The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1028: The girl I picked up this time is not ea

The town under the moonlight was very deserted. A rushing river passed through the town, and the sound of the river hitting the bridge piers could be heard from afar.

The most noisy place is the castle on the top of the hill not far from the town. The castle is brightly lit tonight, and the host is receiving the distinguished guests.

If the guest status is normal, the host will not light up so many lights for ostentation.

Charles stood next to the railing of the stone bridge, a vampire bat hung in front of him, his wings and body were firmly grasped by the hands of the mage, only his head was shaking constantly, and his mouth made a high-pitched cry. .

This vampire bat was just picked up by him from a corpse that was still warm. He came a step late. The little adventurer girl's carotid artery was bitten by this vampire bat, and her soul had dissipated.

This unfortunate girl is young, and there are many wounds on her body that have not been treated in time. You can smell the stench of rotting wounds while standing beside her. Her body is already very weak, and she was just bitten to death by a vampire bat. .

She has an adventurer ID card on her body, so let the Adventurer Guild send someone to bury her.

At this time, a group of militiamen came from the street with spears and swords. They were dressed in thick clothes and covered themselves tightly, only their eyes and mouth and nose were exposed.

"who are you!"

The captain of the militia was taken aback by the man on the bridge.

Under the moonlight, a vampire bat floated in front of a handsome-looking man dressed strangely (the robe and school uniform of Shield Bridge Academy), with a corpse lying at his feet. This picture was strange.


A mass of fire burned the vampire bats to ashes, and the militiamen who were waiting in line took a few steps back.

Charles turned his head and gave them a self-friendly smile.

As a result, the group of people took a few steps back, and some people's weapons fell to the ground.

Charles was speechless, so he could only cast a divine spell on them, and then said, "Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person, I'm just an adventurer passing by here."

After he finished speaking, he took out his adventurer ID card and shook it, but the light was not good at night, and the militiamen had retreated far away, so no one could see clearly.

The last unlucky guy was kicked out, and when he got closer, he could barely see that it was indeed an adventurer's ID card, as well as a sun and a star that represented his level.

Charles was only level 14 at the time, and later rose to more than one level after destroying the water thieves. After the earthquake a while ago, he hunted monsters in the sea, especially after the annihilation of the **** black whale. His adventurer level also rose to level 17. You can get to level 18.

The more points you need to level up later, Charles wants to see if there is a quest to defeat the Demon King, and then go to the Demon King's uncle.

The militiamen breathed a sigh of relief, and the leading squad leader asked, "Is your Excellency the partner of the brave Lord?"

Charles raised his brows and replied, "No, I just passed by."

The squad leader pointed to the corpse on the ground and asked cautiously, "Then this..."

Before waiting for a reply, a mutation suddenly occurred.


Charles was stunned for half a second, then jumped to the side, looking in horror at the place where the sound came from.

The corpse on the ground actually made a sound, and the head moved slightly.


The corpse moved again and raised his hand, but soon fell down again, seemingly in a coma.

Charles hurriedly opened the "Soul Sight" and was surprised to find that the soul had appeared in the corpse that had no soul!


A word flashed in his mind.

"Where is the Adventurer's Guild?" Charles hurriedly asked the militia, the girl herself was injured, and now she is suffering from ischemia. Maybe she will hang up later.

The militiamen pointed the way, and Charles hurriedly poured some potion on the girl, then picked her up and ran towards the union.

The adventurer's union here is not large, the service desk and the bar are together, and the guest room is upstairs.

Several adventurers who were drinking and bragging were startled by the sound of kicking the door open, and then saw the people who rushed in shouting: "Is there a priest, hurry up and save people!"

As a result, because of the rampant vampire bats, there were very few monsters around, and a large number of adventurers had already left, and there was no nurse in the union for a while.

The employees of the union had no choice but to open a room for Charles and the others and brought some medicines.

Charles had no choice but to take care of the difference between men and women, so he had to treat himself.

He first put the **** the ground in the corridor outside the door, and then cast a spell to cover the entire room with fire elements, which was to kill the bacteria inside with specialized magic.

After entering the room, he threw the quilt on the bed, put the **** the bed, and took off all her tattered leather armor and clothes.

It seemed that the girl had been attacked by a monster. Except for the wound on her neck that was bitten by a vampire bat, her left shoulder was bitten by a monster, and her whole body was covered with claw marks, and pus was flowing from these wounds.

Charles held up the wounded in the hands of the wizard, and then cast several hot springs to wash her body from top to bottom.

At this time, he noticed that the body of the injured person was hot, apparently due to the infection of the poured her a few more bottles of anti-inflammatory, blood and anesthesia, and then carefully cleaned the wound for her .

Some wounds have already formed scabs, so we can only carefully cut them open with a knife, then use the hot spring technique to rinse the pus, dust and gravel inside, and finally dispose of the blood scabs.

Charles worked for more than an hour before the two bite wounds and dozens of scratches on the girl's body were cleaned up.

Charles sat on the ground to rest, and then began to heal the wounds using healing techniques.

After the treatment, he took out a bottle of condensed milk from the storage ring, melted it, and fed it to her. Finally, he took out a set of bedding to cover her and let her sleep well.

Only then did Charles have time to look at the girl.

Judging from the adventurer's identity card on the girl, her name is Selaginella, which is also the name of a medicinal material. It seems that she is from a commoner like Aunt Pomegranate, but her family has some medical background.

Selaginella is 15 years old this year, with long green hair, a little short in stature, looks like he has undergone long-term exercise, and has a cute face.

Her adventurer level is only level 9, but her registration time is 8 years old. It seems that she is a child who has made a living by the tasks of the Adventurer's Guild since she was a child.

It's just that she was resurrected from the dead... I'm afraid she's not the original person in terms of soul.

Charles touched the side of her neck, her pulse was still a little weak, and her body was a little low-grade. I'd have to wait for her to wake up.

After a busy night, the sky was a little brighter. Charles took a step away first, went to the counter downstairs to pay, and asked the girl from the union to help take care of her, and then went to deal with those vampire bats.

Braves who like to cause trouble to the brave, please collect it: () The update of the brave who troubles the brave is the fastest.