The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v3 Chapter 318: 2 wing pinch

After the opening two axe consisting of "Charles Organ" and "Charles Pineapple", the phalanx of elves moved slowly and firmly toward the gap in the training camp fence with the whistle again.

Because most of the new weapons in Wutong City's inventory were allocated to the other two battlefields with small numbers but requiring strong firepower, the battle in the murloc training camp was dominated by infantry.

A layer of white light shrouded the elf square at the same time, and every time the elves took a step, the light grew brighter.

When the phalanx advanced nearly twenty meters, the fish people could only see an almost square foggy white light outside, and they couldn't see the details of the elves' formation at all.

The commander of the murloc training camp here took a deep breath. It seems that today's battle is difficult.

After the wall is collapsed, the defense of the camp can be said to be useless, and the role of the trenches will also be minimized.

Without the threat of long-range attacks on the fence, it was only a matter of earth magic for the wizards to fill a trench temporarily.

The murlocs who lost the first round quickly assembled again, but their morale was low at this time, and the time to deploy the shield after the magic synchronization was a little slower than usual.

"It can't be passive like this." The fishman commander thought, "The advantage of the enemy's long-range attack is too great, and it can only be offset by rushing up to face each other."

To fight this battle well, morale must first rise.

The voice of the murloc commander floated in the night sky after being amplified by magic.

"Our enemies are assembled. Now we know where they want to die, their time to die is here! Stand firm in your faith, let go of your fears, and let anger empower you!"

"This is the fateful moment! Let's cast aside our shackles, form the perfect front, and move forward! We're going to prove we're indestructible and we can beat anyone!"

"It's time to fight! Put on your armor, hold on to your shield, and draw your sword! Let the enemy never see the sun again!"

The short, firm, and powerful pre-war speech spread farther and farther in the dark night, and the elves also heard the voice that stabilized the slightly flustered murloc.

The elves were unmoved, and the entire phalanx stopped nearly 200 meters away from the wall. After fine-tuning, the formation was ready, waiting for the enemy's attack.

"Cordova," cried George.


An officer not far from George immediately came to his side.

"Then you will command." George said to Cordova.

Cordova immediately took command, and although he was now only a squad leader, the elves' long lifespans gave them enough time to learn how to command higher levels of combat.

At this time, Cordova and George stood together on a wooden platform made up of empty ammunition boxes about their height in the center of the phalanx to observe the battlefield situation.

Cordova, who originally only commanded a 100-man contingent, looked around the more than 3,000 comrades in arms, suppressed his nervousness and excitement, and then issued the first order.

"All first-level preparations!"

The "Pipe Organ" and "Big Pineapple" who had just fired half of their ammunition on the two wings outside the phalanx immediately retreated to the surrounding of the podium, and then adjusted their direction and elevation to provide fire support when needed, while the sword and shield soldiers surrounded A circle protects these ranged weapons.

At this time, the elf phalanx, the pikemen formed a hollow square phalanx in the center, the new weapons were arranged in it, and there was a long-range phalanx of small squares on each of the four corners.

The regrouped murlocs divided some of their troops to block behind the gap. They were uneasy to reinforce the magic circle shrouded in the team, biting their heads and waiting for the attack just now to come again.

But after waiting for a few minutes, the elf shrouded in white light 100 meters away did not move, and seemed to have no intention of taking the initiative to attack.

The commander of the murlocs frowned. He didn't expect the elves to attack in one go.

He explained a few words to the attendant beside him, and then the attendant left the watchtower in the barracks.

The squire ran to the small river south of the camp, where it was a mess, and the ground was littered with things.

The attendant quickly took off his boots and long skirt-like trousers, then threw them on the bank like other murloc boots and trousers, and then jumped into the river.

After a while of deformation, the squire's legs turned into caudal fins and swam downstream.

Because of the rain a few days ago, the river water was turbid, making it difficult for him to breathe underwater, just like breathing in the haze on land.

After swimming for about ten minutes, a mighty team appeared in front of him.

More than 2,000 murlocs swam downstream in the river, almost filling the waterway.

The squire took a moment to find the commander of the party and gave him the latest order.

The team that was going to sneak around changed their target, and after a few minutes they rushed to the river bank and then launched a sudden charge towards the flank of the elves' phalanx.

The murloc commander, who was worried that the elves were conspiring, was afraid that delaying time would be detrimental to him, so he arranged for the sneak attack team that had planned to go behind to launch an attack in advance, and disrupted the rhythm of the elves while conducting offensive reconnaissance.

There was a lot of movement when the murlocs came out of the water. In the silent night, the elves with keen hearing could faintly hear the sound of water from two to three hundred meters away.

Cordova immediately ordered: "All secondary preparations, the enemy is on the east and west sides!"

There are more than one murloc sneak attack team. At the beginning, the murloc commander sent a team to each upstream and downstream.

There were nearly 5,000 murlocs attacking from the left and right, almost twice as many as the elves.

On the watchtower, the murloc commander's attention was all focused on the scene, and the murloc soldiers below had prepared a simple wooden bridge for charging across the trench. After the two raiding teams have entangled the elves, the main force of murlocs in the barracks will charge.

The well-trained murlocs lined up soon after they got out of the water. They formed a horizontal team and trotted all the way towards the mist that enveloped the elves.

When they were still 150 meters away from the elves, the murlocs completed the magic synchronization while traveling, and the blue magic shield enveloped them.

At this time, the rain of arrows from the elves has arrived. The arrows at this distance can only hurt the sturdy murlocs. For the murlocs in armor and protected by magic shields, it is not even a tickling. The rain of arrows can only consume the strength of the magic shield.

When the murlocs were still 100 meters away from the elves, they suddenly threw a piece of javelin.

At this distance, the javelin thrown by the sturdy murloc has no small power.

It's just that the light fog shrouded outside the elf phalanx is actually a kind of magic shield. The speed of the rain-like javelin dropped sharply after it plunged into the light fog. Finally, the javelin without kinetic energy slowly fell to the ground as if it had become lighter.

At the same time, the mage battle between the two sides began.

The murloc mages who are naturally friendly to the water element use the water-based variant ice magic as their main attack method, while the elf mages also use the fire magic, which is the weakest murloc resistance, and also use the wind element to "borrow the wind from fire". .

Magic on the battlefield is not so fancy, all magic revolves around the principle of pouring the most magic on the enemy's head in the shortest time.

The first step in a magic battle is to break the enemy's magic shield. Whoever breaks the enemy's shield first will win half the battle first.

The magic-dominated elves have always been easy to gain the advantage of magic warfare on the So the murlocs must kill the open space in front of them at the fastest speed, and pull the battle into the hand-to-hand combat stage where the magician's play is limited. .

The phalanx of the elves is like a fire butterfly spreading its wings under the night sky. The flaming magic of fire, such as fire balls, fire storms and fire tornadoes, rushed towards the two-winged murlocs, and the magic across the night sky was like the stirring fire wings. . And the magic that flew backwards glowed blue or white, adorned with wings of flames.

The murloc's magic shield was crumbling, and the elf's haze became thinner.

On the watchtower of the murloc camp, their commanders sent out signals from time to time to coordinate the speed of the flanking teams on both sides, so that they could reach the position where they launched the charge at the same time, and at the same time they would break into the elves' formations.

The murloc team that released magic and threw javelins to cover their attack advanced to a place more than 70 meters away from the elf army formation where they could already see the shadow of the opponent, and a few more steps were the distance to launch a charge.

At this time, the murloc's magic shield has almost failed, and there have been casualties in the queue.

Just like this moment, Cordova on the podium shouted: "Launch!"