The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v3 Chapter 384: It's called Artoria.

In order to achieve a shocking effect, the forging temple initially displayed the largest excavator. The chassis of this excavator is close to two meters in diameter when the outstretched limbs are not included, and the steel arm can extend to more than eight meters away. .

Two smaller excavators were parked not far from the excavator.

The chassis width of a medium-sized excavator is about one meter two, and the maximum excavation distance reaches five meters.

And a small excavator looks very slender, the diameter of the chassis is less than one meter, and the maximum excavation distance is almost four meters.

Three types of excavators with different specifications can basically cover tasks ranging from water conservancy projects to field orchard work.

In the ensuing live performance, the excavators removed their buckets and replaced them with rippers like claws, claws that can grab objects such as logs and rocks, and wind cannons that can smash rocks. First-class equipment for demonstrations of various functions.

Many nobles are very interested in this steel behemoth, especially since this year's drought, everyone is very concerned about building water conservancy facilities in the territory.

After inquiring about the purchase price and the cost of use, they concluded that the use of this machine, which would reduce the cost of corvée labor, would be worthwhile in the long run.

Some people even proposed a way to deal with the monster on the spot, dig a deep pit as a trap, and hammer the monster with the head of the wind cannon after it fell.

Although the upper limit of the ability of people in this world is very high, these strong people use their strength to seek fame and fortune, and no one is willing to use all of their strength for work.

The emergence of excavators can just make ordinary people have the power comparable to the strong.

It's just that the investment in the purchase of excavators is a bit high, and many aristocratic masters can't come up with so much cash all of a sudden.

However, Adonis quickly found these noble gentlemen, and he represented the Chaowei Blue Dragon Credit Company to provide loan services to those gentlemen who were obviously interested.

Over there, He Dou Dagger just shook his hand to thank Auston I. Auston I proposed a series of improvement measures for the excavator. They are all memorized.

Facing the first major client, He Dou Dagger attached great importance to the opinions and suggestions of Auston I, and he also found that the young king was knowledgeable.

Charles was listening, and he had to admire the traveler who came from the place where the excavator drove the college entrance examination. Many questions raised by Auston I were unknown to him.

At this time, He Dou Dagger said to Charles, "Charles, please name these lovely machines."

Seeing that the naming rights actually fell on him, the first thing Charles thought of was the No. 1 human-shaped excavator in the world, Artoria.

He looked around and found that Artoria was taking Mordred to watch the fun in the distance, so he said, "Let's name it after my chief knight."

"Well... 'Altoria-type excavator', I don't think it's a problem!" He Dou Dagger agreed immediately, and the popularity of the hot characters in the God of War series could be rubbed off.

Because today's VIPs are watching the excavator, the next action to visit the exhibition together as originally planned can only be cancelled.

At this time Adonis found Charles.

He said to Charles respectfully: "His Excellency Earl McGarden, I heard that you also purchased a few excavators. Do you need to apply for a loan?"

Charles shook his head, "No, I'll pay the full amount."

Then he asked Adonis with a smile: "How much commission can you get for a business?"

"Not a lot." Adonis said with a sad face, "I was rescued by a giant dragon, so I owe a lot of money, so I have to work for them to repay the debt."

Charles nodded and said, "You know it's not easy to earn money. I was startled by the money you took out to buy Halcala."

Adonis blushed and lowered his head.

Charles continued: "You work **** the dragon's side. If your performance is good, I will hire you to do me a favor next year. If you do a good job in the commission, it is estimated that you can pay off your debts."

In Charles' view, the problem of Adonis is that his mind is twitching after coming to the new world-his standard taxi seat exposed his identity this morning-such a traveler after being educated by the dragon It's good to find him to help himself with some things, at least he can simply understand some of the ideas that Charles brought in his previous life.

Now that the land and various procedures for the Heping Shopping Mall that Charles is planning to build have been approved, it is expected that someone will be able to invest the money and start construction next year. He saw that Adonis had done a good job in selling loans just now, so it would still be okay for Adonis to help him with advertising and investment.

Charles adheres to the philosophy of "regardless of the black cat or the white cat, the one who can catch mice is a good cat". No matter whether he is a transmigrator or a native, he can use what he has the ability. As long as there are no major flaws in the system, he is really not afraid of those transmigrators. make trouble.

Adonis opened his mouth in surprise when he heard that Charles wanted to hire him.

Charles just smiled, then turned to look elsewhere.

One of the highlights of the great prayer ceremony of the forging temple is the display of the achievements of the Today, these booths have also been moved to the side of the excavator demonstration field.


Before Charles took a few steps, Barnett I rubbed his head.

"Why is our Royal Highness Charles wandering alone?" Barnett I asked, apparently knowing Charles' identity in the Elf Royal Court.

"Isn't Your Majesty wandering alone," Charles said.

Although Barnett I seemed to be walking around alone, Charles could feel that there were at least four masters around him secretly protecting him, and Charles also found that his own strength was not weak.

Barnett I didn't take this one, he said, "I heard you want to buy food?"

The food shortage has become a foregone conclusion, and it is not yet the most difficult period, and many people still have food in storage.

Therefore, the current grain price is still within the barely acceptable range. Many nobles are waving gold coins to absorb the grain in the market. Charles Barnett I is not surprised that he wants to buy grain.

The most important thing is that Barnett I knew that Charles's purchase of food was not for speculation, but to truly support the orcs in the north.

And Charles purchased food in the kingdom of Villingen in the west, just for the convenience of supporting the orcs in the west.

Charles nodded and asked, "I don't know which payment method Your Majesty is willing to use?"

Barnett I stroked his beard and said, "It will be too late to bring the grain back in March next year. If you can deliver the grain within the first ten days of February, I will agree."


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