The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v3 Chapter 648: eat again

Charles sat on the railing of the stone arch bridge with half a pancake in one hand and a cup of hot water in the other.

In the evening, the Duke of Beretta refused to provide food to the fleeing people, on the grounds that the rations should not be moved rashly.

Charles and the others had to set up defensive lines on both sides of the stone arch bridge and the city gate to protect the brave people from rushing out a batch of food from the city, barely enough to feed nearly 20,000 people from the city and nearby villages.

These grains were shipped from the warehouses of several grain merchants in the city, and the Temple of the Temples paid double the market price.

It's just that the question of how to eat these flours is put in front of everyone again. Firewood is not a problem, but where can I get the oven for baking bread, and there are not so many pots.

Originally, they only wanted to make oatmeal for porridge. Who would have thought that in order to make more profits, most of the businessmen who led the team shipped out flour and some bacon, but only a little bit of oatmeal.

At that time, Charles frowned, and then made a few trips to the city where the monsters were already running around. He used the storage ring to get a bunch of long swords, a few barrels of olive oil, and a few large pots and other things for dinner.

Then he came back with a pile of thin stone slabs of one meter square on the nearby mountain, and asked people to use the picked stones to build a stone platform.

Then let the monks and nuns take the long swords and chop the bacon that was shipped out into minced meat, and put them in a pot with flour, oatmeal, olive oil and water to mix into a batter.

Finally he taught the monks and nuns to make slate pancakes on the hot slate.

The scent of the slate pancakes gave the depressed people a little energy, and also boosted the morale of the warriors who blocked the monsters at the head of the stone arch bridge.

What Charles didn't know was that in order to commemorate this day, people in Enna City formed a form of making "Charles pancakes" and boiled water, barbecued meat with minced meat, flour, oatmeal and oil every year on the second day of the full moon in September every year. The custom of eating together.

This custom is the same as the Zhaozhou Bridge built by his ancestor at the foot of Charles. It has been passed down regardless of the change of dynasties.

Charles, who had eaten dinner, looked at a team of city defense troops and adventurers who were not full, but had already drank enough boiling water, and asked, "Are you all ready?"


The roar of the crowd reassured the people not far away.

Charles nodded, then stood on the railing and jumped up. He crossed the bridge that was intercepting the team of monsters, and used a knife with countless lightnings to electrocute the surrounding monsters.

Taking this opportunity, the fresh troops who had just eaten dinner replaced the soldiers who had been fighting for several hours.

After the bridge-guarding team was replaced, Charles threw the corpses of nearby monsters into the distance to clear the place, and then retreated to the flank of the team.

Bishop Rossi is now commanding the battle. As a cleric of the Temple of War, his identity is enough for everyone to listen to him.

Now everyone can see that there are people behind those monsters. The monsters failed to attack the supply team. After everyone defended the bridge, they changed their tactics. A dozen or 20 monsters formed a team to fight the team guarding the bridge.

If everyone is defending the city wall, this method does work. But now it is guarding the bridge, and the number of troops required is not much, and the defending side can also be rotated.

And now the time is favorable for the defending side, and it is enough to delay the arrival of reinforcements in the capital. If there are no reinforcements, then Charles will have to reassess the brains of Antoine II. Even if there is no reinforcements, it seems that the consumption will still kill those monsters.

Some Min Zhuang walked on the bridge to replace the torches on the guardrail of the stone arch bridge, while Charles also lit several fires outside to illuminate.

Fortunately, there are mountains and forests nearby, and there is no shortage of wood.

At this moment Bishop Rossi came over, followed by a young man in bright armor.

Bishop Rossi asked Charles: "How is the situation now?"

Charles said in a big voice: "Don't worry, everything is under control."

Morale is the most important thing now. Duke Beretta on the mountain has been working as a turtle, which has greatly affected the morale of the people at the foot of the mountain.

Now Charles and the clergy are trying their best to boost morale, and if morale goes down they're screwed.

At this time, the young man behind Bishop Rossi said, "I'll go find the mastermind."

Charles didn't even squint at Louis Rebach. The timing of this guy's arrival here by boat was strange.

If there was no warning from Charles and the road was blocked, the monsters rushed into the agricultural area this morning, slaughtered and then besieged the city, then the arrival of this guy with a plug-in would become an important force to turn the tide.

It's just that when the situation is not exhausted, everyone is thinking about it, so the arrival of this guy makes people feel a little weird.

A beast tide of unknown origin, a neighboring prince who arrived at the time, and this prince is still pursuing his own princess...

A bunch of people - especially the bards in the city - had already made up a hundred thousand words of poetry in their heads about a certain prince who would use monsters to kill people in order to gain fame.

As for the one who also appeared... They are already "Yi 800", do they still need those false names, and is it not a prince who has been ill for more than ten years until recently.

And this prince is still an enemy country, who doesn't step on you?

Moreover, a certain person reported the letter earlier, then blocked the road, and then hurriedly prepared dinner for everyone. How can I compare it to a prince who followed Father Rossi as soon as he came, and didn't take any practical action at all.

At this time, Charles said to Bishop Rossi: "I will go and prepare some food for everyone."

Bishop Rossi said: "Go, you don't have to agree to my actions."

Charles shook his head and said with a smile: "That's not good, you are the commander, and you will lose your head if you act without your permission."

Bishop Rossi knew that he was defending his authority, and smiled and agreed to Charles' actions.

Charles turned around and walked into the moonlight. Bishop Rossi said to Louis, "His Royal Highness, it's up to you to instruct what to do next. The shift will be changed in two hours."

Louis's reaction Charles doesn't know, he is busy in the moonlight now.

The elephant bird has been studied just now and can be eaten.

A piece of pancake per person is not enough, and the night is long. Although there are enough bonfires but no blankets, it is still quite cold to stay in the wild at night. Something will happen.

And what can not only make everyone have something to do, but also make everyone willing to accept it, of course, everyone will make a string together!

So Charles hurriedly drove off. He picked up those wild boars and other meaty monsters nearby, cut a knife in the neck and bleed them, and then threw them to the stone arch bridge. At the same time, he also got some salt from the warehouse in the city. come out.

Although there are no spices like cumin and pepper, it is good for ordinary people to eat meat, and a little salt is also good.

It is not easy to provide enough barbecue for 20,000 Fortunately, the harassment of monsters did not stop. Later, Charles brought a few elves to work together, so that everyone could eat barbecue.

Exhausted, Charles returned to the stone arch bridge, threw down a wild boar, and then frowned and asked the young officer of the City Guard who had just cleaned up a group of monsters: "Where's the one in the new armor?"

The little officer said with a dark face: "He said he was going to find the culprit, and then left."

Charles looked at the direction of Lake Pergusa downstream, and said, "Leave him alone, and treat him as if he hasn't been there. The other side may be ready to do something, be smart."

The junior officer also looked at the south and said calmly, "Don't worry, my lord, we are not scarecrows."

Charles smiled and said, "For the family behind you, work hard."

Charles, who had been busy all night, could finally rest. As soon as he sat down at the rest point, Deborah, who was being worked by him, came over with a cup of hot water and handed it to him.

Charles, who took the hot water, suddenly raised his head alertly, then said to Deborah with a smile, "You will see Gennaro soon."