The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v3 Chapter 650: why are you here

According to the provisions of Article 6.1.3 of "Code for Design of Highway Tunnels" (JTGD70-2004), the loads that may occur simultaneously on the tunnel structure should be combined according to the bearing capacity and the inspection to meet the requirements of normal use, and the most unfavorable combination should be designed. . According to Table 6.1.1 of the code, the loads on the tunnel structure are divided into permanent loads, variable loads and accidental loads. One of the accidental loads is rockfall impact force.

The people who designed this escape passage naturally did not consider the impact force of falling rocks, so the structure of this passage can only meet the permanent load brought by the surrounding environment and the variable load brought by the passage of pedestrians and carriages above.

However, Charles and the others will naturally not use shovels to dig the dung pits slowly, but directly blast them with magic, which is quick and easy, and they plan to backfill the surrounding soil directly when they are done.

As a result, the impact of the blasting pit damaged the structure of the secret passage. In addition, during this period of time, nearly five-digit people have used the toilet. This secret passage collapsed sooner or later.

When Charles arrived, he thought there was a sneak attack by a monster that could drill a hole in the ground, but in the soul vision, he found that a soul below was dying.

The warrior who offered a reward with a lot of money finally tied a corpse to a rope, and then dragged it up from the pit.

When Antoine II brought people over, his face was icy and cold. They were chasing this unlucky guy in this secret passage just now, but when the secret passage collapsed, they were still one or two hundred meters away from the collapse.

The corpse on the ground has been washed with water, and just now Gennaro recognized the deceased, who was the butler of Duke Beretta, who had a relationship in the morning.

Charles was quickly called over, and the officer of the city defense army just reported everything that happened today to Antoine II.

Antoine II patted Charles on the shoulder and said, "You did a great job."

Charles sighed, shook his head and said, "It's a pity that many people are still killed."

Antoine II didn't answer him and asked, "What do you think about this?"

Charles spread his hands and said, "No, we were about to rest last night when we found such monsters coming from the east far away."

"Someone said that he went to find the culprit. When he comes back, you can ask him if he has anything to gain."

"Who?" asked Antoine II.

"Louis Rebach," Charles replied.

Antoine II's eyes suddenly became sharp. One was the enemy prince who was chasing after his most beloved daughter, and the other was a hateful guy who was going to have **** with his most beloved daughter after killing one of his sons. There must be something wrong with these two guys.

Antoine II asked: "Which direction did he go, and how long has he been there?"

Charles shrugged and said, "I don't know about that. I didn't see him when I came back from looking for meat for everyone. It didn't take long for the attack of the monsters to start, and the reinforcements arrived, so I didn't care about him."

Antoine II asked the city defense officer around him to find the little officer who was guarding the bridge with Louis at that time. After some inquiry, the answer he got was the same as that of Charles.

The little officer also said: "He kept telling us that he had a way to find the mastermind, and asked us to follow him. I told him what if we went over the bridge with monsters, so he refused, and he left. It didn't take long for the south to fight, and reinforcements arrived."

Antoine II looked towards the main battlefield to the south. At this time, the battle was not over yet. From time to time, the light from magic illuminated the space, and the griffins swooped under the moonlight.

Then his hand moved slightly, and only a few people at the scene noticed that a very inconspicuous person who had been standing aside in the dark disappeared.

As if Charles did not know this, he and Gennaro watched as the people brought by Antoine II checked the corpse on the ground.

At this time, the army in the upper city was dispatched. Some of them supported the main battlefield in the south, and the other part crossed the stone arch bridge to recover the lower city. It was just that the people in the lower city were booing, and they were almost smashed with shoes.

After another ten minutes, there was a quarrel from the stone arch bridge, and the Guards officer who was guarding the bridge for a long time and two soldiers walked over with Louis.

At this time, the armor on Louis's body was still shining, but his face was not very good.

He came to Antoine II, saluted and said, "Your Majesty, I'm very sorry, the mastermind who drove the beast to escape."

Antoine II, who had just listened to the report of the front-line officer, looked at Louis with cold eyes, which made Louis a little uncomfortable.

Charles watched people check the items carried on the corpse, and didn't even look over there.

And Gennaro asked suddenly: "What does the mastermind you said look like, is he male or female, is he tall or short, is he fat or thin?"

"Don't say you didn't see that person wearing a robe and a mask with his head over his head."

Deborah already knew Louis' identity just now, and she tugged at Genaro's sleeve nervously.

Gennaro turned his head and whispered to her: "Don't worry, he owes my family a lot of money."

Then Deborah didn't have to worry anymore. It was the uncle's statement that there was no money owed in the Principality of Milan. If someone defaults on the debt, the creditor will resell the debt to a company affiliated to the Chaowei Blue Dragon Consortium, and then the giant dragon will come to collect the debt. Many creditors would drink a little wine and hum a little song nearby to watch how the giant dragon cleans up those old rascals.

Louis did not know the identity of Gennaro, he looked at Antoine II, only to find that Antoine II was still staring at him coldly.

His face was even worse, and he said, "That person is indeed wearing a robe, I didn't see what he looked like."

"Humph!" Gennaro snorted coldly, "If there is a mirror, you can see clearly."

Louis frowned and said displeasedly, "What do you mean?"

Gennaro held his hands and said: "Please tell me after rolling on the ground next time. Your armor is clean and it is like going to a dance to seduce a young woman. Who would believe that you have experienced battles."

Louis glared at Gennaro and said, "My suit of armor was given by Lena. It has a self-cleaning function and won't get dirty!"

Gennaro first pointed to a cesspool not far away and said, "Then you jump down and open our eyes?"

Then he changed his face in an instant, and said to Antoine II in a cute voice: "Grandpa Antoine, this guy obviously has a woman, but he is still pursuing his cousin Linda, and such a person is thrown into the cesspool and drowned. ."

Charles, who was watching the excitement on the side, twitched the corner of his mouth a few times. He didn't expect that Genaro had such a hand, but he couldn't understand why Genaro would embarrass Louis in public.

Antoine II's face remained the same, he just glanced at Gennaro, and then continued to look at Louis, whose face was getting worse and worse.

Just as Louis was about to say something to Antoine II, Gnar Roman said: "Grandpa Antoine, I found something wrong with the prince of this neighboring country."

"This beast tide came strangely, and this man came even more strangely."

"He came by boat, and when he appeared, it was right when the monsters attacked the city. Then he said that he could find the mastermind, but not long after he left to find the mastermind, the monsters that went around the south began to attack. Now the army is dispatched, Those monsters can only wait to die, and he came back and said that the mastermind ran away."

Speaking of this, the guards and guards around Antoine II moved, and they spread out to form a circle.

Gnarona's childish voice was not small, and some people nearby were also attracted to watch the fun.

Antoine II said to Louis without emotion: "What do you want to say?"

Louis hurriedly said: "I just passed by here and happened to encounter what happened today."

"If it's weird, then isn't it weird that Charles is here? And he was the first to discover the beast tide, so maybe he's the culprit."

He didn't know that Charles escaped with Gennaro and the Charles, who originally just wanted to watch the fun, saw that he was involved, so he said: "Didn't you say you can find the mastermind, Why didn't you find me in the first place?"

"Even if you can't beat me, won't you tell Bishop Rossi that I am the murderer of today's killing?"

"Do you doubt the piety of the bishops and think they are in collusion with evil forces?"

Louis hurriedly said: "Then how do you explain that you happened to be here?"

At this time, Antoine II also asked: "Charles, can you say that you are going?"

Charles took out a wide roll of parchment from the storage ring without changing his face, and threw it to the guard not far away.

The guard took the parchment, checked it, and handed it to Antoine II.

Antoine II opened the parchment and found that it was a map of the Bischberg kingdom. After looking at it for a while, his face suddenly became strange.