The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1216: Don't be stubborn

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"Charles Medivh."


"Look at it."

"Go, take his pants off!"


As soon as the interrogator's voice fell, the big guard who was standing in the four corners of the interrogation room immediately moved towards Charles, and at the same time revealed a strange expression.

So Charles was stunned.

The judiciary of the knowledge city is very deep, and they are very good at dealing with the restless young man. He is severely suppressed after a little probing.

In the small interrogation room, there were only the interrogator who wore black masks and could not tell the difference between men and women, the four big guards, and the six Charles who held their pants tightly. The furniture was also the chair that Charles sat on and the interrogator. Tables and chairs, only one door and no windows on the white wall.

The "killer stick" hit, the interrogator patted the parchment on the table in front of him, and said to Charles in a neutral and calm voice: "If you confess your sins at this moment, it is still a surrender, once I start recording, your Sin will bring you severe punishment."

Charles thought about it carefully, and felt that he had no problem except for colluding with the evil **** and the Litong demons.

He felt that if these problems had happened, he should be at the stake at the moment, not in the interrogation room.

After thinking about it, he felt that this time he was going to frame his own people, so he was not worried at all.

So Charles shook his head and said, "I don't think I violated the relevant laws of Knowledge City."

The interrogator pulled the paper on the table in front of him, stretched out his hand and took out the quill in the ink bottle, and began to formally record the statement.

"What did you do all day yesterday?"

"I was yesterday... blah blah blah..."

"What did you do at night?"

"When I was at night... quack quack..."

The interrogator first asked some very common questions, and Charles answered truthfully.

He basically didn't act alone yesterday, as long as he compares it with other people's confessions, he can find out whether he has lied or not.

Of course, he was alone when he slept last night, and it would be a bit of a headache if someone framed him and called him a dormitory without paying him.

Charles started to have breakfast yesterday and talked about everything that happened until he went to the competition venue this morning. He felt that he had no major problems.

The experienced interrogator went through his last night's experience in his mind while recording the confession, and found that there was nothing wrong with his actions.

If it weren't for the fact that there was enough evidence in the cauldron, the interrogator would have thought he was fine.

Next, the interrogator asked him, "How long have you known Eyjafjallajökull?"

Charles didn't care at first, and said, "I saw her for the first time in the town outside the Lava Hell under the Dog's Head Mountain when I was on the Shield Bridge Academy mission not long ago... blah blah blah..."

The interrogator asked, "So you're after her?"

Charles looked bewildered and asked, "Where did you see that I was chasing her?"

The interrogator also asked him: "If you don't pursue her, why do you spend so much money on her?"

Charles said sternly: "Money is an external thing for people like us. It can enable a terminally ill person to find the motivation to live again and help her cure her stubborn disease. It doesn't matter how much money it costs."

In an instant, his image grew taller in the eyes of the interrogators and guards.

However, the interrogation will continue, and the interrogator asked again, "Then do you have any other intentions for her?"

Charles shook his head, "No."

The interrogator asked suddenly, "How about Eyjafjallajökull's bones?"

Charles thought the other person asked about her condition, so she answered truthfully: "It's not very good. Because of her illness, there are magic crystal thorns on some parts of her bones. It was very troublesome to deal with at first."

The interrogator nodded and continued to ask him, "What did you eat last night?"

Charles repeated the answer from the running account just now: "Because there is a duel today, I asked the hotel to provide easy-to-digest stew."

The interrogator changed the subject and asked, "When was the last time you saw Eyjafjallajökull?"

Charles replied: "I was at the airport last night. I took her on the plane myself."

The interrogator asked, "Where are you going?"

Charles replied: "The green city of the sea of ​​elves."

The interrogator asked, "So it's hard to find her now?"

Charles replied: "Indeed, it will be difficult to find her in a while."

After leaving overnight last night, Eyjafjallajökull was in Greentown for an inspection during the day, and then came back overnight to prepare for the volcano lecture at noon tomorrow.

The key to such a hurry is that those Epic doctors suddenly have to work overtime like a durian, and it is difficult to free up time, so she can only run around like this.

With the current level of communication, it is really troublesome to find her.

The interrogator asked a question that seemed a little strange to Charles: "How does Eyjafjallajökull taste like?"

He looked at the nervous interrogator with a black line and replied, "What else can a girl smell."

That's when Charles realized that something was wrong. The focus was on Ayjafjall all the time. Did she do something when she didn't know it?

With this thought in mind, Charles paid attention to the next question and answer. He found that the interrogator asked himself several times about Eyjafjallajökull's taste, body and other information.

In a previous life, a certain person was called by a police uncle to record a statement because of the theft of the warehouse at the construction site. He experienced a little interrogation skills, so he quickly discovered key issues from those surprise attacks and inadvertent questions.

"Did she sneak into somewhere?" Charles thought to himself, "Could it be that the other party only has information such as the smell of the infiltrator, and has no decisive evidence to confirm his identity, so he needs to get a breakthrough from himself?"

At this point the interrogator took a tray out of a drawer on the table for the guard to serve to Charles.

Charles saw a few hairs on the tray, and he was sure it was Eyjafjallajökull's hair and tail hair, two of which smelled a little bit of potion.

The interrogator asked him, "Do you recognize these?"

Charles pondered quickly in his heart, could it be that Ayjafjalla really sneaked into a forbidden area, was discovered by the guards and mastered some features, and accidentally lost some hair?

He pretended to study it and said, "This, I'm not very sure, because there are many people with hair of this color."

At this time, he made a decision in his When Eyjafjallajökull comes back tonight, he will ask to clarify, and if it does not involve issues of principle, he will handle it flexibly.

I'm afraid her problem is not worth mentioning before the Demon King himself came to the Knowledge City to collect information.

The interrogator looked up at Charles for five full minutes, which made him feel an invisible pressure.

"Do you have anything else to say?" the interrogator said without emotion.

Charles shook his head, "I don't think there's anything to say."

Asking him to testify against Eyjafjallajökull is currently out of the question, so he intends to pass the test.

The interrogator shook his head and said to the guard in a cold voice: "Take him down." Then he said to Charles: "You better think about it, the next interrogation is your last chance, if you are stubborn, there is only one way to die! "

Charles stopped with a look of confusion, what kind of thing did Ayjafjall do?