The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v3 Chapter 330: On stage

Rhine was soon taken to the palace.

Today he is wearing a bright yellow dress, his originally fluffy golden hair is neatly combed, and his strong body is matched with the momentum of a drawn sword, so that he did not sell much bonds yesterday, but attracted a lot of ladies and gentlemen. attention.

Antoine II did not meet Rhine in the office, he arranged the meeting place in the pavilion of the palace garden.

If Rhine failed to give him a satisfactory answer today, the palace guards could kill Rhine after his order.

Antoine II looked directly at Rhine, and said after a moment: "I haven't seen you for many years, you are stronger than before."

"Your Majesty's majesty is better than ever." Rhine replied.

Antoine II said with some regret: "If you stayed back then, these young men around you would be your subordinates."

Rhine replied calmly: "I had a kindness that I didn't repay back then, but now I'm repaying Her Royal Highness Linda for saving my daughter's kindness."

Antoine II beckoned, and the maid next to him put a tea set on the stone table in the middle of the pavilion, and then began to brew the "Iron Saintess".

He pointed to the opposite side and said, "Sit down and tell me how Linda is doing while drinking tea. The reports of those idiots are always a mess. The tea from the elf tree is still sent to me by Linda. Come, I usually don't want to drink it."

Rhine sat opposite Antoine II, and thought to himself, if you knew that this tea was given to his sister by Charles, and Mila was not used to drinking this tea and exchanged it for Linda's buns, it is estimated that You're going to have high blood pressure.

"His Royal Highness Linda has performed very well in the academy." Rhine said, "Although she encountered some difficulties at the beginning, she overcame them in the end."

In the following time, Rhine picked up some Linda's daily life to report to Antoine II.

The intelligence agents sent by Antoine II to the Wisteria Academy reported Linda's situation to him through the Magic Communication Bureau every five days, but that was only information about Linda's public activities, and had nothing to do with Linda's private life.

No way, those intelligence officers who tried to spy on Diana's house were beaten to death and thrown on the side of the road.

Most of these intelligence officers were played by Rhine, and a small number were the masterpieces of the bodyguards sent by Arturia and Auston I to secretly protect Mira, and a few of them were Waugh who went to visit Diana. Professor Elf took it.

"What kind of person is that Gawain?" Antoine II was the first to notice that the most common male in that small circle was Gawain.

Rhine replied: "Gawain is a young man with great potential. He is an honest man and has been recognized by His Excellency Pendragon."

Antoine II squinted his eyes and asked, "Then what about the kind of people under Linda's hands? Are there any evil intentions?"

Rhine smiled slightly, "Not anymore."

"Very good." Antoine II nodded with satisfaction.

When Linda recruited the management team of the workshop, there were people who wanted to use the handsome man to sneak in, but they were all cleaned up by Rhine.

Then Antoine II asked again: "What is the relationship between Linda and Count MacGarden?"

Rhine replied: "Earl McGarden and His Royal Highness Linda maintain a river-like distance."

Antoine II drank a cup of tea and said, "Tell me what the purpose of Linda's bond issuance this time is."

"In order to allow the people in the territory to live a good life." Rhine said solemnly.

Antoine II looked at the ceramic cup in his hand and remained silent.

With high mountains and dense forests, little arable land, and many monsters, the Bischberg Kingdom is the poorest country on the north bank of the river. To be honest, I am afraid that the family is not as good as the northernmost orcs.

Although the Bischberger mountain people who grew up in such an environment are powerful, they are the first-class elite soldiers on the mainland. However, the lack of national strength, lack of logistical supplies and weapons and equipment has dragged down the combat effectiveness of the army.

This is the reason why Charles' grandfather, Duke Redkin, has relied on the rich lower reaches of the river for so many years to lay down a large area of ​​the Bischberg kingdom.

Moreover, the Redkin family transported a large amount of food every time they lay down, allowing them to consolidate the rule of the occupied area in a short period of time.

If Duke Redkin takes the throne, then he will have the rich products in the east and the sturdy mountain people in the west, and the military strength of the entire country will be able to go to a higher level. This is also the reason why those nobles support Duke Redkin.

As a king, especially an aging king, Antoine II didn't mind his children making such an attempt.

Some things can only be realized after becoming a king. In the face of the difficult domestic and foreign status quo, Antoine II also did not mind trying to take another path.

The silence in the pavilion lasted for an hour, and Rhine sat there quietly waiting for the king's reply. He wondered whether Linda's seemingly simple reason could convince the king.

Antoine II took his eyes away from the teacup in his hand, and he said to Rhine: "The reputation you left at the competition that year is still circulating among the Griffin Knights, and now many young people are against him. You are very upset."

"Now that you are on your own, you can go to the Griffin Knight's station in the afternoon to see if a young man has a bright future, then beat him up and take him away for training."

Rhine finally left the palace with a smile on his face. He had previously worried that Linda would not have enough reliable staff because the stall was too large, but Antoine II now gave him the opportunity to choose someone.

This opportunity shows Antoine II's approval of Linda's approach, and the next work will begin.

"I lost sight of..." Antoine II sighed while sitting alone in the gazebo.

In his vision, the sons' struggle for the throne is the son's business, and has nothing to do with the well-behaved and sensible daughter.

He just wants to let his daughter grow up happily while she is alive, and when her daughter is an adult, he will find a husband who is happy for her to and then he can pass away in peace.

As for what to do with the sons, he was too lazy to care.

But now whether Linda is intentional or not, her actions have made her half-legged into the whirlpool of political struggle.

If you enter this whirlpool, it will be very difficult to quit in the future.

Antoine II recalled all the information about the people around Linda that Rhine had read before he came over.

He beckoned, and the royal housekeeper appeared behind him.

Antoine II asked: "I remember there was a long spear used by Pendragon in the royal treasury?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," the butler replied.

"Return to the original owner," said Antoine II, "and prepare a gift for Linda's friends."

After a while, he added: "The one for Diana is a little more expensive."