The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v2 Chapter 310: Magic from another world

The sea ship is trying hard to sail towards the west coast. It is extremely irrational to fight the murlocs in the sea. Only by escaping to the land will there be a chance to come back. It's just that there wasn't much wind tonight, and the boat wasn't much faster than the bike.

This sea area still belongs to the kingdom of Heffis, and if it can support the arrival of reinforcements from the kingdom of Heffis, it will be saved.

Obviously the attackers also realized this. The murlocs on the sea and underwater attacked extremely violently, and the "dong dong" sound from the bottom of the ship could be heard on the deck.

If it wasn't for the magician on the ship who was struggling to maintain the magic shield protecting the ship with the help of magic crystals, the bottom of the ship would have been opened a few big holes.

"The accent is Osm's trash." The only one present who could hear the enemy's accent was Meliti, "[Lady's foul language], they really want to catch me."

At this moment, her big watery eyes were full of chills, and her left hand tightly held her wand inlaid with large blue magic crystals.

Diana asked her, "Can you keep those trash fish on the bottom away from the boat?"

"Yes." Meliti nodded, "but only once."

"Enough," Diana said.

Then she said to Arturia: "Auntie, I remember that you can walk on water. If I fail later, you will carry Meliti to the shore first."

After she finished speaking, she flashed into the dark cabin without waiting for Arturia to reply.

"Fortunately, I prepared this to follow my father." Diana took out a silver-white suit like a one-piece chemical suit from her storage bag, and put it on her body.

Immediately after, she turned into a veela, and the clothes actually left a place for her wings and the beak that grew out.

When she was ready to fly out, no one saw her except Artoria who looked over in surprise after hearing the voice.

Diana, who put on the latest invisibility cloak she brought, came to a place dozens of meters high in the air and began to wait for Meliti's magic to activate.

As a genius of water magic among the new generation, Meliti's affinity for the water element has reached the level of plug-in. Add in her beauty and royal family background, and that's the standard protagonist harem character template.

At this time, Meliti was standing in the middle of the deck, under the protection of Artoria, preparing for the magic to be released. It was a test of skill for her to drive the enemy away while ensuring the safety of the ship.

At that moment, the Osm murloc mage and the human mage in the sea felt the surrounding water elements suddenly rush towards the bottom of the boat.

After going deep, the gathered water elements swept away like a tsunami.

The murlocs who attacked the bottom of the boat under water could only use the magic shield hard top for a sudden attack, and they were all pushed away from the bottom of the boat by the violent current.

Seeing that the conditions were ripe, Diana in the sky whispered, "Just let you see the magic from another world. I hope Uncle Potter's magic won't let me down."

Meliti, who was controlling so many water elements for the first time, almost used up her mental power after releasing magic to push the murlocs away from the bottom of the boat. At this time, she was sitting on the deck and gasping for breath.

The surrounding murlocs were disrupted by this attack, and the attack was suspended at this time, and the encirclement was being reorganized.

At this moment, the murlocs in the sea suddenly found that the sky was bright, and then a huge white light ball fell from the sky.

After the ball of light fell into the water, it suddenly exploded, and the white light swept across the entire sea.

The murlocs who were swept by the light were surprised, because they felt that they were not hurt in the slightest.

At the next moment, they suddenly found that their hands were loose, and then the harpoons, shields, magic wands and other weapons in their hands were all out of their grasp as if alive, and they flew towards the water.

Everyone on the boat was also stunned. They thought that this ball of light that suddenly fell from the sky would have a very cool effect. As a result, after a white light appeared in the water, it would be fine.

After two breaths, everyone was surprised to see a piece of weapon "crashing" out of the water and flying into the air.

At this time, Diana was quickly changing positions according to the regular procedure of releasing a large-scale disarming spell, otherwise she might be beaten down by such a weapon. Diana remembered the funny story of Dad's bragging about Uncle Potter being hit in the head by a flying wand after he cast the Disarming Charm on him, which of course the other party vehemently denied.

The fish who lost their weapons were stunned, and they emerged from the sea one after another, trying to retrieve the weapons that had slipped away.

As a result... the weapons that flew into the air began to rain down.

It wasn't just those weapons that fell with the weapons.

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A little bit of white light fell in the sky, like the stars on the night were blown off by the strong wind, falling around the ship.

"It's so beautiful," a sailor exclaimed.

Those who are abnormal are demons. The fish people who are avoiding the weapons falling from the sky see these slow and fast light spots falling towards their heads, and immediately dive into the water and start turning.

In any case, tonight's mission has failed, and there is only one dead end to stay here.

Those light spots drilled into the sea at a rapid speed.

"Boom!" ×N

There was a dense explosion under the sea, high and low water columns rose from the sea from time to time, and occasionally a half-murloc was carried into the air by the water column.

Everyone on the boat breathed a sigh of relief, and the power of the night was over.

This battle came and went quickly. From the sudden attack to the end of the explosion under the sea, the whole process took less than a quarter of an The captain directed the ship to continue running westward, until they were on a beach When the stall was rushed and all the crew disembarked to hide, the army of Hefeis Kingdom arrived here.

After introducing the situation, the captain said to the leading officer: "Dude, do me a favor, can you provide me with an official attack certificate?"

"What are you doing here?" The officer's face was a little bad, and this kind of proof was a bit of a slap in the face for them.

"It's not the dragons yet!" the captain said angrily, "I bought the insurance for my ship from the Chaowei Blue Dragon Insurance Company, and the dragons wrote in the contract that they need to claim compensation for damage to the ship in this situation. Issue an official certificate of the place where the incident occurred, otherwise there will be suspicion of malicious insurance fraud."

The corners of the murloc officer's mouth twitched. As a relative of the lord of this sea area, it was no problem to issue an official certificate like this, but it was too bad-looking.

The captain saw what the officer was thinking, and after looking around and no one noticed him, his dexterous fingers let the two gold coins run silently from his pocket to the officer's pocket.

The officer's eyes lit up, and then he patted the captain's shoulder with a smile, "Wait, I'll bring you the supporting documents at noon tomorrow."

He figured it out, anyway, the face lost is his uncle who is the lord, and the gold coins in his pocket are his own.

At this time, Diana and the others were resting on the shore like the rest of the crew. Diana was sitting on the beach, and Meliti, who had consumed a lot of mental energy and had not recovered, fell asleep on her thigh.

Arturia, who was fishing almost all the way tonight, walked to Diana's side and asked, "Are you a spiritual master?"

Diana nodded slightly, "That's right."


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