The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v3 Chapter 572: trial in the square

Many aristocrats love art, and they often donate money to support those outstanding painters, musicians and other artists.

The Archduke of Andorra was no exception. In addition to subsidizing painters to paint and sign them, he also subsidized several musicians.

There is a band in the Grand Duke's house, as well as soprano singers. They often perform new works by musicians in the theater, and many businessmen and officials will definitely buy tickets to attend.

In the past, Charles' family also sponsored a lot of painters, because her mother was an excellent painter. Whenever she met a painter who came to visit, she would give a lot of money to people with potential and strength.

Of course, there were also those who made up their minds, and they were all kicked out.

However, every time Charles encountered someone who was driven away, he would quietly ask the housekeeper to give them some money.

Everyone thinks that Charles is kind-hearted, but in fact he is afraid that some day a down-and-out painter will start growing a mustache.

Although aristocrats like art for different reasons, some people are to make money, some people are decorating the facade, and some people really love it, but it is their financial support that enables the development of arts such as music and painting.

For the Archduke of Andorra, music is his favorite, and it's just incidental to collect tickets.

On the second day of the auction, the visit of Pope Luciano in the Temple of Music made the Archduke of Andorra so happy that he dismissed all official duties.

As a student, the Grand Duke of Andorra asked Luciano about music, and Luciano began to encourage and teach the Grand Duke of Andorra to compose his favorite serenade.

For the next few days, the Archduke of Andorra came to Luciano on time every day like a student, ignoring what was happening outside the castle.

On this day, the Grand Duke was playing his semi-finished piece in the piano room, while Luciano looked at him with encouraging eyes.

At this moment, a tsunami-like singing sounded from low to high outside the window.

Hey hooligans are a bunch of black crows,

wants to put us underfoot.

From the coast of the East China Sea to the coast of the West Ocean,

Hey the most powerful worker in the world.


The workers stepped forward,

Answer the call to fight.

From the scorching South China Sea to the icy North Sea,

Hey the most powerful worker in the world.


Let the fire of the workers burn all over the world,

destroy all injustice.

From above the earth to the sun,

Hey the most powerful worker in the world.

Solidarity workers, hold your chest up,

Hold your partner's hand tightly.

We should all be more tenacious the more we fight,

and the enemy will die on the battlefield.

To die on the battlefield.


For a time, this song "The Most Powerful Workers", which was modified by a certain person a few days ago, floated in the streets and alleys of Andorra la Vella. No matter where you are, this passionate song surrounds you, just like this The city is singing.

The fingers of the Archduke Andorra hanging on the keys stiffened and trembled slightly, and could no longer be pressed.

At this time, his attendant slammed into the door of the piano room, and crawled to the Grand Duke's side, out of breath and said, "Grand... Grand Duke, it's Brando... He..."

The Grand Duke pulled up the attendant and shouted, "What is Brando doing? Is he going to rebel?!"

"," said the attendant, "he is going to file a lawsuit..."

The Grand Duke breathed a sigh of relief, but it would be fine if there was a lawsuit, but he was afraid that there would be rebels in the city.

Justice in the Principality of Andorra is in the hands of the Grand Duke, who also holds the post of Chancellor.

Whenever the Principality tried major cases and important cases, a high platform would be built in the center of the square for the court to use, so the Grand Duke ordered his subordinates to set up the platform quickly.

After arranging the court session, the archduke said apologetically to Luciano: "I'm very sorry, Mr. Luciano, I have to deal with some mundane matters, so I can only suspend the discussion with you about the glory of the God of Music."

Luciano said, "It doesn't matter, I wonder if I can listen in?"

"Of course." The Grand Duke replied.

The high platform was soon set up, and at this time someone had already told the Grand Duke what had happened in the past few days.

The Grand Duke sighed in his heart. This Brando was still too soft-hearted. If it was another gang, if he caught his opponent, he would have drowned in the lake, and he would have a lawsuit.

The Grand Duke, who had put on a black robe, walked out of the castle side by side with Luciano, who had also put on a formal suit. The crowd standing in the square in front of them startled them.

Almost all the workers in the workshops and on the docks arrived, and many of them were businessmen, and they all gathered around the high platform.

After the two were seated, Luciano applied a magical technique to the stage, so that the usual voices on the stage could be heard throughout the square.

At this time, Brando, who was wearing a white robe, came to the stage with a thick book of parchment and said to the Grand Duke of Andorra: "Your Excellency, as an agent, I will accuse you of the crimes of these people."

An attendant handed the large book of parchment to the Grand Duke, who frowned slightly and asked, "There are so many indictments?"

At first he thought Brando was just suing the leaders.

Brando said respectfully, "Your Excellency, this is just the catalogue of the indictment."

Then the Archduke of Andorra watched in astonishment as a dozen people moved boxes of parchment onto the stage.

His face twitched, and he could only say, "Let's start."

The first person to be escorted to power was the president of the Flying Fish Society. The Grand Duke looked at the catalogue and said, "Someone accuses you of committing 6 crimes of **** and homicide, 15 crimes of rape, 8 crimes of homicide, and 22 crimes of instigating homicide... "

The Archduke took a while to read the summary of the crimes in the catalog, and then said, "Can you plead guilty to these charges, or defend yourself?"

The originally powerful rogue leader lowered his head and said, "I all plead guilty."

Those indictments were written or dictated by the victims and their families under an oath to the gods. He could not argue, because as long as he also swore to the gods, he could not tell lies.

At this time, the audience was silent and everyone was waiting for the judgment of the Grand Duke of Andorra.

The Grand Duke of Andorra stood up and looked around the crowd, his fingers still trembling.

Countless gazes put a lot of pressure on him, he remembered the song just now, and he could feel the power contained in it.

He was afraid, this was a force that only existed in the parchment handed down from the family before, but now it really appeared in front of him.

He still remembers the parchment describing it this way, "This is a really powerful force, and everything against him is a tiger with straw."

Finally, he took a deep breath and said, "I declare that this prisoner and his fellow criminals are guilty of the crime and sentenced to hanging."

The people in the audience immediately cheered, and the families of those killed were in tears. They had always thought that they would not be able to see this scene of revenge in their lifetimes.

The prisoner was about to shout something, but before he could say anything, he was knocked unconscious by the person who was holding him, so that something strange would not come out of his mouth.

This time, the other prisoners of the Feiyu Society basically do not need to be tried, and they are also hanged as co-criminals.

Otherwise, the trial will take several days.

Next, the Grand Duke of Andorra tried the gang leaders first, and one of them explained a large piece, and the trial of the remaining two or three kittens would be quick.

In the end, only two of the gang members in the entire Andorra City were demoted to slaves before they had time to commit crimes. The others were brought to the city wall before the sun went down.

One prisoner was placed on each crenel of the city wall. One end of the rope was put around their necks and the other end was tied to the wall. Then the soldiers of the city defense force kicked them off the crenel.

"Hey hooligans are a bunch of black crows,

wants to put us underfoot. "

The singing of "The Workers Are the Strongest" resounded in Andorra City again. This song was louder and more heartfelt than the previous one.

In the mountains north of the city, you can vaguely hear the singing from the south.

On the mountain road, a two-wheeled carriage loaded with a lot of groceries was walking slowly. A headlight was hung on a pole on the carriage, and it looked like it was going to drive all night.

A girl who thought she had hair on her head sitting on the car body asked the handsome young man who was driving, "Why are you rushing all night?"

Charles said depressedly: "You don't let me spend the night with Diana, what's the point of staying."

Arturia made a "hehe" and said, "I'll be relieved if I add a lock to you."

Charles was speechless, and he asked again, "Aren't you going back to Knowledge City to start a training class?"

Arturia said: "My intuition tells me to follow you."

Charles "hehe" twice and stopped talking.

Next, Diana stayed in Andorra to train Ellie and Hillie, supervise the renovation of Charles' restaurant, and work as a consultant for Brando, so she was busy.

Awei had a lot of fun with the children at the orphanage recently, and Charles was relieved to keep her there.

Charles retreated after throwing the restaurant renovation plan to his uncle. This time he assisted in destroying an important intelligence station of the devil, and created an opportunity to provide a pilot for the output of the Rurik Kingdom, so he helped to create a modernized medium. The Great Demon King agreed immediately about the restaurant.

It was getting dark quickly in the mountains. Charles lit the lamp, and the bright light immediately attracted a lot of bugs. It also shone brightly on the small circle of gems and flower cores that were pinned to Arturia's bun. of.

At this time, there was a sound of hooves ahead, and a group of horsemen were galloping along the mountain road, as if they were about to reach Andorra la Vella.

Charles continued to park the carriage on the side of the road, and then stared at the people passing by.