The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v3 Chapter 316: break through the enemy

The magic scroll is generally based on the leather of the monster, and the pattern of the magic circle is printed on the dye made from the blood of the monster and a pile of materials. As long as the magic power is directly input, the magic circle on the top can be activated.

And it is like an incandescent lamp, the higher the input current, the brighter the light, the greater the input magic power, the stronger the effect. Of course, when the input magic power exceeds the capacity of the magic scroll material, the magic scroll will burn out due to the overload of magic power, just like a light bulb burns out.

The elves have already solved the problem of how to maximize the effect of the magic scroll. They put the magic scroll into a sturdy metal cylinder, and also put the magic crystal or magic core that can maximize the effect of the scroll as a source of magic power.

When using it, just pull the safety string and let the magic power source come into contact with the magic circle circuit, and the magic circle can be activated easily, so that even children can use the powerful magic scroll.

So Charles took out a magic scroll barrel with the words "Fire Tornado" written on the outside, pulled the string and stuffed it into an unattended firing port on the south side of the first floor of the artillery building, followed by a teleportation and slipped into the shadows in the distance. among.


The sound of the magic scroll drum landing did not attract the attention of the murlocs, because the elves in the north had already appeared in the light of the lighting magic, and the turret was full of various sounds made by the murlocs when they were mobilized.

If it wasn't for a murloc who accidentally stepped on the reel and slipped, maybe they didn't even know how they died.

The murloc on the side wanted to kick the metal cylinder aside, but when his feet approached the metal cylinder, the metal cylinder suddenly turned red, and then a burst of red flames exploded from the metal cylinder.

A whirlwind of flames immediately swept across the first floor of the gun turret, and the murlocs here turned to ashes before they could react.

The murlocs on the second floor first felt the floor shaking under their feet, and then a flame shot up from the stairs.

Seeing the sudden flames, the murlocs farther away from the stairs had a momentary opportunity to put a magic shield on themselves, but the fire tornado that broke through the wooden floor in the blink of an eye filled the entire second floor. The shielded murlocs were blown around like clothes in a spin dryer.

After two breaths, a burst of fire rushed out from the top of the turret, and a column of fire was also ejected from the firing port.

The murlocs who formed a formation outside the turret to meet the enemy were shocked by the drastic changes behind them, and they became agitated for a while, and the magic power that had just been synchronized dissipated immediately.

The elves attacking from the north took the opportunity to launch an attack, and a shower of arrows and magic rain took away nearly half of the murlocs.

Then Charles came out again with a big knife, and he killed from the rear of the murloc formation.

Because of his height, he stabbed a lot of murlocs in the waist.

The battle at this stronghold soon ended. Under the attack of the attacking elves and Charles, all of them were wiped out except for a small number of murlocs who escaped from the camp behind.

The barricades on the side road were removed, and then a convoy came from the darkness and appeared in front of Charles.

It was a mechanized assault convoy consisting of twenty vans and more than ten tricycles. If Charles read it right, the boxes on the tricycles were all used to hold rockets.

On this night behind the moon, Charles sat on a rocket crate as the world's first mechanized commando headed south.

Led by the local elves who were familiar with the road, it took only two or three hours for the convoy to arrive at the south of the logistics base that was to be attacked tonight.

When they got out of the car, Charles and almost all the elves rubbed their gluteal muscles. During the time, there were also "buttocks numb", "the constipated person can **** out after sitting for an hour", "Don't talk about shit, Urinary tract stones can be thrown out for you" and so on.

No way, the dirt road is bumpy, the suspension system of the car is almost non-existent, the seat cushion is not good, and the first-generation van and tricycle make its passengers miserable.

Charles helped carry the rockets amid the complaints.

The headquarters has a great appetite. In addition to the logistics base on this battlefield, reinforcements are also in their annihilation plan.

A section of the road that the murlocs must pass through when they travel from the sea to the logistics base has become a predetermined ambush field. The field of vision here is wide, the road is straight, and both sides of the road are burned to prevent ambushes. The grass is in the grass. It doesn't look like there is an ambush.

The weeds outside the logistics base are also set on fire every once in a while. There are no weeds and shrubs with a height of more than 20 centimeters in the open space of several hundred meters around the base. .

Since there is no way to make a sneak attack, there is only a strong attack. Many of the rockets shipped tonight were prepared for the strong attack.

Everyone has their own command style. The last time Charles saw George personally command the battle was when he raided the followers of the evil **** in the underground labyrinth.

At that time, George's style of play was that the entire team faced the enemy's attack as close as possible to the enemy, then disrupted the enemy's position with short and violent long-range attacks, and then launched a surprise attack.

His fighting style also affects his troops, as can be seen in tonight's "Siege Battle".

The commander who commanded this operation was not familiar with Charles. He was in this area to defend against the feint attack of the murlocs at the time of the Battle of Baiyun Mountain and the Battle of Wocao Ridge, and he had never cooperated with Charles.

So he asked Charles to rush in with the commandos after the gap in the enemy base's wall opened, and then follow the squad that destroyed the supplies. In his opinion, Charles's work in digging wells can also be used to destroy materials.

Charles has no objection to this. This battle is mainly about destroying the enemy's materials. After destroying those materials as planned, everyone will retreat with valuables. The prince of the enemy Zhang Junquan once stayed here, and he may be able to survive a sneak attack. Seize something useful.

According to the plan, if there is still time after completing the main task in this operation, the murloc girls will be rescued according to the situation.

A while ago, George sent Rachel and the others to Osmanthus After Rachel had a detailed talk with Elizabeth, the "Osm Suffering Women's Awakening Alliance" was established, and the leader of the alliance was Lei Chell, Hailey and other murloc girls became the first members of the alliance.

After sending these girls for further treatment, Elizabeth ordered the entire southern theater, and each unit tried their best to rescue the suffering murloc girls under conditions.

Although the world judged Elizabeth's order from different perspectives such as justice and politics, and even quarreled about it, everyone agreed that this order was correct no matter from which point of view.

Charles didn't care when he first heard the news, this was the path they chose.

What Charles didn't expect was that Rachel, who was sent for treatment by Elizabeth, and the others met Diana, who was arrested by Charles for recuperation, and Arturia and Meliti, who had a strong sense of justice.

But those things are not what Charles is concerned about now. He is now like those elf comrades in arms, waiting for the time to start the operation.

It must be a bright night tonight.