The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 Chapter 1236: furry god

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"I'm furious!"

An angry God of War kneaded Charles' face as if it were dough.

He thought that Charles would continue to entangle on the back of pi, but he didn't expect that this guy actually caught the loophole in his own words on the issue of body.

"Forget you passed the test." He hugged Charles, who blushed like a ripe apple again, "I'll give you another advanced quest, if you can continue to hurt me more, I'll give you more rewards. how?"

Charles shook his head with difficulty and said, "No need, I'm satisfied with letting them be free, and I don't dare to ask for too much."

The God of War rubbed his head and said temptingly: "Oh, don't be embarrassed, I still have a lot of **** servants here, men, women, young and old, tall, short, fat and thin, I can ask them to help you."

Charles was a little dumbfounded. He said, "I don't need so many soldiers, and they will eat me so poor!"

"You little guy..." The God of War hugged him tightly, "Not being greedy is already better than many people."

"Otherwise, other gods' servants will do, too. I'll go and find them for you."

Charles was a little speechless, and at the same time had doubts, "Why are you trying so hard to help me?"

Although it is common for gods to send skills, equipment, and wives to travelers, such large-scale wholesales as God of War are extremely rare now.

And this question is still an open-book question, as long as you take out the Slime Sword and stab him a few times, it is not difficult at all.

The God of War hugged Charles, looked up at the moon and stars in the night sky, and said slowly, "I'm happy."

Charles couldn't spit it out from his throat, so he could only shake his head and say, "As long as you're happy."

"But it's okay to continue hurting you or something. It's one thing for Anji and the others, but it's another thing to deliberately hurt you for your own benefit. You're not my enemy, and you're kind to me."

After he finished speaking, he was raised with his arms crossed, and the **** of war looked at the scorpion left and right, and then asked, "Are you trying to seduce me by playing hard-to-get?"

Charles rolled his eyes and said, "We are not a species, is it useful to seduce you?"

The God of War nodded and said, "Indeed, you have too little hair on your body, and it doesn't look good when you're bare."

Charles is no stranger to being called ugly because of the aesthetic differences of species, but he still asked curiously: "Excuse me, what did you look like?"

The God of War looked at the goods with a smirk, and asked, "How about I change back to my original appearance. If you can let me hold me until dawn, how about I help you find any **** servant you designate?"

Charles swallowed hard, thinking that his body was the "Master of Teppanyaki" with tentacles under his neck, what should he do?

Before Xi refused, the God of War said, "If you don't answer, I will take it as your agreement."

Before he finished speaking, a golden light flashed on the God of War, and a figure that Charles could not have imagined appeared in front of him.

"Hum hum hum..." The God of War looked at Charles triumphantly, "Are you afraid?"

It's just that within two seconds of his pride, he hurriedly shouted: "Mass, why are you drooling?"

Charles never thought that the God of War used to be a furry tiger girl, not only in good shape, but also a little charming in her appearance.

"You... don't you think I'm scary?" The God of War still held Charles, but this time he didn't dare to hold him in his arms easily, because this guy's eyes didn't look right.

Charles turned his head sideways and asked him curiously: "You look so good-looking, why do you feel terrible about yourself?"

"You look like this now, it's okay to hold for a night, hehehehe..."


On the third floor of the Nanhai Farm Cafe, Reimu, who has always occupied the place, is drinking tea with several other gods. There is a huge light curtain floating in the air, and the circle of small screens during the week are those who Charles knew and did not know. There is a live broadcast on the island in the middle.

Many gods that Charles had seen and had not seen turned their heads to look at Reimu, who was drinking tea calmly with a teacup, making him very depressed.

The God of Light asked him, "This is the person you recommended?"

Reimu asked him, "Is there a problem?"

The God of Light pointed to Charles, the God of War, who was rubbing against the screen and said: "The problem is big! This guy's girlfriend is not a human being, the evil gods he covets are slimes, and now he is concerned about the body of war. It looks like... Although human love is free, it is at least the same kind of object."

Reimeng calmly took a sip of Kang Shuai Fu's iced black tea that he brought back from a business trip last time, and said calmly, "Don't engage in species discrimination, it's not good, very bad."

"We are looking for him to deal with the coming enemy, not to be a companion. What species he likes has nothing to do with us."

At this time, the **** of war shouted from the screen: "Okay, okay! I think you passed!"

Immediately after he finished speaking, he turned into a spot of light and disappeared, and at the same time appeared in his place on the third floor of the cafe.

"I'm so **** off!" God of War picked up the water glass in front of him, "If it wasn't for testing him today, I would have slapped him to death!"

Who would have guessed that a **** said to him at this time: "You might as well follow him, it will become a legend that will be passed down through the ages."

The God of War glared at the God of Love fiercely and roared: "Go from yourself!"

He then said seriously: "Charles is capable, kind-hearted, and wise enough, that is... Hey, what is he doing?"

In the light screen, Charles ran to the well and took off his clothes to take a bath, and took out soap and rubbed his body hard.

Reimu looked at the God of War and asked him suspiciously, "Are you losing hair?"

"You just lost your hair!" The God of War looked at Charles in the screen with a cold face, "I'm afraid, he just wanted to drive me away!"

Reimu, who is most familiar with Charles, nodded and said, "I can see that is indeed the case. This is the first time he has taken advantage of the opposite **** when he is awake. I'm afraid he hates you in his heart."

The God of War snorted coldly and said, "It seems that he also hates my appearance."

The God of Love over there drank Wang Laoji and said, "He doesn't hate your appearance, you can see that from his eyes, but your behavior is probably not pleasing to him."

Sitting next to him, holding a bottle of Liquan's pure raw wisdom, the God of Wisdom followed and said to the God of War: "According to my analysis, he has been misled by one of us, and is used to doing business with us instead of After passing various trials, you will receive our gifts."

"It's also possible that he's disgusted with your self-harm request."

"Don't mention his slime sword, the swallowing technique is enough to cause you a lot of damage."

The God of War said angrily: "No matter what he thinks, as long as he can hold back and use these two methods to deal with me, it means that he and those evil gods have no objection to our plan, and we can let go and prepare. ."

"Also. I promised to help him find a servant of God, so don't hide it when you find it at your house."

Over there, Charles changed his clothes after taking a shower, and let another pumpkin room be released next to the pumpkin room where An Qi slept, and then he went in and laid the bedding and began to sleep.

After a while, Reimu said, "He contacted me, let's hear what he has to say."

After he finished speaking, a ball of light appeared in front of him, and then said: "You brave chosen by the gods, what is calling me?"

Charles sank in his heart. This is the first time that Reimu has said this kind of secret language. It seems that he should be careful when he speaks next.

He asked, "Boss, are you familiar with God of War?"

The gods looked at Reimu at the same time, and the God of Time even said: "There is a good show to watch next."

Reimu replied, "I'm quite familiar with it, what's the matter?"

Charles briefly explained what happened just and then Reimu asked him: "Why, you were frightened by his body?"

"No." Charles replied, "He looks so good-looking, I can't help rubbing him. It's just that he always wants me to hurt him today. Does he have a tendency to be abused?"

Then the gods suppressed the **** of war who clamored for divine punishment for the blasphemers.

Reimu replied solemnly: "Everything is possible for the gods, why do you care about this, you have set your sights on him?"

Charles replied: "You are much prettier than him, I just want to know, do you all look the same, can you tell me how you all look like?"

With the sound of "ding", the system prompted Charles to transfer a large amount of faith.

Reimu said seriously: "No problem, I'll tell you... Hey... I'll do things after I receive the benefits... Ah..."

Then Charles found that Reimu was disconnected.