The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v3 Chapter 589: come to you

Charles thought about it all night and didn't understand, how could there be such a serious chain reaction after blowing up a septic tank.

In the video he saw in his previous life, in which a child threw firecrackers into the sewers and caused a methane explosion, he never saw it explode all the way at once.

The city of Florence was under martial law that night, and the next morning, Charles woke up from his sleep, surrounded by people.

In "Soul Sight", Charles saw that two teams of masters were gathering in the corridor outside the room. There were also a dozen masters ambushing in the surrounding rooms, outside the window and on the roof.

More importantly, a master with the same strength as Elisabeth and Artoria is coming towards this side.

Charles put on a full set of equipment at the first time, the dragon scale armor was worn under the coat, the chainsaw gun was also secured and loaded, and a few "Charles conscience" with the insurance unplugged were available in the storage ring at any time. Take it out, wind arrows, sniper rifles with large calibers, etc. are also ready to be placed in the storage ring.

The door of the living room was opened for the first time. When Gunnar Nordahl walked into the room, he unexpectedly found that the people in the room had already made tea and were waiting for him.

As the younger brother of the previous Grand Duke of Milan and the uncle of the current Grand Duke of Milan, Gunnar Nordahl has enjoyed no less good things than Charles, and he immediately smelled the fragrance of the tea.

He closed the door to the room, went to the sofa and sat down, watching Charles pour himself tea.

A cup of tea is in the mouth, and the lips and teeth are fragrant.

After tea he looked at Charles carefully, and Charles looked at him at the same time.

Gunnar Nordahl is in his sixties this year, with a Chinese-style face, short silver-white hair and a beard standing up like a brush. He sits there like a half-sheathed sword. .

The corner of Gunner's mouth curved slightly and asked, "You did the explosion last night?"

"No, it's not me, don't talk nonsense." Charles shook his head and said, "Don't think about slamming the **** pot on me."

He was not surprised that he was found. Several children saw him at that time. During the investigation, he only needed to find an artist to draw his appearance according to the description of the children.

The most important thing in Florence is high-level painters.

Gunner stared at Charles and said, "Pretending to be Meazza and instigating Gennaro to run away from home, with such bad deeds ahead, it would be normal to do some damage."

Charles shrugged and said, "Then go to court, I will let my master be my defender."

Gunner squinted and asked, "Who is your master?"

Charles didn't speak, just showed the ring of authority in his hand. He didn't expect that he could pretend that Meazza could deceive a master of Gunner's level. After his own strength reached a certain level, he could judge the strength of the opponent, but Meazza's strength was too far from his own.

Gunner recognized the identity of Charles after seeing Quan Jie, and his face suddenly collapsed. As the sharpest sword in the Principality of Milan, he still had elves that he was afraid to see.

When he was young, it was not secret to Elizabeth and was not secret, and Charles knew this thing.

However, it was after that incident that he did not care about the world and devoted himself to martial arts, but instead made good achievements in martial arts.

But he was beaten out of the psychological shadow by Elizabeth at the beginning, and now he is a little scared to see the elves.

Charles drank his tea in a leisurely manner and said, "You don't know who threw the fireball, right? If you want to find the culprit, you can go to the child. It's no use to charge me."

Gunner said a little depressedly: "Yesterday, Gennaro ran away, and the girl named Tilly disappeared."

This time Charles was relieved. It turned out that the "FBI Summoned Beast" really ran away from home, and the master also slipped away, so Gunner planned to find this guy who instigated his nephew to run away from home to take the blame.

However, he was a little surprised that the child who threw the fireball yesterday was a woman, but he didn't care, it wasn't surprising that seven or eight-year-old girls looked like boys.

In this way, his role as Meazza is also exposed.

Although the Black Eagle Chamber of Commerce is not small, it has no power in the political map of the Principality of Milan. If Meazza is used to blame, there is nothing good for Mrs. Roseanne and Nordahl.

Seeing that the other party was so stubborn that he couldn't move himself, and couldn't catch it and give Florence an explanation, Gunner could only retreat and ask for the next best thing. He said, "Then what about you instigating Gennaro to run away from home?"

Charles shrugged and said, "If you want your nephew to be a useless flower in the greenhouse, I can use the power in my hand to help you get him back."

He was reminding Gunnar that the power behind him was not a cat or a puppy, don't go too far.

Gunner understood what Charles meant. He was silent for a while and said: "Recently, a group of vicious bandits appeared in the southeast of the duchy. I hope Earl McGarden can uphold justice."

Charles should go down this matter, cleaning up these thieves and so on is just a small effort for Gunner. He said this just to find a reason to go down the stairs, and Charles went down the stairs.

Gunner left, Charles breathed a sigh of relief, the other party was still very reasonable, and he didn't need to reason with him in another way.

Now that his identity has been exposed, there is no need for him to hide it anymore.

He first asked the errands in the hotel to inform Ah Fu to come to him tonight, and then he started to write and draw at the desk.

According to the latest information from the Intelligence Department of the Elf Royal Court, the feather fan and the ancestral necklace used by Charles' mother were all from the Gleason Chamber of It's just that the source of second-hand goods from the Gleason Chamber of Commerce is complicated. It is also very troublesome for the intelligence personnel of the Elf Royal Court to find out the source of the two items.

Originally, Charles planned to use the power of the Black Hawk Chamber of Commerce to help. Later, when he learned that the Gleason Chamber of Commerce was going to go bankrupt, he simply called A Fu to buy the Chamber of Commerce. On the one hand, it is convenient to investigate, and on the other hand, it also adds some new industries to the family.

Charles went to the storefront of the Gleason Chamber of Commerce the day before yesterday and took a closer look at their products.

I have to say that the craftsmen of the Gleason Chamber of Commerce are still very skilled, and the imitation elf-style jewelry they produce is very exquisite, enough to be real, and the only thing missing is the added value of the brand.

If they can change their thinking, open up the light luxury market for knights, barons, and businessmen, and make their own brands, there is still a chance of survival.

However, the Gleason Chamber of Commerce obviously has no idea of ​​such a change, so there is only a dead end.

However, Charles does not intend to continue to make jewelry after acquiring this chamber of commerce. A broader market is waiting for him.