The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v3 Chapter 649: reinforcements in the night sky

"At night, the Sentinels have to keep an eye on the sky."

Charles pestered Arturia several times to tell him a bedtime story about her war before she discovered her true identity. When talking about the night battle, Artoria's words made Charles very puzzled.

Later, Arturia explained: "In both armies, there are troops that are good at night raids. The Rurik Empire is a demon who has not rebelled at that time, and the human side is the Griffin Knight. Raid."

In the land where the Bischberg Kingdom is located, the domestication of griffins has a history of thousands of years. No matter the dynasty changes, the inheritance of griffin domestication has not been interrupted.

To this day, the royal family of Bischberg claims to have fifty gryphon knights and a number of gryphon air cavalry in the Praetorian Guard.

The intelligence agencies of various countries expressed strong dissatisfaction with this kind of nonsense strategy of the Bischberg Kingdom, and believed that the relevant departments of the Bischberg Kingdom regarded themselves as fools.

According to the analysis of the intelligence department of the Elf Royal Court, the griffins in the Bischberg Kingdom are between 200 and 400, and it is not impossible to break through 500.

If it weren't for the fact that the 100-kilometer meat consumption of the griffins was too high, the Griffin Sea would have dominated the continent earlier than the Schberg kingdom.

Many people see griffins with great majesty during the day. Only those who have experienced it know that under the night sky is the place where the griffins exert their power.

At the moment when the final decisive battle outside the city of Onna began, the griffins flew slowly from the low altitude, and the janissaries who came to the aid of the griffins jumped directly from the backs of the griffins.

A gryphon can carry a load of 150kg for long distance flight and a load of up to 500kg for short distance flight.

Onna City was not far from Qiqiu City in a straight line, and a griffin in the team that came to help carried two additional soldiers of the Praetorian Guard.

Not long after, a group of ten guards passed through the crowd cheering and waving barbecued meat, and came to the bridge to change their defenses.

They made the worst plan on the way, thinking that they were greeted by corpses all over the floor, a moaning crowd, and a crowd of people with ashes in their hearts.

No one thought that they were greeted by a large barbecue scene. The vigorous bonfire, the smell of meat wafting in the air, and even the barbecue handed over, isn't this the wrong way to go?

The small city defense officer guarding the bridge saw the reinforcements coming, and heaved a long sigh of relief. He saluted the praetorian guard officer who led the team and said excitedly, "Finally, I have hoped for you."

The officer of the Guards pointed to the large barbecue site over there and asked, "What's going on?"

The little officer said with a little fear: "Thanks to Earl McGarden, if it weren't for him, we might not see the sun tomorrow."

Then he blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah to the Praetorian Guard officers.

At the same time, Charles by the bonfire ignored the battle in the south and concentrated on the barbecue in his hand.

Many monsters can swim. Those who can swim find a place with relatively gentle slopes on both sides of the lake near Pergusa Lake in the south to cross the river, trying to attract the attention of the defense forces to the bridge head of the stone arch bridge and cross the river through the night. Then attack from south to north.

It's just that the people here are very familiar with the local terrain, and found that the monsters guessed each other's thoughts after they sent meat to the bridge.

So Bishop Rossi took the main force to ambush in the south, and Charles was responsible for guarding the bridge head here, and he could destroy the bridge if necessary.

Now that reinforcements have arrived, Charles will be fine.

This time, Qiqiucheng sent at least 30 griffins. Those responsible for the ground battle were the elites of the Imperial Guard. Ten guarded the bridge, and at least 50 blocked the main force of monsters in the south. The griffins attacked from the air. , it doesn't matter if he doesn't make a move or not.

"Are you all right?!" Gennaro finally breathed a sigh of relief when he found Charles who was eating meat and Deborah who was helping Charles roast the meat.

Charles didn't even look at him, but looked at the barbecue in his hand and said, "You can tell at a glance that you came back when you were full, so don't eat the barbecue."

That being said, but Deborah handed half of the freshly grilled kebab in her hand to Genaro.

Charles asked Gennaro: "Why so late?"

Sitting beside Charles, Gennaro, who was eating barbecued meat, said in a low voice, "Your Majesty is down."

Charles pointed to the upper town with the barbecue in his hand, and Gennaro nodded.

Gennaro asked in a low voice, "Have you seen the devil before?"

Charles nodded lightly, it seemed that his previous letter to Antoine II had worked, and he was concerned about it.

Gennaro was a little excited, and he asked a little excitedly: "Can you talk to me?"

Charles shook his head, "I'm not free now, I'll talk about it when I have a chance."

After he finished speaking, he looked towards Shangcheng and sneered twice.

At this time, Gennaro asked again: "How do you say this time should be handled?"

Charles shrugged and said, "It's fine for us to watch the play on the side. Anyway, we were just passing by. We did everything we should do, and we didn't do anything we shouldn't."

Gennaro felt relieved after seeing Charles' indifferent appearance, thinking that Antoine II would not embarrass Charles, the future son-in-law, and his grandmother and Antoine II's mother were sisters, as long as he If you don't kill yourself, you'll be afraid of a ghost.

Just as Gennaro was eating Deborah's roasted meat that originally belonged to Charles, there was a flutter of chickens in the castle in the upper city.

Duke Beretta hadn't been out in his bedroom for several days, a time he spent in constant piston movement.

With a "bang", the bedroom door was kicked open, and Antoine II, wearing armor with a long sword hanging from his waist, walked into the bedroom.

Antoine II looked gloomily at the girl who was lying on the floor in the bedroom, then looked at the younger brother who was ignoring his arrival by the windowsill, and waved at the person behind without saying a word. wave.

The royal knights moved out all the girls on the ground, and one of the knights stepped forward to twist Duke Beretta to the king.

It was just that the knight pulled Duke Beretta away from behind the dying girl, when Duke Beretta threw him across his shoulders and fell to the ground.

Next, Duke Beretta with red eyes rushed towards the knight on the ground.

When Antoine II used to knock the Duke of Beretta unconscious with his scabbard, that hapless knight's trousers were all torn to pieces.

At this time, a man in black robe appeared behind Antoine and whispered, "The butler is gone."

Antoine II frowned, finding that the problem was not simple, and asked, "Have you left the castle?"

The man in black robe replied, "No one saw him leave."

Antoine II's brows tightened even more. There was a secret escape route in the castle, and he could escape from the castle silently.

He lived here for a while when he was a child, and he knew where there were secret passages, so he took the most loyal guards of the dead and began to search in the secret passages.

At the foot of the mountain, Charles was going to sleep while he had nothing to do, but suddenly there was a sound of collapse not far south of the barbecue site.

Charles hurriedly jumped up and found that something had happened in the simple toilet.

The food and drink of 20,000 people was a problem, and Lazard was a bigger problem, so Charles and the others dug two big holes in the ground and surrounded them with linen to use as toilets.

But no one expected that these two cesspools suddenly collapsed.