The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1149: little girl selling laundry detergent

Chapter 1149 The little girl who sells washing powder

The sea breeze was blowing gently, the drizzle was falling, and the sun had already sunk below the sea level in the west.

On this drizzly night, a well-behaved girl was walking down the street with a bamboo basket.

Raindrops fell on his long blond hair, which looked beautiful in curls over his shoulders, but he didn't notice it.

The old dress made of linen on his body was a little wet, and the mud was stained here and there, and there was even a mud mark on his face. Not so comfortable.

People walked by on the street from time to time. Those young people who worked in the commercial district had just finished their evening work. They carefully chose where to stay among the puddles on the road, and accelerated their pace to the place where they could barely call home.

The girl clumsily walked over a road that was almost submerged in water, hawking in a clear voice as she walked:

"Washing powder, the best washing powder~"

"Wash your clothes clean and fragrant with laundry detergent~"

"A pack of washing powder for two copper plates~"


In the girl's basket, there are neatly packed bags of white powder. Fortunately, slime plastic bags have become popular as an adventurer's union disability pension industry. Otherwise, these washing powders would have been soaked by rainwater along the way. obsolete.

"Washing powder~"

"I washed the laundry detergent that makes clothes smell like flowers~"

The girl continued to sell, but she kept scanning the buildings on both sides with her gleaming eyes.

The door of a house in front of him opened, and a middle-aged fat man came out and greeted, "Girl, come here."

The girl walked over, and the middle-aged fat man said, "Show me your goods."

After the fat man finished speaking, he directly reached out and took out a bag of washing powder, quickly untied the string at the mouth of the bag, picked a little white powder with his little finger, put it on his mouth and licked it lightly.

The peculiar pungent taste of the soap fruit seeds after they were ground made the fat man spit a few mouthfuls, and the floral fragrance in the powder was covered.

The goods are right and good, and there is no lime powder or the like mixed in it, so the money is paid and the delivery is made.

When the fat man was about to turn around and go home, he suddenly took a close look at the beautiful girl, and said, "You just came to the island, right? Seeing you are so beautiful, it's very dangerous to walk around the streets. If you don't have a job, tomorrow Go to the Aixi Restaurant, which recently recruited waiters. The restaurant was opened by the apprentice of Earl McGarden. The owner is very good and the salary is high, so you don't have to worry about being bullied. "

As a result, the girl left without looking back. He cursed in his heart that the dress he was wearing was given by that abominable Earl McGarden!

Gennaro's heart was in tears. He had not been in school for two months. He originally thought that he was in the same school with his half-brother Enrico and his awesome good friend Charles, and he could walk sideways on the campus by himself. .

This afternoon, my brother took the principal's note and picked him up directly from the classroom, saying that there was a major action, and he was so excited that he thought that he could complete a task with prestige.

But when the wicked Charles took out a dress, a bottle of hair growth lotion and a bottle of voice-changing potion, the sky fell!

If you can't beat it, you can only be cowardly.

Gennaro has been conducting investigations under the cover of selling washing powder in this seemingly dilapidated residential area since the evening.

He's not an idiot, although Charles didn't say it clearly, it shows that the operation of using himself as a bait is still understandable.

It's just that more than half of this washing powder has been sold, and no useful information has been found.

"This lady." Someone stopped Gennaro, "Can I ask you a question?"

"A pack of two copper plates of washing powder." Genaro replied.

"No." The man shook his head, "I want to ask if you have seen any suspicious people here?"

Gennaro didn't change his face, but he was shocked. This person also came to find that rogue? If someone is the first to get on, wouldn't he just wear a skirt for nothing?

He asked softly, "Aren't you going to buy a pack of washing powder? Just two copper plates."

The man was silent for a moment, and then bought a bag of washing powder with money.

When Gennaro handed him the washing powder, he said, "I've been walking here for a day today, I'm so tired."

The man was silent again and took out the money again.

Gennaro handed him the second bag of washing powder, and said at the same time: "If you are talking about suspicious people, there really is one."

The scene was quiet for thirty seconds, and the man finally took out the money for the third time.

Gennaro shoved the last packet of washing powder in the basket to the man, and said, "Isn't it suspicious that a man deliberately flirts with girls at night?"

After he finished speaking, he left with a smile that was 80% happy and 20% sarcastic and walked away. The laundry detergent was sold out, and he had no excuse to walk around here wearing a skirt. Now, when will he not go back and wait?

The guy had three packs of washing powder in his hand, and he didn't know that he was being tricked, so he didn't need to mix it up.


The more the guy thought about it, the more angry he became. Looking at the back of Gennaro leaving, he smashed a bag of washing powder in his hand in a fit of anger.

Gennaro's strength is not weak at this time. He turned around immediately after hearing the wind coming from the back of his head, with the basket in his hand in front of him.


The flying speed of this bag of washing powder exceeded his estimation, and he failed to stop it. After the bag hit the edge, the package broke open, and the white powder blasted towards his face.

He didn't check for a while, and his face was covered with washing powder. The spicy powder made his eyes extremely uncomfortable.


The scream of a girl who subconsciously uttered because her eyes were uncomfortable resounded through the night sky.

Fifteen seconds later, a flame phoenix flew over the street, lighting up the whole place red.

But there are even faster ones. Several figures fell from the sky in one There was a girl who wiped her eyes with both hands and a man walking towards her. It seemed self-evident.

So the group of people shouted various slogans and attacked the man who was holding two packs of suspected drugs.

"I'm not a hooligan!"

The unlucky guy was crawling around under the attack of the crowd, but he didn't suffer any substantial damage under the defense of a long sword.

It's just that if he stays for a long time, he will lose it. Seeing that a big sword is about to slash his face, he subconsciously exclaims: "Ya Die!"

Suzuki Gao Feng, who had just arrived, suddenly stopped the knife in his hand, and several people next to him also stopped.


When Charles, who was hiding in the dark and preparing for a sneak attack, came out, the group had already talked in Japanese. It seemed that the misunderstanding had been resolved, and the unlucky guy looked like he had found the organization.

Charles glanced at the alley where Gennaro disappeared just now, and walked towards the group of people who were chattering in Japanese.

Today's Charles put on make-up, dyed the originally short golden hair on his head into white, and kept it long and tied a ponytail behind him. His appearance also changed to that of an ordinary adventurer in his twenties.

Their class has put a lot of effort into this aspect for the filming of the make-up, and it is not easy to see Harry.

The makeup he put on to hide his identity and investigate here didn't expect to have another purpose.

Someone asked in Japanese: "What are you doing!"

Charles replied in Japanese with a local accent: "I drop, Hakuredo sells."

The travelers here were having a meeting, and Gennaro, who couldn't keep his eyes open, was pulled into a house on the grounds that he was taken to wash his eyes.

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