The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1062: field of hope







In 1928, the final exam of Shield Bridge Academy came in December as in previous years, but Charles in his seat found that there was a problem with the exam paper in front of him, so he raised his left hand and called the invigilator.

The invigilator of their class was Professor Babbage. As soon as the giant dragon entered the examination room, several students in the class wailed. Several of them did not study normally and planned to cheat later.

The other two classmates who are not usually studying are full of confidence, and it is estimated that there is a foolproof way of cheating.

At that time, Charles looked at them with a sneer. During the exam, the "Dream Network" was disconnected from the Internet. It was impossible to cheat on the Dream Platform by sleeping in the exam room.

It's just that he soon stopped laughing, and there was an extra copy of the test paper when it was passed from the front to him in the last row.

Professor Babbage was aware of this, he saw Charles raising his hand, he came over, and said to him with voice transmission magic: "This is the test paper of students Medivh and McGarden, be careful not to write the same handwriting. ."

Charles opened his mouth, and after a while, he asked, "Am I going to finish writing two exam papers?"

"Come on!" Professor Babbage patted him on the shoulder, "You can give one of them zero points."

Charles pouted, hurry up and write, he can't really put the answer sheet on the ground and step on it.

After Professor Babbage finished speaking, he patrolled the examination room and said at the same time, "I would like to say something before the examination, that the invigilator will reward a student who cheats with a small gold coin. On the first day of class, I I told everyone that I am poor, so I will work hard to make this kind of money."

"I will not reiterate the discipline of the examination room. It is estimated that no one here dares to threaten the invigilator."

??split line??

Time passed by day by day, and the final exam passed mediocrely.

This exam broke Charles's head, so I won't mention the font. When answering the subjective questions, Mr. Medivh's test paper should be answered with the knowledge in the textbook. There is a possibility that senior students who have revised the paper will treat it as a plagiarized paper.

Fortunately, he gave up a lot of courses, so he finished the exam earlier than other students.

While the others were eating lunch and preparing for the afternoon exam, he had already wandered out of the school gate, walking aimlessly outside.

For him, the semester is over, and he can go home after making a big news.

When he came back to his senses, he found that he had walked to a street that specialized in selling clothes, wondering if he had made a few new sets of clothes for himself.

At this time, he saw a man he knew in an ordinary men's clothing store getting his freshly made suits fitted in front of the fitting mirror.

So he walked over to say hello: "Yo, isn't this a reporter from Israel? The clothes I just made to order fit well."

The young reporter saw a man wearing glasses walking into the store to greet him, and asked strangely, "Hello, Sir, who are you?"

At this time, Charles remembered that he was now dressed as Medivh, so he said: "I am Charles Medivh, a friend of Earl McGarden, he mentioned you to me, just to let me wait for the newspaper to send you a message, let you Wait for him at the door of the newspaper office at eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Really?" Israel was a little skeptical. Although he knew that Earl McGarden did have a similar-looking friend named Medivh, the authenticity of what he said later was still doubtful.

Charles asked him in a low voice, "Did anyone discuss with you about changing the name of the reporter in the news after reporting back to the agency that night?"

Israel's eyes lit up, and he immediately said, "How can I let the Count come to me? I will go to Nanhai Farm at seven o'clock tomorrow morning to follow the orders."

He thought to himself, if Earl McGarden came to the newspaper office, then he would have nothing to do with himself. The editor-in-chief would definitely go out in person. Why don't he hurry up and stay at the place where the earl lives early in the morning, and then there will be no other business in the newspaper office. .

Charles didn't know his little thought, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care. It's a good thing for young people to have ambitions in their careers, especially in the newly revived land of news.

It's just that he underestimated Israel's motivation a little bit. The young man came to the gate of Nanhai Farm just after six o'clock the next morning.

Fortunately, the doorman was informed in advance and took him to the canteen next to the Steamed Bun Bureau, and asked the staff to bring him some steamed buns and a bowl of soy milk.

Charles lived in the farm last night, but the originally lively small building was deserted at this time.

Mordred followed Gawain and the others to investigate the "Cthulhu Incident" that year.

Because the island is too dangerous, the family members of the hotpot knights have long gone to live in the Slime Basin. After all, Ji Shijun's future mother-in-law is there, and his future wife is only a few months old, so it is best to go to his site.

After the money from the auction was received a while ago, Artoria took the check to the Elf Sea of ​​Trees to find Sister Wright to customize new equipment.

Having said that, in those days because Charles donated the magic crystal too much, not many people paid attention to the fact that the auctioned magic crystal was bought by the Biberach Kingdom for 7,500 Aure.

At dawn, Charles was pinched on his nose and mouth, and then woke up.

Freya, who wanted to run after doing something bad, grabbed her ankle and scratched the sole of her foot for almost five minutes.

When the preparations were over, Charles personally drove Israel to the parliament building in the farm's van.

He told the nervous young reporter: "Today I will sign an agreement with the parliament, the agreement is that the 'Love Dedication Foundation' that I established not long ago will cooperate with the parliament to establish a school for students studying in qualified colleges on the island. scholarships, grants and student loans.”

It took Israel a while to digest the sentence.

"Foundation" is not new in this world. The Chaowei Blue Dragon Consortium has various foundations. Charles built a foundation in Qiqiucheng to give scholarships to the Adventurer School. The most famous one in the world The foundation is the "United Temple Children's Fund" jointly established by the temples to provide assistance for the adoption of orphans.

Now, the foundation set up by Earl McGarden is going to give money to the students on the island, which is big news.

On the way, Charles explained the ins and outs of the plan.

When he was in Chapter 807, he talked about scholarships, grants, and student loans for a while, but Professor Erbach took the opportunity to settle the matter.

Next, Professor Erbach secretly contacted some college presidents, and soon a draft of the scope, standards and budget of the plan was formulated.

Charles vetoed and revised some of the contents of the draft, and finally reached a consensus with Professor Erbach, the representative of the presidents of the various colleges, and passed it to the parliament quietly.

The council is led by each college, and the principals have agreed. When they arrive there, they will improve the administrative procedures and do a good job of cooperating with them.

Because this matter is of great importance and the confidentiality work is well done, well-informed reporters like Israel have not heard the slightest bit of wind before.

As soon as he finished listening to Charles' story, he immediately discovered a question, "Excuse me, are these for all the colleges on the island?"

Charles replied: "How is it possible, those 'Phnom Penh Academy' are definitely not within the scope."

"This time the principals have identified a total of 21 eligible colleges, large and small, to implement scholarships, grants and student loans. These colleges and their students are here for the pursuit of knowledge, not for those who are just messing around."

Israel understood what Charles meant.

Then Charles reminded him: "Today's matter can't be published tomorrow. Our plan is to publish this matter when the colleges have just finished their exams, but no results. I suggest you to interview some poor and hard-working students these days. , when writing news, they are the main ones, you can control that.”

"Understood!" Israel nodded fiercely. In his opinion, this was a test that Charles gave him. If he passed the test, he would be considered to be on the line with this adult.

When the two came to the parliament building, it was just before work time, and Charles took Israel to the speaker's office with the pass issued by Speaker Bercow.

This is not the first time Charles has come here. Professor Erbach has brought him here several times before.

It's just that the office is empty now, and Bercow's personal belongings have been packed away, leaving only the public's belongings.

"Charles is here." Today's Speaker Bercow looked energetic, "Who is this young man? He seems to be familiar."

"Good morning, Grandpa Bercow." Charles pointed at Israel with a smile. "This is the Israel reporter from the Daily Record. I asked him to come and prepare to report on today's events."

Bercow sat down the two young people, asked the secretary to bring tea, and said to Charles: "It turns out to be him, after you were reported that day, I am afraid that everyone in the world will know you, maybe even the devil will be arrested. You have gone back to be a son-in-law, if you are a queen, maybe you have half of the demons, which is enviable."

Charles didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he said, "Grandpa Berkow, don't make fun of me, the prince of the Demon Race is still guarding the space gate."

As soon as he finished speaking, Israel immediately stood up and bowed to the Speaker, and then said very solemnly: "Dear Speaker, can you grant me an opportunity to interview you in your spare time?"

Bercow looked slightly surprised at the young man whose hands were shaking a little, and then looked at Charles, who was also surprised, and understood that this request was the young reporter's self-inflicted behavior.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it down, let Israel sit down, and said, "Don't be nervous, I appreciate a young man like you. Come to me for afternoon tea at three o'clock this afternoon. "

Israel blushed with excitement, and he stood up again to thank the Speaker.

Bercow asked him again, "Do you have a pocket watch?"

Israel shook his head embarrassedly, he naturally did not have such precious things.

Bercow took out a silver pocket watch from his pocket and put it on the young man's youth, and said, "This is for you, I can see that you are a promising child, don't be late when interviewing others in the future. "

Israel's blood pressure was a little high with excitement, and Charles beside him was afraid that he would suddenly have a brain hemorrhage or something.

Charles just watched with a smile and made no comment.

Those who can work in this office are not idiots. Although everyone was arrogant and reluctant to be interviewed before, the word-of-mouth benefits of Charles after an interview were seen by smart people.

They still can't hold back their faces and take the initiative to invite reporters to tout but they are still very pragmatic when they come to the door.

Then it was time to get down to business. Bercow took out two documents and handed them to Charles, which were official documents written by the staff of the parliament.

From the very beginning, Charles considered finding a reliable force to select the eligibility of scholarships, grants and student loan recipients, and finally decided to cooperate with the council. At the same time, the council randomly selected two seminaries to supervise.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and he has seen many cases of cheating on grants and student loans.

It's just that the current information is not smooth, and the cost of identifying the true and false is too high, then ask the gods for help, and swear to the gods when you hand in the information.

He carefully flipped through the documents in his hand. The various rules and regulations were the same as those discussed before, and some details that were not noticed before were also patched by the old fritters in the officialdom.

With the documents signed by Charles and Bercow Speakers, the scholarships, grants and student loan programs under the name "Fields of Hope" were officially launched.