The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v2 Chapter 309: 1 point initial idea

"Rachel, come here." Diana beckoned to the murloc girl who had just finished hitting the target in the distance.

"Mr. Diana, what's the matter?" Rachel hurried over after seeing Diana's call.

"Did you do what I asked you to do yesterday?" Diana asked her.

"I've seen it." Rachel nodded hurriedly. "The barrel of the stun gun that Mr. Charles left for me is as bare as the inside of a sea cucumber that has been emptied."

Diana nodded, then waved to Rachel to resume her training, while she sat by herself in deep thought.

"It's still a musket," Diana thought. "It's not difficult to rifling a rifling gun. Seventeenth-century American colonists could use a wooden broaching machine to make rifling with a hook knife. It's simple, it's just a matter of thinking."

"The firing mechanism..."

Diana had a black line when she thought of the firing method of the flash gun that Charles complained about.

Charles's blasting gun did not detonate the propellant like the arquebus, flintlock, and later guns with a firing pin, but a small magic circle at the end of the barrel exploded several times after pulling the trigger to connect the magic path. A small fire column ignited the propellant.

Thinking of this, Diana's brain hole opened, and she began to conceive of advanced firearms that could be mass-produced based on current technical conditions.

She felt that Charles' thinking was not magical enough before, and he was still stuck on pure mechanical design, but she didn't know that with the help of magic, many mechanical designs could be replaced or simplified.

Let's start with the simplest one. The Green Cannon that can be copied in the late Qing Dynasty, that is, the hand-cranked Gatling, appeared in her mind.

This kind of repeating gun invented in the Xianfeng years is simple and reliable in structure, huge in power, and has high potential. It is very suitable for production in this world at present.

In the past, Charles once complained that a major obstacle to the development of firearms and bullets in this world is that it is difficult to have a large number of bullet casings around. There is no mechanized production. The output of bullet casings is the shackle of a large number of firearms equipment.

"Then try caseless," thought Diana.

If Charles is there, he will definitely have a black line, because there are many disadvantages of caseless bullets. For example, bullets without bullet casings are prone to moisture and damage; without bullet casings, the chamber will fully withstand the chamber pressure and high temperature when the propellant burns, which will cause Corrosion of the chamber and high temperature of the chamber cause the ammunition to spontaneously ignite; too much residue from the propellant charge, etc.

Diana thought about these problems, and found that except for the problem of bullet protection, she had no clue, other problems she thought could be solved by magic means.

Chamber corrosion can be solved with replaceable parts.

The high temperature of the gun chamber and barrel and the problem of propellant residues, should you try to use a wind-based magic array, start it after firing the ammunition, cool down and blow away the residue at the same time.

Although this can lead to a bit of trouble in firearm manufacturing, it's a huge profit compared to eliminating the need for bullet casings.

If this idea works, then other firearms can also use this technology.

Then, she began to think about how to use this technical idea to improve the AK47.

In this unscientific world, material science is the most magical existence.

Figured out the material, with the blessing of magic elements or divine power, its physical meaning will also change.

In this way, the development of alloys is limited.

Diana was not very worried about machining. She heard from Charles that the Rurik Kingdom had come up with a series of machine tools. As long as these machines were qualified, the precision of machining was always higher than that of manual machining.


After an unknown amount of time, Diana suddenly realized that someone was watching her.

"What are you thinking about?" Meliti sat beside Diana, "missing your buddy?"

"No." Diana shook her head.

Then she said, "You said to fry your tail until golden on both sides, then add tofu cubes and **** to stew together, and add some chopped green onion, sesame oil and salt when it comes out of the pot. What do you think it will taste like?"

"You just want to turn me into soup." Meliti squinted at her best friend, "Why don't I make some tail-washing water for you first?"

At this time, Diana suddenly remembered something, "By the way, I heard that someone paid a high price for your bath water."

Meliti trembled, "What about the shabby man, who is it? I'll cut him when I go back."

Before Diana could answer, she and Meliti suddenly exchanged glances before disappearing into the dream platform.

Diana woke up from the passenger ship room to find chaos and noise on the deck.

Meliti, who was sleeping beside Diana, also got up. She listened carefully and said, "Someone is here to smash the place."

"Go!" said Diana, putting on her coat. "Let's help."

The two of them quickly came to the deck and found that the sailors and escorts on the ship were already in their positions.

The sailors began to manipulate the ship to rush to the west coast to prepare for the stall. The magicians of the **** team activated the defensive magic circle on the ship to resist the attack on the sea, and others launched a counterattack through various methods.

Diana found that Arturia, who was escorting her, was standing beside the boat, carefully observing the sea under the night.

After Artoria saw Diana and the others coming, she said to them: "The murlocs in the sea are attacking the bottom of the boat, you have to be careful that the boat will sink."

Meliti said indifferently: "I'm running for my life in the sea, and no one can stop me."

Diana said succinctly: "I can fly."

"Okay." Arturia nodded, these two children are not fuel-efficient lamps.

At this time, a group of murloc mages released magic towards the ship in the sea not far ahead of them.

"I'll attack first, you follow!" Diana said to Meliti.

Then Diana raised her hands high, and a gaseous sphere emitting a colorful glow formed above her.

After preparing the "vigilance bomb" composed of demon-breaking Diana suddenly threw it towards the group of murloc demons.

"My God Ocean, please give the scoundrel in front of you the punishment of the tsunami!"

Meliti held a wand as tall as herself, chanted a prayer to the **** of the sea, and then launched a magical attack to attack the group of murlocs.

Diana's magical power to break the magic "vigilance bomb" hit the team of murloc mages, and at that moment, all the magic shields on the murloc mages were cracked.

At the next moment, the "Tsunami Technique" released by Meliti followed closely.

Although it was also a murloc who believed in the **** of the sea, under the attack of a magical technique like high-speed water, the team of murloc mages were killed and half injured by the magical technique.

Several murloc warriors sprang out from the water beside the boat and appeared in front of Diana and the others.

Arturia swung her sword and cut the two closest murlocs in half.

Diana raised her hand and waved, and a green light shot out from her hand. The murloc with the harpoon less than two centimeters away from her nose was hit by the green light, and immediately lost his life and fell back into the sea.

At this time, Meliti, who was listening attentively, said viciously: "[Murloc swearing], they are here to catch me."

"Don't worry," Arturia told her. "They won't get it."

"Hey..." Diana sucked in a breath, "It seems that this time I will use my real skills, otherwise it will be the end of the game."

Hearing Diana say this, Meliti subconsciously shuddered, and she couldn't help recalling the past when she and Diana met.

It was a summer night, and Diana, who was sneaking to the beach, tried to use the magic of her hometown, and she blew Meliti, who was swimming in the sea, onto the beach.


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