The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1008: Grandpa Yi sent money and equipment

"The hero who troubles the heroes (

It was not quiet in the woods in the summer night. All kinds of insects buzzed and flew from all directions after smelling the sweat on people's bodies, ready to run away after being full of blood.

The camp was shrouded in a faint smoke, and between the slightly pungent smell caused by the burning of the herbs and being stung by insects, humans decided to choose the former.

Charles took down the roasted wild boar by the bonfire and sent it to Arturia respectfully.

There are no good conditions in the wild. After processing the felled tree, it is a bench that is cut in half vertically, and a simple table is cut out of wood and placed on a stone.

Arturia's dining table is naturally specially made, otherwise, there is no way to put down a whole head and shoulders more than 2 meters high and more than 3 meters long.

As the saying goes, the emperor is not bad for hungry soldiers. To make people work overtime all night, it is the most basic to provide supper, at least one fried noodles and a can of Red Bull.

Naturally, there are no late-night snack stalls on tricycles selling fried noodles, and there is no small supermarket open until one or two in the morning selling Red Bull. Charles couldn’t ride a small electric donkey to carry more than 20 late-night snacks like in his previous life. Can go hunting in the mountains to the north.

Fortunately, he was lucky and met the largest wild boar on the continent, the Dreadjaw.

In order to cook this late-night snack, Charles tried his best. The special grill alone kept him busy for a while, and then he practiced flame magic.

Today is a day when Matsui Shimoishi was shocked.

When he saw Diana taking out the camera and projector in the morning, he was stunned for a long time. He wondered if the character of this beautiful girl was a genius inventor, who was immersed in various inventions all day long, and occasionally exploded?

Then, Artoria's appearance shocked him again, and he has no clue until now.

Just now, the traveler classmates who had been living in the village during this period of time saw Charles returning with a monster that was almost the size of a car, and saw that the monster was roasted fragrantly by the flames that appeared out of thin air, and this was confirmed again. I am in a magical world.

Arturia started to eat supper, and Charles was beating his waist on a bench by the nearby bonfire. This supper was not easy.

"It's hard work!" Matsui Shimoishi took a cup of tea and went to talk to Charles.

"Thank you." Charles took the bamboo teacup, "Ordinary people really can't afford her."

Matsui Shimoishi asked curiously, "Didn't you say you were going to fight the Demon King a few days ago?"

Charles poured a drink of water, then pointed to the dumb hair king who was eating the pig's leg and said, "She is the most terrifying big devil in the demon race."

Then the thing was almost killed by a pig's trotter.

Matsui Shimoishi thought he was joking, and continued to act like a curious baby, "Did you summon her?"

Charles, who was chewing on the pig's trotters, said, "Don't look at her so young. She was a big man who was active more than 300 years ago, but she was sealed later, and I helped her get out of trouble."

Matsui Shimoishi continued to ask, "How is your relationship with her?"

Charles, whose mouth was full of oil, took a sip of tea and said casually, "Let's put it this way, her daughter will be beaten by me when she doesn't obey."

Matsui Shimo looked at the goods, and then looked at the Duo Mao Wang who was eating pork chops over there, and was surprised that the two of them already had a daughter.

He then inquired: "It seems that you are familiar with Miss Diana?"

Charles nodded and replied, "My grandfather and her grandfather are good friends, and her fiance is my very good friend."

"Is that so?" Matsui Shimo was not discouraged, "What advantages does your friend have?"

"More handsome, more rich." Charles replied.

"Really?" Matsui Shimo was a little disappointed, "What kind of person is he?"

Charles thought for a while and replied, "It is said that he is the one who picks up beautiful girls every time he goes out."

Matsui Shimo heard his eyes wide open, with an expression of envy on his face, "How did he do it?"

Charles shrugged, "Handsome, rich."

Then Matsui Shimoishi asked in a low voice, "Are you familiar with that Auston I?"

Charles nodded.

He asked again, "How about others?"

Charles saw that Meyer happened to be fetching water from the pot of hot tea on the fire next to him, and he called out, "Meyer, can I speak ill of your king?"

Meyer was speechless. He couldn't afford to offend this man, so he could only say, "It's still not possible."

Then Charles shrugged at Matsui Shimoishi and said, "Then I have nothing to say."

"Is that so." Matsui Shimo looked thoughtfully at the bonfire in front of him.

Charles looked at him and asked, "What's your plan next?"

"Ah?" Matsui Shimo was startled, but he didn't expect Charles to ask himself this.

After thinking about it for a long time, he said, "I don't know yet. I think, when the old grandfathers in the village are cured, I will go out for a walk."

Charles nodded slightly, this brother doesn't look bad, he will not leave until the patient recovers.

As for his coveting his sister and Diana, the former is something that a certain king cares about, and the latter goes to Medivh, which has nothing to do with him now McGarden.

Then he raised his hand, and a "hot spring technique" smashed it.

I'm afraid this brother hasn't been able to take a good bath after traveling for so long, and he didn't have to change his clothes, and his body already smelled.

It was just that he was suddenly surrounded by such a large mass of water, and Matsui Shishi thought that Charles was going to kill him, and suddenly panicked.

Originally, Charles left his nostrils and mouth to pant. When he struggled like this, he fell into the water polo and began to bubble up.

To ask why Charles didn't remind this brother in advance, the answer is that he switched to Charles Medivh at this moment.

That mass of water element was thrown into the wild field in the Matsui Shimoishi lay on the ground panting, his freshly washed clothes were dirty again.

"Ah, sorry!" Charles McGarden scratched the back of his head embarrassedly, "I forgot that you haven't used the hot spring technique, so I didn't remind you in advance."

Matsui Shimo asked with a lingering fear: "This... what kind of magic is this?"

Charles said: "This is the hot spring technique, magic invented by elves, for bathing in the wild."

The traverser brother who was about to get angry was stunned for a moment, the other party was helping me, but he didn't communicate well, and there was no malice.

But what he cares more about is another place, "Elves?"

Charles nodded, but said nothing more, then handed him a slap-sized burlap sack.

Matsui Shimoishi took the bag, which felt heavy, with a lot of odds and ends in it.

Charles said, "I don't think you have any money on you. Use these. You're welcome."

Then he took out two more daggers and handed them over. "These two daggers have been with me for many years. One can release lightning, and the other can release hurricane. You can use them for self-defense."

Inside the purse were several gold Ole coins, some silver dinars, and a handful of copper plates. It looked quite a lot, but it was only enough for Arturia to eat two or three meals.

Those two daggers were bought by him and the dwarves at the market in Corn City, and they are no longer in use.

In the face of the sudden "grandfather giving money and equipment" plot, Matsui Shimo couldn't react for a while.

He immediately stood up, bowed 90 degrees to "Grandpa Yi", and said a lot of words of gratitude.

Charles just smiled and said, "You're welcome, our family's ancestral motto is 'help if you can,' and in the future, you can do what you can to help those in need."