The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v3 Chapter 633: boar and bear

At the gate of the castle, the beautiful princess announced the departure of everyone,

In the joyful morning, warriors followed her.

The autumn woods are beautiful, sweet fruits hang on the branches,

The fiery red morning sun smashed the scattered clouds and drove the darkness out of the sky.

The hounds are like black lightning, searching the woods for their prey,

Horns erupted in the bushes, and wild boars and deer fled mindlessly.

Crazy wild beasts sprang from the bushes, mountain boars,

Old and strong, he can be described as a warrior among wild boars.

Dozens of hounds gathered around, barking at the same time, like thunder.

With shouts and horns, the hunter encouraged the hounds to come forward.

The beast made a ferocious grunt, and the hound did not dare to come forward.

The hound can only bark around the beast, and the terrifying beast rushes to the hound,

The beast turned over the hound, unscathed.

The hunters exclaimed, and the horns blew loudly,

People are shouting, dogs are barking,

The boar roared and the warhorse neighed.

The beast is exhausted and has nowhere to turn,

The brave flower rode forward, encouraging the warriors to slay the beast.


That cowardly and incompetent downstream man, a mere pig scared him to cold hands and feet,

The pig said hello to him, and he let his brother rush out of the encirclement.

To escape, the wild beasts run wild, in order to find a way for themselves,

Before the beast is our most beautiful flower,

The beast rushed towards the flowers, as if to trample her into the mud.

Arrowheads flew towards it, hitting its body frequently,

Although the arrows are like raindrops, they cannot hurt its body,

The barbs on the arrowhead did not penetrate the thick fur and bounced off it.

The beast was furious and mad at the arrow, and his steps quickened a little,

Someone went up to meet them, but was pushed to the ground,

The cowardly man's feet trembled, and the wild beast was about to throw down the flowers.

Just two steps away, the golden warrior stood up,

Our golden lion, Baron Rhine,

He is His Royal Highness's loyal guard, and his martial arts are rare.

With just one sword, the head of the crazy beast flew up!

With just one sword, His Highness no longer worries about his comfort!

With only one sword, everyone cheered for it!

The sun is slowly sinking in the west, and the harvest of this day is very impressive.

The deer piled up into a mountain, and beside it was the peak of the wild boar.

The hunters take their assistants and pick out the fattest and strongest prey,

They cut open the boar's chest and belly, hoho, the fat was as thick as a slap.

The greedy bear, the most cunning villain in the woods,

The delicacy of prey drifted into the woods, attracting coveted eyes.

The vigilant hound barked, forcing the villain to show his figure,

It stands as tall as a building, and its palm is the size of a door!

The cowards who came downstream panicked, like seeing their mother-in-law being pressed on the bed by the neighbors,

The giant bear was roaring, and in the ears of the cowards downstream, it was like the cheerful whimper of a mother-in-law.

At sunset, he appeared,

A warrior on a steel steed, trampling the bear underfoot with a single blow.

The man from Maple Leaf Ocean looked suspiciously at the coward coming downstream,

The man asked, how did those slimes who would only run away grow limbs?



In the tavern opened by the Adventurers' Guild in Catania, a bard sang a newly composed song accompanied by a harp.

Although the level of this song is average, but because today is the update day, the guests in the tavern are listening quietly.

Unbeknownst to this fellow minstrel and the guests of the tavern, the character of the ballad is hiding between them.

Linda, dressed as a burgher lady, sat at a table listening with interest to the bard sing about what had just happened today.

It was the first time she had heard these bards wandering among the bottom folks babbling in earnest.

Charles, who was sitting next to Linda, knew the **** of those bards, as long as they didn't sing about the eighteen taboos between him and Linda now.

What happened today is roughly the same as what was sung in the ballad.

Linda came to Catania two days ago, and then the city owner, Marquis Maran, invited her to go out hunting today.

Autumn was already hunting season, and Linda agreed.

What Linda didn't expect was that Louis Rebach came here yesterday. He joined the hunt and made today's hunt weird.

Over the years, the Bischberg Kingdom has been beaten up by the Duke Redkin family, and even the rest of the Rybach Kingdom have been hated by the Bischberg Kingdom.

The "downstream people" and "downstream cowards" in the ballad refer to the men brought by Louis.

As the song goes, the two dangers Linda encountered during the hunt were the result of Louis's men.

It's just that the wild boar didn't have time to pretend to be in front of Linda, and Uncle Rhine helped him pretend.

When the rock bear attacked, Louis still didn't have time to put on it, and the bear was hit and killed by the motorcycle whose brakes failed.

It's not that the quality of the motorcycle is too bad, but that Charles often rides it on mountain roads recently. He is usually neglected in maintenance, and there is something wrong with the brake line.

The sudden appearance of Charles surprised the local owner, Marquis Maran, but he was relieved after seeing Linda's unsurprising appearance, but he also began to have a headache.

Charles was surprised when Linda appeared here, but after seeing Linda wink at him, he immediately showed that he knew that the other party was waiting for him.

As for Louis Rybach, the prince of the Rybach kingdom, Charles didn't even look at him.

When everyone was eating barbecue just now, Charles didn't give Louis a chance to have an attack. He ate with Linda and Marquis in the tent while reporting the incident about summoning the devil that happened last night.

Marquis of Malin was one of Antoine II's old brothers, and naturally he was in sympathy with the old man in black robe last night. At first, he thought that Charles was sowing discord.

Charles directly took out the storage necklace, and when Marquis saw it, it was as if he had been struck by lightning.

Charles, who was going to run away after eating, was stopped by Linda who had changed his clothes, indicating that he would hang out with Charles next.

Charles had no choice but to take her into the city to submit a report on last night's actions to the Adventurer's Guild, and then go to the tavern to pass the time.

It's just that Charles didn't expect that these powerful bards had made up all the things that happened today into ballads.

Charles asked Linda as he ate the nuts, "Why did you come here?"

Linda replied, listening to the bard babbling, "I heard from Nana that you were here, so I came to wait for you."

Charles glanced at her, and it turned out that Diana had told her about his whereabouts, so he asked, "What's the matter?"

Linda rolled her eyes at Charles and said, "Please, you are my fiancé. Someone is chasing me now. What else do you say?"

Charles whispered: "If you are interested in him, I have no objection."

Linda glanced at the door of the tavern, then picked up a nut from the plate on the table and put it in Charles' mouth skillfully, and said in a low voice, "The problem is that I don't care about Help me put Let him go."

Charles found that Linda was very skilled in feeding people, and at the same time found that Louis had entered the tavern, so he also picked up a nut and fed it to Linda, and said, "Why are you so skilled?"

Linda took the nuts fed by Charles with her mouth, and said while eating, "Hmph, I practiced this on Nana."

Charles nodded and said, "Me too."

They had already used sound insulation magic to isolate the sound in one direction, and the people around them only thought that the two of them were flirting young lovers.

At this time Linda said: "That Louis is here, you go and clean him up."

Charles shook his head and said, "I love peace and don't cause trouble."

"Well, you sleep in my room tonight, and he will retreat tomorrow."

Linda stepped on Charles's foot hard, then stood up, pulled Charles and said, "Go, go, am I still afraid of you?"