The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1038: Going to catch fish

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In the box of Aixi Fan Restaurant, white grouper is bragging.

I haven't seen him for half a year, he has lost a lot of weight, and he has tanned a bit, but his strength is also much stronger.

In the past six months, he has traveled a lot in order to collect enough antidote materials used by the five girls, and it was Charles's money that he spent on Dragon Air.

When the dragons sent people, they received the money first, so Charles deposited a sum of money with the Chaowei Blue Dragon Consortium, in case one day the money ran out unexpectedly, and the dragon could help. Now the money is spent by the white grouper Almost there.

He doesn't care, it's just a little money, anyway, the white grouper can't afford it now, so be a favor.

Ji Shijun also has a discount card for Aixi Fan Restaurant, which can also be used for billing. He opened two boxes, the five companions of White Grouper's girls are in one, and the fellow travelers are in the other.

Auston I was also there, but he was a little dumbfounded.

The main medicinal material used in the antidote required by a girl over the white grouper is the bone marrow of a sharp dragon king. This kind of Yalong is generally about 8 meters long and weighs about 5 tons. A bone plate like a sword.

And the sharp dragon king they hunted lived in the royal hunting grounds of Lerick Kingdom. It was kept by Auston I to pretend to be coercive in front of Mira. Now it became the experience value of white grouper, and then it was stewed. .

Auston I didn't care either, there were several similar types of monster kings in the royal hunting grounds of Lerick Kingdom.

It's just that after the white grouper finished bragging, he almost cried, "Why didn't you leave one for me?!"

The white grouper asked in surprise: "Those... are all yours?"

"I don't know. I asked Brother Julong where there are those monsters, and he took us directly there."

Auston I raised his glass and said, "It's good to find medicinal herbs, it's fine."

The white grouper touched him, "I'm sorry, I'll give you something good to make up for later."

Auston I shook his head, "I'll go to your place to eat sushi for free, just another day."

Charles asked the white grouper: "Are you missing anything now?"

White Grouper said a little embarrassedly: "That... We only need the whip of the Thunderhorn Deer King. We wanted to buy it at the Kashima auction that day, but it was bought."

Charles slapped his forehead, trouble.

After he came back, he gave Mr. Wolff and Professor Erbach a box of Deer King Blood Wine, and then Ji Shijun and Auston I each gave a bottle. Presumably, White Grouper learned about Deer King from this. Whip in his own hand.

It's just that the Deer King Whip was given to the Demon King by him a long time ago. Since it can't be passed on to his nephew, the Demon King should work harder and pass it on to his younger cousin.

Charles asked, "I sold that Deer King Whip to someone else, can I do anything else?"

"Ah?" The white grouper said it was false that he was not disappointed, "Other monsters can be used as well, as long as the lightning monsters can be used instead, but there are not many such monsters on land, and even fewer have reached this level. ."

Charles thought for a moment and asked, "Can the deep-sea electric eel work?"

The white grouper took out a booklet from his pocket and flipped through it, and said, "The piece of meat that discharges on the head of the electric eel king in the deep sea is fine, but they live in the deep sea, so we can't catch them."

Charles nodded and said, "Indeed."

The last time he ate the deep-sea electric eel was on Weilong Mountain. Some of them went to the seaside in other places during the submarine earthquake before, and now I don't know where they went.

Except for the vast ocean in the east, the permafrost sea in the north was not affected by the earthquake, and the deep-sea electric eel king should be found there.

So Charles said to him: "Don't worry, I have a way to catch them, just wait a few days."

The white grouper raised his glass with tears in his eyes, "Thank you so much, I'll give you a toast."

After the four of them had three rounds of wine and five flavors of dishes, White Grouper took out a few things from the backpack behind the chair and said, "I've collected some things for a while now, you can take a look and take what you like."

Charles looked at it, and found that they were all fairly precious monster materials, but none of them could use them.

He said: "The auction will be held in a few days. You can sell it and use it as the funds to reopen the store."

Ji Shijun and Auston I also said the same thing, which made the white grouper a little embarrassed.

In his opinion, these fellow villagers have helped him a lot. The five girls said that Charles sent them to him, and Ji Shijun helped him start the main task of treating the girls. Auston I did not hold him accountable for stealing The hunting thing, this is not a good thank you, I feel sorry for it.

"Then I won't be hypocritical." The white grouper directly picked up a bottle of Wuliangye from another world, "I respect everyone, thank you for your support to the younger brother. If you need my help in the future, just say it."

After he finished speaking, the four of them blew on the bottle.

After dinner, it was already night, and Charles, who was a little drunk, came to the barracks of the Demon Marine Corps and found Bisi Meow.

Now this barracks is no longer the original tent, but a square double-storey prefabricated barracks. Speaking of which, this is what he mentioned in the thesis for credits when he was studying the course of the Royal Military Academy in Rurik. from.

The most difficult part of this kind of prefabricated barracks is the rock wool sandwich panels used as walls. It took a lot of time to produce rock wool.

Bisyan didn't seem to like the smell of alcohol on him, so he threw him on the balcony on the top of the office building to blow air, and spoke to him through magic in the office.

Charles said: "I'm here for a personal matter and want to ask for your help. I want to catch a deep-sea electric eel king."

Bisma replied: "For personal matters, come over tomorrow, and I will ask two sisters who are on vacation to help you. They can catch whatever they want under the sea, and you can discuss the reward yourself."

"Thank you." Charles asked again, "Is there any help here lately?"

Bismao said: "It's not a big deal, it's just that someone recently threw a note into the barracks, saying that someone was brewing a conspiracy against our country recently."

Charles just didn't care about it, just got used to it.

Bisyan continued: "I know who it is, I can catch him if needed."

"No need." Charles said indifferently, "Don't worry about this kind of trick. People who sell teammates for cooperation are not trustworthy. Who knows if they are deliberately using bitter tactics."

Bisyan said, "As you like."

He also despises that kind of small trick.

After Charles left the barracks, he thought about it and decided not to go to Leo's side first, and not to make contact until he couldn't figure out the purpose of the other party.

However, the etiquette is indispensable. He found a special errand in the business district and asked him to go to Leo to pass a message to Leo, saying that he had drunk too much and was blown by the cold wind and felt unwell. Recover and visit again.

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