The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v3 Chapter 342: What to do with this stuff?

(???????): "Aunt Victoria!"

Before Charles, who was trying to be cute, said his request, Victoria said to him directly: "No!"

Charles didn't give up, he continued: "Auntie, I'll give you the scepter of ten thousand magic, can you give me all the negatives just now."

"No talk." Victoria continued to refuse.

"That's an artifact!" Charles said anxiously, "To exchange a dozen negatives for an artifact, that's a lot of money!"

Victoria smiled and said to Charles: "But it has no use value for me."

Charleston choked on Victoria's answer.

Victoria continued to smile and said to Charles: "Use value refers to the properties of an item that can meet certain needs of the user. I don't need a scepter of magic, so it has no use value for me. Items with no use value are It will not be exchanged as a commodity.”

Charles, with a black line, shouted: "The negatives of those photos are also useless, right?"

"Who said no?" Victoria said. "If my daughter doesn't get married, those pictures will be taken as pictures of my granddaughter..."

Charles immediately went crazy, "But I'm a man!"

"Anyway, Elizabeth was about the same size as you when she was so tall..." Victoria whispered.

Begging for negatives of his own women's clothing photos was fruitless, and the angry Charles was lying on the ground and thinking about it.


"Okay," Aunt Leif came to Charles' side after setting up the trap, sat on the ground, and patted Xian Yuxi's head, "The scepter of ten thousand magic is not suitable for us to use, you can snicker when you have an artifact. "

The salted fish on the ground turned over and said faintly: "But the price of using it is too high! Every time I use its ability, I have to waste a whole suit of clothes and shoes, and I have to wear clothes that even girls feel ashamed of. Clothes, the price is too great!"

Thinking of what he looked like in a bikini armor just now, Charles suddenly got goosebumps. If he looked like that in public, he would probably catch Frika and beat him like his aunts.

It's just that now Frika doesn't know whether to hide or continue to sleep, and Charles can't call her out.

Charles, who continued to lie down, asked, "Aunt Leif, when you..."

A burst of murderous aura suddenly appeared, hitting Charles from all directions like a monstrous wave. He suddenly felt like a salted fish being beaten by the waves, his whole body was icy cold, and he kept shaking.

"...How did you deal with this scepter of magic in the end?" Charles asked weakly.

"It was sealed in cement and thrown into the river," Leif said. "It was the first user after Philip invented cement."

Charles picked up the Wanfa scepter and checked it carefully. At the same time, he thought to himself, could it be that the old ancestor learned about the Wanfa scepter after he just wrote down the cement production method, and then left the forging in a hurry. Holy place.

Nothing like cement **** was found in the crevice. Charles felt that the rebirth of this guy might be the hands of the gods, and it would be easy for them to clean up the cement slag.

At this time, Victoria was still arranging all kinds of traps. Since the enemies were looking for this place, how could they not prepare a welcome ceremony for them.

There is still some time left before Charles thinks about what to do with the magic scepter in his hand.

Anyway, he didn't want it anymore, thinking about whether to give it to someone else.

He doesn't even dare to use the Devouring skill on the scepter of all magic now, for fear that he will become "Sparkling Charles" when he uses magic in the future.

Charles' first thought was to honor Elizabeth with this magic wand, just as Elizabeth could use it.

"Aunt Victoria," Charles called, "can you help me deliver this wand to my master, I remember Teacher's Day coming up."

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles from happening again, Charles found a good excuse.

Victoria, who had just set up a magic circle, glanced at Charles and said, "Is it bad to live?"

Charles shuddered, and if Elizabeth suddenly changed her dress, she wouldn't have Frika to beat, he would be the only one to beat someone.

So Charles thought again, and the two sisters, Hongye and Mila, were the first to rule them out. One of them was a beast trainer and the other was a nun, who could not use a magic wand. And he didn't want his sister to appear in front of other people in such extremely revealing clothes.

Artoria also ruled it out, first because she didn't want to be killed, and secondly because she couldn't use a magic wand.

Mordred... Forget it, don't add psychological shadows to children.

In the end, Charles found that Diana was the only one who was suitable for using the scepter. First, she was a magician. Second, she couldn't kill herself if something went wrong. Third, as long as she explained the situation to her in advance, she was a research madman. Attributes, maybe something can be learned from it.

I can't give this scepter of ten thousand magic to Aunt Pomegranate. If Aunt Pomegranate, who has a similar body and name, transforms... The lethality to intelligent creatures is too great, it is not an exaggeration to destroy the world, and maybe It will be regarded as a monster.

Charles pinched his brows. It was not appropriate to give Diana the scepter of ten thousand methods now. He still knew the truth of "feeling the guilt". At present, Diana's identity was just an ordinary student with a little background. You have to wait until she is strong enough.

Thinking that this guy wouldn't be able to send it out for a while, Charles simply tried it to see what it would do without the user transforming.

This magic wand will definitely not allow the user to change clothes every time, otherwise, it would be strange if the previous users did not crash. There must be a trigger condition or threshold for whether or not to change clothes when using the magic wand.

He input a little mental power, and then something similar to a control panel appeared in front of him. Obviously, only he could see this panel, and Aunt Lev, who was sitting beside him, did not respond.

Charles looked at himself, and he was relieved that there was no change in the newly changed clothes.

Then he focused his attention on the control panel, most of which were skills to improve the power of various types of magic, and could apply various magic buffs to himself or his teammates, as well as some magic that was very powerful just by looking at the name.

Charles also discovered that in addition to single skills, there are group skills options. The same skills can be released to a single teammate, or you can choose to send them in groups.

So he tried to choose group posting, and then a "small map" appeared in front of him, and the two aunts were among them.

Charles frowned, while he selected the two aunts, and at the same time thought that perhaps one of the functions of Flicka as a tool spirit is to intelligently manage some functions of the scepter of magic, such as automatically judging allies when grouping buffs.

In the end, he chose the skill of grouping a magic shield.

A white halo emanated from the magic scepter in Charles' until it enveloped Leif and Victoria on the side.


Three minutes later, the thick white mist around dissipated, Victoria removed the water mist technique she released, and the visibility of the entire space was restored.

After tearing off the skirt composed of several translucent veined leaves, Victoria and Leif, who had changed into normal clothes, stood in front of a mass of green vines, and a scorpion was exposed on the vines that were like woollen balls. brain.

When the mutation happened just now, Charles realized that something was wrong as soon as he saw Aunt Leif's clothes glowing on the side, so he immediately ran away.

It's just how could Victoria and Leif let him go, and Charles was caught before he reached the hole where he came in.

"What to do with this stuff?" Victoria asked Leif.

Leif, who had changed back to the dragon form, said, "Eat it with mustard, we'll be fine if we have a good confession."