put down her work to recuperate.

For decades, Diana, who has been self-reliant and independent, believes that Charles cannot dictate his work and life. Charles may have a good starting point, but his approach has violated her bottom line.

So the two pieces of steel collided, and a spark of contradiction was struck.

"If there is a chance to fight, even if it is over."


Not far away, Meliti, who was listening to the conversation between the two of them, had a black line, not understanding what the two guys were thinking.

After a while of silence, Charles said, "I should go, there is still a big move tonight."

"Be careful."

After Diana finished speaking, Charles disappeared.

Charles woke up and looked at his pocket watch, there was still a quarter of an hour before the action began.

Not long after he checked his equipment, a few crickets chirped, then stopped abruptly.

Charles guessed that this was some unfortunate cricket nearby that was eaten by other small animals, and mourned for it for three seconds in silence.

At exactly one o'clock in the morning, a figure suddenly stood up from under a tree more than 100 meters away from the murloc camp, and then took a bow and shot an arrow.

Charles in the tree saw an arrow shot towards the watchtower on the barracks wall, and then accurately hit the murloc sentry on duty in the chest.

The attacked watchtower panicked, and as the alarm bell was rang, the entire military camp was suddenly boiling, and groups of murlocs who had been prepared for a long time rushed out of the tent in full force.

During the day, after the demons are gone, the fish people enter a state of war, in order to deal with the attack of the enemy at any time.

Charles, who was watching the excitement on the tree, yawned, then closed his eyes and rested, waiting for him to perform.

The fish people who were facing the enemy waited for more than an hour, but it turned out that it was pitch black outside the barracks, except for the sound of insects.

Soon, the murlocs who were waiting for them received an order to return to the tent to rest.

After another half hour, a patrol came out of the barracks and started patrolling the surrounding area.

Gradually, the patrol approached the woods where Charles and the others were hiding.

After two laps around the edge of the woods, the patrol passed the big tree under Charles and walked slowly into the woods.

It didn't take long for the conversation to reach Charles' ears from not far away.

"What do you mean by your letter?"

"As the letter says."

"Our two races are at war."

"The war between soldiers is for the interests of the country and the glory of the soldiers. The rescue of the suffering girl is for justice and justice. The God of Life teaches us to lend a helping hand when we encounter innocent suffering."



(The conversation between the two sides stops for a few minutes, and Charles can hear heavy breathing from where the conversation is.)

"It is my duty to guard the barracks...but...I will not stop your justice."


"They will trouble you in the future, alas... this world..."


The two sides reached a little consensus in the woods, and then turned around and disappeared into the night.

Before long, the commander of the operation appeared on a branch beside Charles.

"Your Highness, it's up to you," he said to Charles.

Charles opened his eyes, looked at the murloc barracks in the distance, nodded and dropped the branches.

As his mastery of the Broken Godhead deepened, the amount and sophistication of his magical control grew.

※split line※

Look! Beneath that light there is a little girl crying.

I don't know where she's from, look! How sad the little girl was crying.

I don't know who abandoned her and where she should go in the future.

Dear little sister, please don't cry.

Where is your home, I will take you back.


Hailey, who was curled up in the corner, looked at the humanoid creature that suddenly appeared in front of her, and her body trembled with fright.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person." Charles said to her softly, and at the same time reached out and touched her head, "Wait a minute, the nightmare is over."

As soon as Charles finished speaking, he took Hailey and teleported to the woods outside the military camp.

The elves who had been waiting for the battle immediately covered the overwhelmed Hailey with a blanket, and then forcibly filled her with a bottle of potion.

Hailey, who had not yet figured out the situation, fell into a drowsy sleep after drinking the potion, and was then moved by the elves to a nearby carriage.

At this moment, Charles returned with another murloc girl.

Aside from sneaking into the barracks quietly at first, it was a bit of a hassle, the rest of the rescue operation went smoothly.

The murlocs apparently dropped their guard against where the demons lived, and then deployed most of their forces behind the walls.

In this way, Charles can easily establish a small spatial coordinate in a hidden place, so that he can teleport directly to this place next time he uses teleportation.

In the end, it took Charles more than half an to quietly pick up the nearly 20 murloc girls here.

After rescuing the murloc girl, Charles returned to the murloc barracks again, and then took out his EX curry stick and fired a few shots at the place where the supplies were hoarded.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the frying pan in the murloc camp, the elves drove several carriages full of sleeping murloc girls to the north overnight.

If the murloc officer just now knew that there were only less than twenty elves in the team that was operating tonight, it would not be so easy to talk.

The murloc officer stood in front of the destroyed supplies, and said to his subordinates with a dark face: "Report truthfully to the upper side. When the demon instructors were on vacation, they all took their maids to a picnic and did not return late at night. In the early morning, our army suffered The enemy attacked at night."

When the sun was shining, Charles met George, who came to inspect the work, at an elves' stronghold in the mountains.

George, who came overnight, brought a large number of professionals, and they were providing physical and psychological treatment for the newly rescued murloc girls. Rachel, who has recovered her spirit, is also busy, helping to enlighten the troubled sisters.

At first, he wanted to joke that Charles had picked up the girls again, and George was black-faced. At this time, he already knew the experiences and encounters of these girls.

He asked Charles, "How are you going to arrange them?"

Charles, who was loading ammunition for the "Horsp" triple-mounted stun gun, replied: "Give Rachel a chance to meet the commander. What the final result will be depends on what they talk about."

"I'll send someone to take her there," George said. "What's your plan next?"

Charles said: "Give me something to eat, sleep during the day, and have it when the sun goes down."


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