The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v3 Chapter 454: Emergencies

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the hero who troubles the hero!

The main course of the dinner that day was the wild boar sent by Ji Shijun. Aunt Pomegranate first led someone to separate the pig into various parts. Just when Charles and the others were about to start roasting the meat, Ah Fu, who was in a hurry, brought the pig to Charles. Here comes a message from the south.

The location of the largest grain warehouse and material transfer station in the southern theater was attacked by elite murlocs, and the large amount of grain reserves and materials prepared for transport were all destroyed. At the same time, Elizabeth, who was inspecting here, was seriously injured.

Charles was stunned for a few seconds, then immediately ran back to the room to change his clothes and equipment, and asked Olympus from Dragon Air, who had just pulled Auston I over the day before, to immediately send him to the sea of ​​elf trees.

Although Olympus was eager to taste the taste of Charles's roasted boar, the customer's needs were everything, and he immediately flew south with Charles.

Charles in the pod was very worried. This news came from the elf official, and it was obviously not a fake news used to interfere with the line of sight. Coupled with the previous order from Queen Victoria forbidding him to return to the Elven Sea of ​​Trees, he felt that there was something lurking behind the incident.

Suddenly, Charles felt a jolt in the pod, followed by a free fall. Just as he was about to fly out, the pod was pulled violently, causing him to fall to the floor with a squeak.

"Sit tight!" Aunt Leif's voice in the dragon form reached Charles' ears.

Although Leif is considered a younger generation among giant dragons, her strength is also not bad, and her flying speed ranks among the top few among blue dragons known for their speed.

It's just that Charles is finished. Leif, who is flying with all his strength, makes the pod sway in the air by the wind, making Charles feel like he is in a front-loading washing machine.

At the moment when he fainted, Charles decided that when he went back this time, he must go to the Wright sisters to see how far their fixed-wing aircraft research and development had reached, and to help them speed up the progress.

When Charles woke up, he felt that Aunt Leif was deliberately tossing him, his instinct told him so, but he had no proof.

Charles blinked and found himself lying on a large soft and comfortable bed, and then he saw the familiar ceiling, which was his usual room in the White House.

The next moment, he felt someone sitting beside his bed.

"Auntie?" Charles saw Queen Victoria sitting beside her, but her face was full of sadness.

"Auntie, how is my sister?" Charles asked after sitting up hastily. "How did she get hurt?"

"Alas..." Victoria sighed, then reached out and touched Charles' head gently, and said, "Both of you children make me sad."

"A man who is arrogant, underestimates his courage and underestimates the enemy, and does not learn his lesson, as a result, a hole is opened in his body."

"Huh?!" Charles immediately jumped up from the bed, "So serious?!"

Then he took Victoria's hand and asked anxiously, "Auntie, where is my sister now?"

Victoria patted Charles' hand lightly and said, "Don't be so nervous, she is temporarily recuperating at the temple by the South Lake."

Charles jumped out of bed immediately, wearing his shoes and shouting, "I'll go see her first."

Seeing Charles running out of the room, Victoria couldn't help shaking her head. She hadn't said what she wanted to say.

It was already morning work time, and many officials and staff began to come to the White House Palace to work. Charles quickly jumped into a taxi that had just dropped off the passengers.

Although it took a lot of detours, the rental horse-drawn carriage bypassed the traffic jam in the morning rush hour and came to the Temple of Life Cathedral in the south of Greentown without hindrance.

After asking for directions all the way, Charles finally came to a very large room.

There wasn't much furniture in the room, and the early morning sun shone on the window, through the curtains, by the bed.

Charles walked to the bed gently and saw Elizabeth was sleeping on the bed, covered with a thick quilt.

Elizabeth was still asleep, but her breathing was uneven, and if you listened carefully, you could hear a lot of noises, indicating that there was a problem with her lungs. And her complexion is not good, there is no blood, and there is even some blue in the blood vessels.

Charles' brows furrowed. Based on Victoria's statement, Elizabeth injured her lungs, and at the same time a large amount of water elements invaded her body.


Charles was suddenly stunned. He heard Elizabeth calling him in a very low voice, but Elizabeth's eyes were not opened, and her voice was a little erratic, as if she was talking in her sleep.

" haven't finished your homework...don't eat...this yellow crispy golden chicken...I'll eat it for you..."

Charles was stunned for a while, and half of the previous worries and worries suddenly flew away. She could still talk in her sleep, indicating that she was not in a coma but fell asleep.

But the content of this dream talk... Charles thinks he should give up treatment?

Charles sat quietly beside the bed, looking at Elizabeth who was sleeping.

"Cough cough cough..."

Elizabeth, who was lying on the bed, suddenly coughed violently and sat up suddenly. Charles hurried over to pat her on the back.

After two pats, Charles' hand stopped, and he felt a circular scar the size of a fist under the cotton pajamas on Elizabeth's back.

After a while, Elizabeth stopped coughing. She picked up the handkerchief by the pillow and wiped the corner of her mouth, then threw the handkerchief into the trash can in the distance.

"The wound is healed." Elizabeth said softly to Charles beside her.

"Ouch!" She cried out in pain the next moment.

Charles retracted the finger that pressed the wound, and said, "The water element on the wound is so strong, how can it be cured?"

"You want to die!" Elizabeth tried to grab Charles with her backhand, but this action involved her wound, and she grinned in pain.

"You can lie down first." Charles helped Elizabeth to lie down on the bed, and then helped her cover the quilt.

"Oh..." Charles sighed, "Why are you so careless..."

"Stop!" Elizabeth stretched out her hand and pinched Charles' nose. "If you speak in my mother's tone again, I'll pinch your nose down."

She let go of Charles' and said, "Why are you back?"

Charles pulled Elizabeth's outstretched hand and found that the blood vessels on the back of the hand were blue. He said, "I came back last night when I heard that you were injured. Did the water element invade your blood?"

Elizabeth nodded and said, "When I met a master, she disguised as an ordinary soldier and attacked me at close range. Those water elements carry her mental mark, which is extremely difficult to remove."

Charles thought for a moment and said, "I'll see if I can help you get rid of these water elements first."

So Charles held Elizabeth's hand with his left hand, pressed his right hand on the veins on the back of her hand, and then carefully output a little magic power.

"Hiss..." Elizabeth seemed to feel a sharp pain, and her whole hand twitched subconsciously.

But the effect is quite obvious, and the blood containing magical elements is quickly cleaned up.

It's just that the magic power will stimulate Elizabeth's body and cause severe pain when it cleans up the magic elements.