The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1133: The prince of the devil has turned into

Chapter 1133 The prince of the devil has become a catgirl

When Charles was about to leave Shield Bridge and pretend to take Diana back, Pomegranate Leaf found him quietly.

"Master, something has happened," Pomegranate Ye reported. "The parliament building was attacked just now. All those corpses were destroyed. The Speaker and others were injured. The attackers fled into the sea and disappeared."

This news made Charles break into a cold sweat. He had several plans, such as pulling out the horns when the other party presented a dead body in a confrontation.

But he didn't expect that those people would come to destroy the corpse, attack the parliament and wound the speaker and others at the same time, which would be a big problem.

However, he has confidence in Bisiao, and this method of framing and framing the blame can be easily resolved.

Charles hurried to the Marine Corps barracks, worried that the other side's next move would be to attack the barracks.

Just as he thought, when he arrived at the barracks, the city defense army of Knowledge City had already surrounded the barracks.

But what made him relieved was that there was no fight between the two sides, and it seemed that the two sides were negotiating at the gate of the barracks.

It's just that before Charles' breath was over, something happened at the gate of the barracks.

Speaker Hoyle was still wearing a large bandage on his head, and he shouted at Bismeow: "If you didn't do this, you swear to the gods!"

Charles' heart skipped a beat, it was over!

Unlike the people in his family who used to use the oath of God as a tool, other people valued the oath of God very much.

But the problem is that this man who looks like a young Stalin is Bismao, not to mention that he is also a god, he is the enemy of the human gods, and it is impossible for him to swear to the enemy.

Even swearing to Reimu, his own god, is not enough. Now Reimu is an undercover agent. If you swear to him, it will be exposed, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

Sure enough, Bismao said calmly: "They are not worthy of the testimony I swear by."

Speaker Hoyle, Earl Rank, Archduke Gunnar, and the surrounding soldiers and onlookers were all frightened by these outrageous words, and their eyes widened, as if they had seen some incredible monster.

The next moment, the crowd was in an uproar.


"Burn him!"

"Kick them out!"

Those bigwigs and soldiers were still restrained, but the onlookers started smashing shoes and rocks at Biss.

A layer of enchantment appeared outside Bisiao's body, and those things that hit the enchantment flew back the same way.

When those people saw that it was futile to smash things, and after they stopped, Bisiao said in a voice that everyone around could hear: "You nobles just directed and acted a play and blamed us for this. To start a war under the pretext of using the lives and blood of the common people to gain the benefits of the war for themselves."

"Everyone is smart, speak directly. If you want to drive us away, then we will leave right now."

"Just don't know who's your next prey after us. Elves? Dwarves? Orcs?"

It is hard to refute the reasoned and well-founded provocation. The elves have always been on guard against the human forces attacking the sea of ​​trees in the south. Humans are on guard, and dwarves are drawn in to make up the numbers.

Speaker Hoyle was still sober, and he was not disturbed by Bisyan. This kind of topic involving racial diplomacy would be caught by someone carelessly.

Saying too much is wrong, and not saying it is right, so just pretend you didn't hear it.

He said loudly: "We welcome friends who are in the same boat, but we hate demons like you who harbor evil intentions."

Bisiao replied immediately: "I understand, we will leave now."

"However, before that, I launched an honor duel against you for your slander and insult to us."

In some confusing lawsuits, judicial duels involving criminal cases and honor duels involving defamation are common, and the duel between Charles and Allen was also a judicial duel.

Now Bisi Meow proposes a duel of honor, which is in line with the traditions of the human world.

In the uproar, Charles had no objection to Bisyan's decision, because he also found those in the crowd.

The Grand Duke of Milan, Gunnar, next to Speaker Hoyle, immediately said: "As a representative, I accept and attend this duel."

They obviously have preparations on their side. Gunnar's own strength is not weak. In recent years, after participating in a series of battles with murlocs on the front line of the elves, they have made a major breakthrough, and their strength has reached a big level.

Moreover, as the Grand Duke of Milan, his status is high enough, and he is not afraid that the other party avoids the war on the grounds of the difference in status and status.

At this moment, a sporty, short-haired older sister dressed as a warrior came out, looked at Bisi Meow and said with a smile, "Can I be the duel referee?"

The God of War who suddenly came out made Biss meow's eyes narrowed and did not object.

Charles in the crowd looked around, and several gods he met that day - including Philip - vaguely surrounded Bismao.

He dared to guarantee that if they made a move, Philip, an undercover agent, would dare to use Bismao as a certificate of submission.

Although Speaker Hoyle and the others did not know that the other party was the God of War, the faint divinity and coercion on him made it impossible for mortals to resist.

Gunnar said first, "I'm fine."

Out of intuition and the idea of ​​the strong being respected, he did not object to the person who made the martial artist feel like a mountain.

In the end, Bisyan nodded and agreed. It seemed to him that the gang of old enemies wanted to do something, but not to kill themselves but to drive themselves away, just like driving away the bugs in front of them.

The situation is severe, and getting everyone out is the most important thing, and everything else is empty.

An open space was quickly cleared at the scene. Bisi Meow and Gunnar were separated on both sides. The God of War in the middle arranged a circle to prevent accidental injury to the audience.

Charles squeezed to the front, but immediately a **** appeared beside him.

Today's God of Light is wearing a white student robe, with small gold-framed glasses on his face, and a long golden braid hanging in front of him.

This time Charles didn't dare to act rashly, and could only watch the duel field quietly.

When the duel was about to begin, the **** of war said to Bisiao: "In the sacred duel, show your true face."

Charles was stunned, and immediately knew what he meant.

If Bisi Meow changes back to the appearance of a slime in public, then the reputation of the demons among the people will be ruined.

Bisyan was silent for a while, a light flashed, and the onlookers suddenly exclaimed.

The originally tall and handsome young man was gone, replaced by a tall and well-proportioned woman with short silver hair and green pupils, a device like cat ears on her head, an emerald green tail behind her, and a woman wearing very little fabric.

God of War pouted, and just wanted to say something, Bismiao, who changed back to the traditional human form, said: "I am approved by Him for my appearance."

Others thought which **** she was talking about, only Charles and the gods present knew that the one he was talking about was the legendary god.

And the surrounding onlookers were stunned. Who would have thought that the true appearance of the Demon Prince was a **** cat girl!

Charles broke out in a cold sweat. What should I do if a lot of brave men ran to Yekaterina Palace to brush in a few days?

Gunnar was also confused, and he asked after a while, "Are you really the princess of the Demon Race?"

Bisi Meow didn't answer, but said to the referee, "Can we start?"

The **** of war raised his right hand.


Gunnar quickly recovered his mood, a golden light lit up on him, and the whole person suddenly became stronger.


With the right hand of the God of War swung down, the duel began, and Gunnar rushed towards the empty-handed Bismow like lightning.


No matter how weak Bisyan's strength is, it is not comparable to a human like Gunnar, so he was punched by Bisyan and slammed into the defensive barrier.

The onlookers were in an uproar again, but some of them applauded.

The **** of war declared the victory of the demons, and at the same time removed the barrier.

The alertness mentioned that the tallest Bisyan immediately turned around and walked back to the barracks, and the girls of the Marine Corps had already assembled fully armed.

After a few breaths, the entire barracks of the Marine Corps and the soldiers inside suddenly disappeared out of thin air, leaving only the clean ground.

Many knowledgeable people were dumbfounded, and Count Rank murmured, "This is a teleportation technique, a teleportation technique that only the Demon Royal Family can use."

In the crowd, the God of Light turned his head and smiled at Charles, and said, "You are a good boy, don't go the wrong way."

Charles said without changing his face: "His figure is better than yours."

The God of Light patted his head and said, "I will tell Mira about this."

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