The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v3 Chapter 651: special map

As the king of Bischberg, Antoine II had seen many versions of the map of his country, but this was the first time he had seen such a map.

He raised the map with a dark face and said to Charles, "Is this your purpose?"

Charles nodded.

Louis said decisively from the side: "I knew he had a conspiracy."

Antoine II ignored Louis, but turned around and shouted at the crowd watching the excitement: "Who is the boss of the three roses, come here!"

When Louis heard it, he snorted coldly and said, "I didn't expect you to go to the flower building at a young age, Charles."

Charles when he didn't exist.

Deborah pulled Gennaro's shirt and asked in a low voice, "What is Hualou?"

Gennaro froze for a moment, opened his mouth a few times, and finally said, "I don't know either."

Not long after, a charming young woman emerged from the crowd. She stood in front of Antoine II timidly, bowing her head and daring not to look at His Majesty the King.

Antoine II frowned and asked, "Are you a noble?"

The proprietress lowered her head and said, "Last year, my husband was canonized as a knight by His Highness Elvis."

Antoine II nodded slightly, the family members of his third son's knights were eligible not to kneel in front of him.

He looked at the map again, and asked the proprietress curiously, "Your little mushrooms are very popular?"

"Ah?!" The proprietress was stunned, she never thought that His Majesty the King would ask herself such a question.

The proprietress replied cautiously, "There are indeed many people who like our little mushrooms."

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Louis said, "Your little mushrooms are so good, can you bring them to me?"

The proprietress was a little hesitant, and she said apologetically, "The little mushroom is in the cellar of my shop. I can't go back now, and I don't know if those monsters have... ah..."

Antoine II summoned a few guards and whispered a few words to the leader, and then the guards left with the proprietress and walked towards the lower city where the battle was almost over.

Then Antoine II rolled up the map and held it in his hand, with no intention of returning it to Charles.

At this time, Charles figured out that Antoine II was looking for a scapegoat for what happened today.

The housekeeper who drowned under the cesspool was obviously an important suspect in today's incident. Antoine II personally pursued him, indicating that the Duke of Beretta may have also encountered a poisonous hand.

But this housekeeper is dead, and if he is alive, he can still make him confess his guilt in public and bear all the things, but now that he is dead, it may not be convincing to let the dead bear the blame.

In this way, a person with enough weight is needed to carry the pot on its back.

Now that Charles and Louis are here at the same time, it doesn't matter to Antoine II to kill either, this pot is enough to shut up the forces behind the two of them.

As for the truth...hehe...

Charles glanced at Gennaro, maybe this guy thought of this early on, so he put the pot on Louis's head first.

At this time, Gennaro was arguing with Louis, and Charles was listening to each other, thinking about who caused this incident.

He vaguely felt that it might have something to do with the person who had made a deal with the devil before.

At this time, Charles suddenly heard Louis shouting at Genaro: "Maybe Charles colluded with the Demons?"

Charles, who didn't notice how the two of them quarreled, looked at Louis in confusion.

Gennaro turned his head and asked Charles, "Have you colluded with the demons?"

Charles said calmly: "Actually, I am the prince of the Demon Race."

Gennaro rolled his eyes at Charles, and then said, "Is it okay to give me a Four Heavenly King or something when you become a Demon King?"

Charles smiled and said, "I will give up the position of the crown prince to the grandson before the current devil dies, and you will find him then."

Gennaro continued to roll his eyes at Charles, where he labored to put the pot on Louis's head, but Charles didn't take it seriously, not only did not help but also told stories there.

Antoine II looked blankly at the young man, thinking about who would be the best to carry this pot.

He has long known that Charles has a connection with the Demon Race, and now a senior Demon Race is being invited by Charles to repair the bridge over Catania City.

Ever since Alexei appeared in the holy forge that year, and after Nezario sent various countries to release the goodwill of the demons, these kings began to re-examine their relationship with the demons.

Antoine II even moved the descendants of Linda and Charles to go to the Demon Race, and let the Bischberg family retain a bloodline on the Demon Race side.

As for Charles saying that he is the prince of the Demon Race, Antoine II felt that it had been a few decades since Queen Victoria abdicated when Charles was about to die of old age and let Charles be the Elf King for a few years.

At this time, Louis said sharply to Charles: "You dare to say that you have no connection with the demons?"

Charles looked at Louis a little curiously. Could it be that this guy has something in his hands?

He said: "I do have a connection with a member of the Demon Race. Not long ago, the culprit of the Black Rock Mountain massacre was killed by me, and the survivors of the massacre want to repay me."

Now it was Antoine II's turn to be surprised. He asked, "Is it true that you slaughtered dragons in the south?"

Charles pointed to Gennaro and said, "You ask him, he has asked me about this for several days."

Gennaro's expression became serious at this time, and he said: "It is true that Charles killed the dragon Fafna in the Kingdom of Meseta."

Antoine II stared at Charles, and found that his expression did not change, and his heartbeat did not speed up.

Now he finally understands how Charles is related to the demons, presumably through the line of Nesario.

At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief. One of the mountains outside Qiqiu City was the Black Rock Mountain where the tragedy happened that year. The tragedy of that year created a huge gap between the giant dragon and humans, and it was not until the rise of the Chaowei Blue Dragon Consortium. improved.

For a long time, the people of Qiqiu City were most afraid of the fact that the giant dragons saw that the weather was good that day, so they ran over and slaughtered Qiqiu City under the banner of revenge for Black Rock Mountain.

Now the human race has completed the final revenge for this tragedy, so that everyone is not afraid of being slaughtered by the giant dragon.

Antoine II thought in his heart, just because of this, the pot is still on Louis's head. He has been a foolish prince for so many years, and no one decides to be surprised if he does something stupid.

The point is, in case Charles takes the blame and asks Nessario to come over and smash the scene, he will have a big head.

At this time, several guards came back with the proprietress, and the proprietress was carrying a basket covered with a clean linen cloth.

The leading guard whispered a few words beside Antoine II, this proprietress is just doing business normally, not someone with problems.

The proprietress took the linen from the basket and hung it on her wrist, then respectfully handed the basket to Antoine II, and said nervously, "Your Majesty, this is our little mushroom."

She was glad that she closed the store before she ran away, and there were no monsters in the store.

Antoine II curiously picked up a small snack from the basket and carefully observed it. It was a mushroom-shaped bread cut in half. On the bread was a small slice of baked bacon. On the meat was a slice of bacon. Roasted sliced ​​mushrooms in the shape of a slice of bread and drizzled with a little sauce.

The dessert in his hand was fragrant, and Antoine II glanced at the head of the guard, who nodded to indicate that there was no problem with the snack.

Antoine II took a bite. The bread and bacon were average, but the taste of the mushroom slices surprised him.

The grilled mushrooms are a bit crispy on the outside, but they are very tender inside. The soft bread, some greasy bacon slices and rich meat sauce bring out the fresh and delicious taste of the mushrooms themselves.


After eating the "little mushrooms", Antoine II put Charles' map on his belt, took the basket with a few "little mushrooms" and threw a gold coin to the proprietress, which shocked the proprietress .

Next, Antoine II asked the head of the guard to hold the basket, and he studied Charles's map of Bischberg's cuisine while eating snacks.

After eating the dim sum, he called a guard, shoved the map into his hand, and said, "Bring me one every day, I have been the king for so many years, and I don't know that there are so many delicious foods in the country. s things."

Charles' face turned black immediately, and the map seemed to be coming back. He spent a long time and painstakingly inquiring about this food map from the elves and then drew it. He is preparing to test the waters through this trip. , I plan to take Diana to clear the customs in the future.

At this time, Antoine II asked Charles: "Do you have any from other countries? Give it to me."

Charles said with a dark face: "I can only take it for you to copy, the same as the one just now, and I can't spread it out, but I can't guarantee it's all true."

"No problem," said Antoine I'll make a copy tonight. "

Drawing maps is a technical job, but there is no shortage of talents in this field in the Praetorian Guards. There are materials for drawing maps in the barracks in the upper city. Copying maps is a very simple matter.

As for Louis, he and Charles were "invited" by Antoine II to the castle in the upper town to rest for the night.

It's just that Charles and their room only had the original maid of the Duke of Beretta, and Louis's room was strictly "protected" by the Guards.

The rest of the matter is no surprise. The beasts of scattered sand could not last long under the strangulation of the army, and the beasts were wiped out before dawn.

The people in the lower city also returned to the city when the sun rose. Fortunately, the buildings were not seriously damaged, and some people with a lot of meat were destroyed by monsters who broke into the door to eat meat.

It's just that the farm's livestock were all gone, but fortunately the meat of the monsters could be eaten, and Antoine II ordered those still edible monsters to be given to the people as compensation.

As for the slaves who didn't escape, the slave owner assumed that nothing had happened after he received the compensation for the monster's fur.