The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1215: The trick is discovered

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The competition field suddenly became lively, those who bought Medivh and lost cheered happily, and more people who bought him and won began to curse.

The current scene is very ugly. Although there were dark clouds on the ring just now and nothing could be seen, the audience was looking forward to it, and now Charles is chasing Ernst and his three magic clones around the ring, and the audience will not scold them. Strange.

And those with rich combat experience saw what the **** Charles was doing, and couldn't help nodding in agreement.

Ernst soon discovered the problem. It took a lot of energy for him to control the three clones to chase Charles. At the same time, the smooth ice surface on the ground of the ring still existed. Only by breaking the ice when running could avoid slipping.

Don't look at it, just use a little more strength when your feet fall. The consumption accumulated after running for a long time cannot be ignored. Maybe you will disperse when you run and run.

Charles is much more relaxed. The ice on the ground is released by himself, and he is under his own control. He can run as he wants, so he can use traditional kite flying tactics unscrupulously to drag Ernst down.

It can be seen from the scene that the war of attrition is beneficial to him, and Ernst, who uses the magic clone, is obviously more attrition.

Soon, Ernst made a new decision.

The two magic clones, Ernst B and Ernst C, suddenly flew, and after landing, they glided quickly on the smooth ice surface, and soon came to the position beside Charles.

At first Charles thought that the two of them would flank him and use a circle to limit his range of activities.

Just the next moment, the two clones suddenly turned into bombs and exploded violently.

Charles, who was unprepared for this, was hit hard by the huge shock wave, and his ears were buzzing a little.

At this time, Ernst finally caught up with Charles, and his body and his real body slashed at Charles from both sides at the same time.

Charles hurriedly waved his cane to block.

The audience suddenly exclaimed, everyone knew that Medivh was a magician, but he didn't expect that when he used the magic wand to dance the stick, he was perfectly defended under the attack of the two knights.

Ernst received strict knight training from the Saxon family since he was a child. Swordsmanship is characterized by rigorous moves, not aggressive and aggressive, and his step-by-step style of play often makes opponents of the same level feel invulnerable.

Where there is demand, there is creation. The magician's stick technique for melee combat in emergencies is not new in this world.

Charles's stick skills can only be considered qualified, he doesn't have much energy on it, and now facing the attack of two excellent knights, he can only turn in while fighting, and try his best to keep it safe.

It was also thanks to Ernst's slightly conservative personal style of swordsmanship that several Charles mistakes were underutilized, giving him the opportunity to turn in.

If it were replaced by Lancelot's crazy style of play, Charles would have been forced to use the backhand.

In Ernst's view, the black cloud just now must have consumed a lot of magic, or had a huge price, making it impossible for a certain person to cast powerful magic in a short period of time.

Now that he has been approached by himself and has fallen into his own steps, then press him head-on and let him be completely defeated.



The black chicken leg staff separated the two incoming long swords one after another. From the sound of the impact, it could be heard that the first one was made of fine steel, and the second one was made of magic.

In addition, Ernst A, who uses the steel sword, is agile, and his main attack is initiated by him.

Gradually, Charles began to focus his counterattack on Ernst A, who was using a steel sword, but Ernst B from time to time engaged in a desperate "surrounding Wei to save Zhao", which made him very passive.

So Charles decided to separate the two guys.

So a shock wave popped between the three and exploded.

Charles was well prepared for the magic he cast, and floated back some distance by the shock wave.

But Ernst's counterattack was more imaginative than he expected.

After seeing the formation of the shock wave, Ernst A pulled out the belt that could be used as a whip and wrapped the top of the black chicken leg staff.

The fat chicken at the top of the magic wand was not easy to get stuck in the belt. When Ernst A was blown away by the shock wave, he took away the weapon in Charles' hands.

After the two Ernsts were blown away, they rolled around twice, and then Ernst A, who took the black-bone cane, got up, raised the black-bone cane and waved it a few times, triumphantly demonstrating.

On the other side, Ernst B lay motionless on the ground, the long sword in his hand began to turn into starlight and dissipated on the ring, and the magic starlight that rose like wisps of blue smoke began to emerge from his body, and the armor on his body began to disappear.

The audience in the stands suddenly became nervous. Although Ernst's last magical clone seemed to be dissipating, Medivh lost his magic wand, and the next situation became extremely unfavorable for him.

Without saying a word, Charles suddenly took out the mace under his robe, held it in his hand, and charged towards Ernst B, who was lying on the ground.

The audience was stunned for a moment. Did Medivh have his brain blown up? Why can't he live with a magical clone that was blown up and disappearing?

Ernst, who was lying on the ground pretending to be a magic clone, was taken aback by Charles' actions. His plan was to let a clone use his own weapon and use the clone's weapon himself. When the magic clone was fighting, he suddenly attacked from behind.

He would even think about the lines when the sword was placed beside Charles' neck, but he didn't expect the other party to rush towards him.

So Ernst jumped up and pulled out the soft sword embedded in the belt around his waist, trying to buy some time while directing the clone to come to support him.

It's just that Charles didn't give him a chance. Two high nut walls surrounded the clone, and then smashed it towards Ernst, who had just drawn out his soft sword.

It would be fine if Ernst used other weapons, but where is the soft sword a tough opponent.


The magic shield that Ernst temporarily cast shattered under the heavy blow of Charles' left hand mace with flame magic.


Charles' right hand slammed into Ernst with the power of sprinting and turning. Ernst raised his sword and tried to block, but it was useless.

The thin blade was scrapped with only one blow in front of the mace, and Charles gave Ernst another beating.

Before Ernst was knocked out, he heard Charles say: "Next time, remember to let the avatar make some breathing The duel is over, Charles is relieved, if it wasn't for Ernst's avatar. The sneak attack tactic encounters a self who can see which body the soul is in, so he simply decides to do the trick, and someone else might actually succeed in the sneak attack in the end.

Charles went to pick up the black chicken leg stick, and then walked out of the ring to the cheering audience.

Look at the time Diana's lecture is about to start, he has to hurry up and join in.

There were dozens of heavily armed city defense soldiers on both sides of the passageway leaving the ring. Charles thought they were soldiers maintaining order and were resting, so he passed among them while saying hello.

Just as he was in the middle, an officer suddenly stood up and blocked his way.

Charles thought he knew him and wanted to congratulate him on his victory in the duel.

Unexpectedly, the officer said coldly, "Charles Medivh, you have been arrested."